
The young man plucked out the ears of Guan Gong's statue and was beaten by the ruffian, outside the staff: This son is not simple!

author:Chuangyi is important

In our northeast, there is a place called Cuiyun Town, which is a good place with beautiful mountains and rivers and outstanding people. That's right, this folk style is a bit strong, but we all know in our hearts, who is good and who is bad, and we can tell the difference. There is a temple of Emperor Guan in the east of the town, which is dedicated to the statue of Guan Gong, that Guan Gong, the green dragon glaive knife in hand, the face is like a heavy jujube, the eyebrows are like lying silkworms, Danfeng eyes, lying silkworm eyebrows, that momentum, there is really nothing to say. Every New Year's Day, the people of the town come here to pray for peace and prosperity.

One day, the sun was about to set, and the afterglow was sprinkled on the golden roof of the Guandi Temple, not to mention how solemn. At this time, a thin young man named Xiaohu walked into the temple gate. Xiaohu, a child, has poor family conditions, but he has a good heart and always helps his neighbors. Today, I just want to wipe the ashes of Guan Gong statue and add some incense. Xiaohu entered the temple and saw that the statue of Guan Gong had accumulated dust, so he picked up a rag and carefully wiped it. Rubbed it on Guan Gong's ear and found that there was earwax, so he found a slender bamboo skewer and wanted to pluck Guan Gong's ear. While digging, he also said: "Master Guan, don't mind, I'll clean it up for you and make you more energetic." ”

Just then, a gang of ruffians broke in. These people usually do some inconsequential things, and when they saw Xiaohu like this in front of Guan Gong's statue, they thought he was blasphemous, and they pushed Xiaohu when they stepped forward. A ruffian leader with a meaty face shouted: "Little rabbit cub, you dare to be so rude in front of the statue of Guan Gong!" Xiaohu was frightened, the bamboo stick fell off, and quickly explained: "I... I just want to clean up the dust of Guan Gong's statue, and I don't have any other thoughts. "Cleaning up the dust? I think you're looking for a fight! The ruffian leader's eyes widened, and he kicked the little tiger down. Xiaohu clutched his stomach and sweated in pain, but he didn't beg for mercy, just gritted his teeth and glared at the ruffians.

The young man plucked out the ears of Guan Gong's statue and was beaten by the ruffian, outside the staff: This son is not simple!

Li Shanren waved his hand, and the posture was like chasing chickens, telling them to get out of here. Then, he took a big stride, walked to the statue of Guan Gong, lit three sticks of incense, turned around, and said to Xiaohu: "Young man, you have a good heart, courage and knowledge, and you will definitely be able to do great things in the future." Today's Guan Gong statue has been polished for you, this is the fate of the two of us. If you have any difficulties in the future, just come to me. When Xiaohu heard this, his heart swelled warmly, as if he had drunk hot soup. He knelt in front of the statue of Guan Gong, kowtowed three times, and then bowed to Li Shanren before leaving the Guan Emperor Temple. Since then, Xiaohu's name has been well-known in the town, and everyone says that he is a good guy with courage, knowledge and a good heart. Guandi Temple also became more prosperous because of Xiaohu's move. This is the story we want to tell today - Xiaohu plucked out the ears of Guan Gong's statue. If you want to know what happened next, let's break it down next time. Come on, let's pick up where we left off.

Since Xiaohu has been appreciated by Li Shanren, the people in the town have looked at him differently. But this young man, with a high spirit, did not flutter because of this fame. He is still the same as before, helping his neighbors carry water and chopping wood, and when he is free, he sweeps the yard of Guandi Temple and wipes the statues. One day, a group of businessmen from other places came to the town, and when they heard that there was a young man in Cuiyun Town who dared to pluck out the ears of Guan Gong's statue, and won the appreciation of Li Shanren, they all came to Xiaohu and wanted him to calculate his fortune and see if the business could be prosperous. Xiaohu is a fortune teller, but he is clever, and he can always give some reliable advice by observing the words and deeds of the merchants, combined with the actual situation in the town. In this way, Xiaohu's reputation spread farther and farther, and even businessmen from other places came to him. Li Shanren saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart, feeling that this young man would definitely be able to do great things in the future. So, he accepted Xiaohu as his righteous son, personally taught him to read and write, and taught him how to do business. Xiaohu is also an ambitious child, learn from Li Shanren, and learn what he will learn. It didn't take long for him to be able to help Li Shanren take care of his business. He was sincere and fair, and soon won the trust of the merchants.

