
When the butcher went to the toilet in the middle of the night, a skull rolled over: in three days, there will be a great disaster

author:Chuangyi is important

Everyone, listen to me, what we're going to talk about today is a strange thing that makes people scratch their heads. This happened in a ravine in the south of our village, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the people are very simple. But in such a good place, something strange happened that made people scratch their heads.

There is a butcher in our village, named Zhang Da Niu, this buddy, tall and big, with a horizontal face, looks quite bluffing, but in fact, his heart is very good. Every day before dawn, he would get up and go to work, killing pigs and sheep, and selling meat to the villagers in and out of the village. Zhang Daniu has a small problem, that is, he can drink two sips, and if he doesn't drink a few cups, he can't sleep well at night.

One night, it was as dark as the bottom of the pot, Zhang Daniu was drunk and was about to go to bed, when his stomach suddenly "gurgled", as if someone was playing a drum inside. He muttered as he got up and walked towards the hut in the dark. The thatched house was in his backyard, not a few steps from his bedroom.

When the butcher went to the toilet in the middle of the night, a skull rolled over: in three days, there will be a great disaster

As soon as Zhang Daniu pushed the door open, a cold wind blew over, and he shivered and sobered up a lot. As soon as he squatted down, he heard a "bone rush", as if something was rolling over. His heart tightened, and he quickly looked back, only to see a white thing parked not far from him. "Oops, oh mom", isn't this a skull? Zhang Daniu was so frightened that he almost sat on the ground, he steadied himself, and after a closer look, this skull was really not small, and his eyes were empty, as if he was staring at him.

He swallowed, plucked up the courage to walk over, and reached out to touch the skull, which was cold, as if it had just been taken out of the ice cellar. Just as he was scratching his head, the skull suddenly spoke, and his voice was so sharp that it gave people goosebumps: "Zhang Daniu, within three days, there will be a big disaster." With that, the skull rolled back into the darkness and disappeared. Zhang Daniu was so frightened that he ran back to the house with a crawl and didn't close his eyes all night.

Early the next morning, he went to the old people in the village to find out what the skull meant. When the old people heard his description, they all shook their heads and said, "I'm afraid that this is a ghost that will not be gone, and it has come to the door." When Zhang Daniu heard this, his heart was even more bottomless. He thought about it and decided to go to the Taoist priest in the village to ask for a peace charm.

When the butcher went to the toilet in the middle of the night, a skull rolled over: in three days, there will be a great disaster

The Taoist priest listened to his intentions, frowned and asked, "This matter is not simple, you have to tell me first, have you done anything bad recently?" Zhang Daniu's heart tightened, and after thinking about it, except for being greedy for a cup, he really didn't do anything wrong. He told the Taoist priest about it. When the Taoist priest heard this, he sighed and said, "I'm afraid this skull is here to find a stand-in, you have to be careful recently." After speaking, he gave Zhang Daniu a peace charm and asked him to carry it with him.

Zhang Daniu took the peace charm, and felt a little more steady, but he still felt that this matter was quite suspenseful. Zhang Daniu was really frightened in those two days, and he always wondered if the skull would really come to trouble him. At night, he didn't even dare to go out of the door, for fear that if he was not careful, he would run into something unlucky. stayed up for two days in fear, and on the third day, Zhang Daniu was even more nervous. That night he tossed and turned in bed, and the more he thought about it, the more scared he became. Suddenly, there was a quick knock on the door outside, and he quickly got dressed and went to open the door. As soon as the door opened, a stranger stood outside the door, his face was pale, and he said breathlessly, "Zhang Daniu, ...... Come with me, there's something big going on in your house! When Zhang Daniu heard this, he chuckled in his heart, and hurriedly followed the man home. Along the way, he was up and down in his heart, not knowing what was going on at home. When he ran home, the yard was full of fire, smoke was billowing and the house was in ruins. Oh my god, this skull's words really worked! Zhang Daniu sat on the ground with his butt in his heart, and his heart was mixed. He thought of the Taoist priest's words, and he couldn't help but feel a chill rise in his heart. Could it be that this is really a ghost that has come to the door?

