
After reading the skyrocketing knowledge, whether the husband and wife can accompany each other until they grow old, you will know the three numbers, and hurry up to collect them

author:Mountains and rivers have met - there will be a period later
After reading the skyrocketing knowledge, whether the husband and wife can accompany each other until they grow old, you will know the three numbers, and hurry up to collect them
After reading the skyrocketing knowledge, whether the husband and wife can accompany each other until they grow old, you will know the three numbers, and hurry up to collect them
After reading the skyrocketing knowledge, whether the husband and wife can accompany each other until they grow old, you will know the three numbers, and hurry up to collect them
After reading the skyrocketing knowledge, whether the husband and wife can accompany each other until they grow old, you will know the three numbers, and hurry up to collect them
After reading the skyrocketing knowledge, whether the husband and wife can accompany each other until they grow old, you will know the three numbers, and hurry up to collect them
After reading the skyrocketing knowledge, whether the husband and wife can accompany each other until they grow old, you will know the three numbers, and hurry up to collect them
After reading the skyrocketing knowledge, whether the husband and wife can accompany each other until they grow old, you will know the three numbers, and hurry up to collect them
After reading the skyrocketing knowledge, whether the husband and wife can accompany each other until they grow old, you will know the three numbers, and hurry up to collect them
After reading the skyrocketing knowledge, whether the husband and wife can accompany each other until they grow old, you will know the three numbers, and hurry up to collect them
After reading the skyrocketing knowledge, whether the husband and wife can accompany each other until they grow old, you will know the three numbers, and hurry up to collect them
After reading the skyrocketing knowledge, whether the husband and wife can accompany each other until they grow old, you will know the three numbers, and hurry up to collect them
After reading the skyrocketing knowledge, whether the husband and wife can accompany each other until they grow old, you will know the three numbers, and hurry up to collect them
After reading the skyrocketing knowledge, whether the husband and wife can accompany each other until they grow old, you will know the three numbers, and hurry up to collect them
After reading the skyrocketing knowledge, whether the husband and wife can accompany each other until they grow old, you will know the three numbers, and hurry up to collect them

In ancient times, there was a small town called Qingyun, and the inhabitants of the town lived a calm and peaceful life. In this small town, there is a young couple, the husband is named Li Ming, and the wife is named Wan'er. The two have known each other since childhood, childhood sweethearts, and when they grow up, they are even more affectionate, they become husband and wife, and they live an ordinary and happy life.

However, as time passed, the trivialities and stresses of life began to gradually erode their feelings. Li Ming had to work outside frequently in order to make a living for the family, while Wan'er took care of her elderly in-laws and young children. Although the two still love each other, they communicate less and less, and they can't help but feel a little estranged in their hearts.

One day, Li Ming met a wise man who traveled all over the world in the market. The wise man looked like a fairy-like man, holding a cane and carrying a cloth bag filled with various books and scrolls. Li Ming stepped forward curiously and asked, and the wise man smiled and said, "Young man, do you know whether husband and wife can accompany each other until they grow old, in fact, you only need three numbers to know." ”

When Li Ming heard this, his heart moved, and he hurriedly asked what the number was. The wise man said slowly: "One is trust, the second is understanding, and the third is tolerance." He explained that trust is the most solid cornerstone between husband and wife, and only by trusting each other can we face the ups and downs of life together; Understanding is the bridge of communication, and only by understanding the other party's thoughts and feelings can we reduce misunderstandings and contradictions; Tolerance is a manifestation of love, and only by tolerating each other's shortcomings and deficiencies can the feelings be deeper.

After Li Ming heard this, he suddenly realized. He couldn't help but feel guilty when he thought of everything between himself and Wan'er. He decided to go home and communicate with Wan'er to rebuild their trust, understanding and tolerance.

That night, Li Ming returned home and told Wan'er about his experience in the market. After Wan'er heard this, she also fell into deep thought. She realized that the estrangement between her and Li Ming over the years was precisely due to a lack of trust, understanding and tolerance. She decided to work with Li Ming to bring their relationship back together.

So, the couple began a long period of communication and change. They poured out their hearts to each other and shared their joys, sorrows, and sorrows. They learn to think from each other's point of view and understand each other's thoughts and feelings; They tolerate each other's shortcomings and shortcomings, and warm each other's hearts with love.

Gradually, their relationship became deeper and deeper. They have been through many ups and downs together and have shared countless happy moments together. Their trust, understanding, and tolerance make their feelings more indestructible.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Li Ming and Wan'er have been together for decades. Their children have grown up and started their own families. And Li Ming and Wan'er are still in love as before, supporting each other and spending their old age together.

In Qingyun Town, people can often see Li Ming and Wan'er walking arm in arm in the sunset. Their smiles are warm and happy, as if to tell the world that as long as there is trust, understanding and tolerance, husband and wife can spend their lives together until they grow old.

This story spread throughout Qingyun Town and became a good story that people talked about. People have lamented that it turns out that whether husband and wife can accompany each other to old age really only need three numbers - trust, understanding and tolerance. These three numbers, simple and profound, contain endless wisdom and power. They make people understand that as long as they manage and maintain their relationship with their hearts, they can make love last and be beautiful.

Time flies, and the years are like songs. In Qingyun Town, the story of Li Ming and Wan'er is still circulating. Whenever people mention this loving couple, they are filled with emotion. Their stories have become an eternal warm light in people's hearts, illuminating the way forward for them.

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