
I can't laugh anymore! Fat Donglai rolled dough and the whistleblower was exposed, but he was his own delivery driver, and the comment area was fried

author:Crazy little rocket

In the Fat Donglai Rolling Shop in Xinxiang, Henan, an unexpected plot was staged. A delivery driver suddenly turned into a whistleblower, exposing hygiene issues in his workplace. This whistleblower is not an outsider, but a member of the company.

I can't laugh anymore! Fat Donglai rolled dough and the whistleblower was exposed, but he was his own delivery driver, and the comment area was fried

On the afternoon of June 28, the incident suddenly took a new turn. Fat Donglai's company officials suddenly announced that the maker of the report video was one of their delivery drivers. The driver, who was responsible for delivering the dough to various points of sale every day, witnessed the real situation in the workplace several times, and finally decided to come forward and reveal the truth.

I can't laugh anymore! Fat Donglai rolled dough and the whistleblower was exposed, but he was his own delivery driver, and the comment area was fried

In order to commend the courage of the whistleblower, Fat Donglai Company promised to give a reward of 100,000 yuan. When they found out that the whistleblower was actually one of their own, they did not break their promise, but quickly fulfilled their promise. According to the company, the driver actually received 80,000 yuan in cash after tax.

I can't laugh anymore! Fat Donglai rolled dough and the whistleblower was exposed, but he was his own delivery driver, and the comment area was fried

Things didn't end with the bonus being handed out. While the driver received the reward he deserved, his career was affected by it. After dealing with the matter, Fat Donglai decided to dismiss the driver on the grounds that he was "not suitable to continue on the job". This decision immediately sparked more discussion and controversy.

I can't laugh anymore! Fat Donglai rolled dough and the whistleblower was exposed, but he was his own delivery driver, and the comment area was fried

After losing his job, the driver's mentality was unusually determined. He said in an interview that despite losing his job, he has no regrets about his choice. He stressed that if he could turn back the clock, he would make the same choice. This unrepentant attitude reflects his high dedication to justice and honesty.

I can't laugh anymore! Fat Donglai rolled dough and the whistleblower was exposed, but he was his own delivery driver, and the comment area was fried

The company's response didn't stop at dealing with the driver. In order to completely solve the problem, Fat Donglai also carried out a big cleaning of the interior. Several employees, including a supervisor and quality controller, were fired for misconduct or negligence in their duties in the incident.

I can't laugh anymore! Fat Donglai rolled dough and the whistleblower was exposed, but he was his own delivery driver, and the comment area was fried

The incident sparked a heated discussion on the Internet. Many netizens praised the driver's courage and believed that society needs more people like him who are willing to stand up. Some netizens also expressed sympathy for him losing his job because of this and questioned the company's handling of it.

I can't laugh anymore! Fat Donglai rolled dough and the whistleblower was exposed, but he was his own delivery driver, and the comment area was fried

This turmoil is not only a debate about food safety, but also touches the public to think deeply about corporate ethics, employee rights and personal responsibility.