Just when Xiaohu's reputation was in full swing, the ruffians in the town couldn't sit still. They felt that Xiaohu had stolen their limelight, and they didn't feel good in their hearts, so they discussed finding an opportunity to teach him a lesson. One night, when the moon was dark and the wind was high, the ruffians took advantage of the night to sneak into Li Shanren's house. They thought about tying up Xiaohu first, and then threatening Li Shanren to hand over the family property. But they didn't expect that Xiaohu had already seen through their careful thinking and prepared in advance. By the time the local ruffians rushed into the room, Little Tiger had already set up his position. With a long stick in his hand, he stood in the doorway, looking coldly at the ruffians. The ruffians were stunned for a moment, but they still rushed up despite the large number of people. Xiaohu was not ambiguous, he brandished a long stick, blocked left and right, and beat the ruffians to the ground.

The young man plucked out the ears of Guan Gong's statue and was beaten by the ruffian, outside the staff: This son is not simple!

Time flies, and a few years have passed in a blink of an eye, and Xiaohu has grown from a young boy to a personable young man. He not only inherited Li Shanren's family business, but also married a good wife, had lovely children, and had a happy and enviable family life. The boy who once plucked his ears with the statue of Guan Gong has now become a legend in Cuiyun Town. Whenever people mention him, they are always full of praise and thumbs up: "That kid, that's amazing!" ”

As for those ruffians, since being taught by Xiaohu, they have become peaceful. They realize that they are no match for Xiaohu, so they no longer cause trouble. Some ruffians even changed their minds, started small businesses, and lived a peaceful life.

The young man plucked out the ears of Guan Gong's statue and was beaten by the ruffian, outside the staff: This son is not simple!

I remember one time, the river in the town suddenly overflowed, the crops were flooded, and the people of the town were so anxious that a year's hard work was about to be wasted. Seeing this, Xiaohu couldn't bear it, so he immediately gathered the young people in the town, carried tools, and rushed to the river. Standing on the embankment, Xiaohu shouted: "We must strengthen the embankment, otherwise the water will rise!" Let's work hard, for our homeland, fight! His words inspired the young people to fight. They worked together to dig up sand and carry soil and strengthen the river embankment. For several days and nights, Xiaohu stuck to the river embankment and never closed his eyes. Although his eyes were bloodshot, the tools in his hands never stopped. Eventually, with the joint efforts of everyone, the embankment was strengthened and the river gradually receded. Seeing all this, the people in the town were moved to tears, and they stepped forward to hold Xiaohu's hand and thanked him repeatedly. Xiaohu waved his hand lightly and said modestly: "These are everyone's joint efforts, and I haven't done anything special." However, everyone knew in their hearts that without Xiaohu's guidance and persistence, the reinforcement of the river embankment would not have been possible. Xiaohu, he is really a responsible young man. Time flies, and a few years have passed in a blink of an eye. Xiaohu's children grew up, and his business became more and more prosperous. But he never forgot his roots, and often returned to the town to communicate cordially with the villagers and share business experience.

Once, Xiaohu returned to the town with the children. They strolled through the familiar streets, looking at the shops and pedestrians on both sides, and Xiaohu's heart was full of emotion. He affectionately said to the children: "This is our home. No matter how far you go in the future, don't forget about it. The children nodded earnestly, remembering their father's words. They followed Xiaohu to the Guandi Temple, and Xiaohu asked the children to offer incense to the statue of Guan Gong, and then took them around the temple. Xiaohu pointed to every brick and tile in the temple and said to the children affectionately: "Here is our root." No matter what difficulties you face in the future, just come back here and you will feel at home. The children listened intently, and they felt the affection in their father's words.

Just as Xiaohu and the children left the Guandi Temple, a sudden gust of wind blew, rolling up the dust and fallen leaves on the ground, and the whole town was shrouded in a haze. However, strangely, the wind does not seem to touch the Guandi Temple, as if there is a mysterious force guarding it. Seeing all this, Xiaohu felt an indescribable emotion in his heart. He knew that this was Guan Gong bless their home, their town. He clasped the children's hands and whispered, "Let's go." So, Xiaohu left the Guandi Temple with the children and returned to their home. But they all know in their hearts that no matter where they are, their roots will always be here - this home they love so much, this Cuiyun Town full of legends and stories.

The young man plucked out the ears of Guan Gong's statue and was beaten by the ruffian, outside the staff: This son is not simple!

The story of Xiaohu is widely spread in the town. People say that he is a man of affection and righteousness, who not only has a successful career, but also drives the prosperity and development of the whole town. His children have also inherited his fine traditions and become productive people. And the little tiger who once cleaned the ears of Guan Gong's statue has also become an eternal legend in Cuiyun Town. Whenever people mention him, they will say with emotion: "This kid is amazing!" "

That's all for today's story. I hope you enjoyed the story and could get some inspiration and insights from it. If you think this story is good, please like it and share it, so that more people can know about the good story of our Northeast. We'll see you next time!