At this moment, the stranger walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Zhang Daniu, don't be afraid, there is still a turning point in this matter." After speaking, he took Zhang Daniu and walked up the mountain. Although Zhang Daniu was scared, he didn't know what to do, so he could only follow the stranger. They walked a long way until they finally came to a Taoist temple. The stranger stopped, turned to Zhang Daniu and said, "You go in and find the Dao Chief, he can help you solve this matter." Zhang Daniu nodded and walked into the Taoist temple. He found the Taoist chief and told him the ins and outs of the matter. After hearing this, the Taoist chief pondered for a moment, and then said, "This matter is indeed tricky, but it is not impossible. Stay here first, and I'll find a way to help you with that. In this way, Zhang Daniu lived in the Taoist temple.

When the butcher went to the toilet in the middle of the night, a skull rolled over: in three days, there will be a great disaster

For the next few days, he was worried every day, for fear that the skull would come to his door again. Seeing that he was uneasy, the Taoist chief comforted him and said, "Don't be afraid, Da Niu, I am here in this matter." You relax first, and wait for me to figure it out. "The Taoist chief is closed in the Taoist temple, chanting words all day long, as if he is deducing something. Although Zhang Daniu didn't understand this, he also knew that the Taoist chief was worried about him, and his heart was a little calmer. After two days, the Taoist chief suddenly found Zhang Da Niu and said, "Da Niu, I have calculated some eyebrows. The skull is not untargeted, it is here to seek revenge. Did you kill a pregnant sow a few years ago? When Zhang Daniu heard this, he was stunned. He pondered for a moment, then nodded lightly and spoke, "Dao Chief, you are really a master. One of the things I did do when I was young was to slaughter a pregnant sow. At that time, his family was poor, and he really had no choice but to do that......" The Taoist sighed lightly, with a hint of compassion in his tone: "That's why. After the sow died, her resentment did not dissipate, and she turned into a skull and came to you for her life. But it doesn't really want to take your life, it wants you to experience the pain of losing a loved one. When Zhang Daniu heard this, he was terrified, as if his soul was about to leave his body. He knelt down in front of the Taoist Chief, and eagerly kowtowed and begged for mercy: "Taoist Chief, please save me, I swear never to do it again in the future." The Taoist chief helped him up and said softly: "Big cow, get up." I have my own way to solve this matter. But you have to promise me a few things first. Zhang Daniu hurriedly responded: "Dao Chief, if you say it, I will do my best." The Taoist chief said slowly: "First of all, you must not kill any more in the future; Secondly, you are to build a temple in the village to worship the spirit of the sow; Again, you have to recite the scriptures for it every day until its resentment is purified. After hearing this, Zhang Daniu felt a little tricky, but considering his own safety, he agreed to it.

With the help of the Taoist chief, Zhang Daniu built a small temple in the village to enshrine the spirit of the sow. He would go to the temple every morning and evening, reciting the scriptures devoutly, and although he was a little afraid in his heart, he persevered when he thought that this was atoning for his sins. After a long time, the skull never appeared again, and Zhang Daniu's life gradually returned to normal. He quit the habit of greedy cups, and began to busy every morning, slaughtering livestock, and then going to the temple to recite sutras. Although life has become harder, he feels more peaceful inside than ever.

In this way, more than a year passed quietly. One night, after Zhang Daniu finished reciting scriptures in the temple, he suddenly heard a quick knock on the door. He opened the door and saw a stranger standing outside the door, carrying a basket in his hand. The man said, "Zhang Daniu, I'm here to express my gratitude to you. With that, he handed the basket to Zhang Daniu. Zhang Daniu took the basket and found a fat little piglet lying inside, he was stunned for a moment, not understanding what was going on. The stranger explained, "This little piglet is the reincarnation of the sow. It knows that you have built a temple for it, and you chant for it every day, and its heart is full of gratitude. Therefore, it has entrusted me to give you this little piglet as a reward for your kindness. When Zhang Daniu heard this, he was moved to tears. He hugged the little piglet tightly and said emotionally, "Thank you, little piglet." I'll take good care of you. From then on, Zhang Daniu treated this little piglet as his own and took care of it carefully. He feeds it, bathes it, and combs it every day. The little piglet is also very sensible, always follows Zhang Daniu's side, and has become his most loyal companion. The skull hasn't been seen since. The residents of the village have rumored that Zhang Daniu's kind heart touched the heavens and the earth, so that the soul of the sow can rest in peace. The story quickly spread throughout the village, and the villagers began to follow Zhang Daniu's example and no longer hunt and kill creatures at will. They also built more temples and temples in the village, which enshrined numerous gods and ancestral spirits. Since then, the lives of the villagers have become peaceful and happy. Zhang Daniu was also respected and loved by everyone for his good deeds. He happily took care of the little pig every day and lived a simple and contented life. He no longer worries about the recurrence of the skull, because he is convinced that if he has good intentions and does good deeds, he will be favored and protected by Providence. That's the story we're going to tell today. Ladies and gentlemen, after listening to this story, we must remember that we must be kind-hearted, and good deeds will have good results, and evil deeds will have evil retribution. We are to live with integrity and happiness. Zhang Daniu's life is getting happier and happier, the company of the little pig makes his smile brighter, and the whole village is also stained with his happiness. However, the good times did not last long, and a strange disease suddenly broke out in the village, causing panic among the villagers. Some people whispered that it was the soul of the sow who came back for revenge, because although Zhang Da Niu built a temple, there were still people who did not believe in evil and continued to hunt and eat animals. Hearing this, Zhang Daniu was both anxious and angry. He thought to himself that if this situation continued, the whole village would suffer disaster. So, he decided to go to the Taoist chief himself and ask if there was a way to solve the problem once and for all. The Taoist chief listened to Zhang Da Niu's narration, pondered for a while, and then said, "Da Niu, this is indeed a tricky question. But it's not like there's no solution. The sow's soul is full of resentment, but at the end of the day, it is still a life. What it seeks is not revenge, but respect and kindness from people. Zhang Daniu asked eagerly: "Then what should we do?" The Taoist chief smiled slightly and replied, "Go back and tell the villagers that from today onwards, the killing and eating of animals will be prohibited in the village, and the vegetarian diet will be changed." At the same time, every morning and evening, the whole village would go to the temple and chant for the sow's soul until its resentment dissipated. After hearing this, Zhang Daniu thought it was a good idea. He immediately ran back to the village and conveyed the words of the Taoist chief to everyone. At first, some villagers were still skeptical, believing it to be nonsense. But seeing Zhang Daniu's determined eyes, they also began to try to do the same. Surprisingly, since the villagers started chanting the sutra excessively, the strange disease slowly disappeared. The villagers were very surprised by this, and praised Zhang Daniu's wisdom and the miraculous ability of the Taoist. As for the sow's soul, it is said that its resentment gradually dissipated as the villagers chanted the sutras. Heck, that's a legend, we'll have to talk about it. The white light flashed, swished, and disappeared into the blue sky and white clouds. After that, the people in our village have opened their eyes, and they have great respect for life. In the past, the matter of killing chickens and sheep is no longer mentioned, and I have begun to care about other little creatures.

When the butcher went to the toilet in the middle of the night, a skull rolled over: in three days, there will be a great disaster

The temples and Taoist temples in our village were built one after another, enshrined the souls of various gods and ancestors. Everyone has also begun to pay attention to environmental protection and protect the ecology, so that our small mountain village has become as beautiful as a painting, and it is comfortable to live in.

Speaking of Zhang Daniu, he is a celebrity in our village, a hero and a role model. He not only saved his own life and the lives of others, but also taught them to respect life and treat living beings kindly. His little piglet also grew fatter and fatter, and became a baby bump in the village. When Zhang Da Niu and the little piglets are mentioned, the smile on everyone's faces, that respect, not to mention how sincere.

Time passes day by day, and Zhang Daniu is also old, but his story, like the black soil in our northeast, is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in the village. The newcomers, the old people, will tell them this story, telling them to respect life and be kind to living beings.

When the butcher went to the toilet in the middle of the night, a skull rolled over: in three days, there will be a great disaster

Speaking of the little piglet, it is also old, but before it leaves, there is still a litter of young cubs. These little guys, inheriting its advantages, have become the new favorites of the village. When they see them, people will think of the story of Zhang Da Niu and the little piglet, and feel the wonder and beauty of life.

That's the story we're going to tell today, and that's the end of it. Everyone, after listening to this story, we have to remember: respect for life and be kind to living beings is something that each of us has to do. Only by doing so can we live that happy and fulfilling life. We also have to thank those who are as wise and courageous as Zhang Daniu, who let us understand the true meaning and value of life. We have to keep it in mind and live a good life!