
The health care product company founded by Hong Kong star Guo Jinan is about to go public

author:Bobo said entertainment

The health care product company founded by Hong Kong star Guo Jinan is about to go public: the dual integration of starlight and health

Recently, the high-profile news came that the health care product company founded by the famous Hong Kong artist Guo Jinan is about to be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. This news has not only attracted widespread attention in the industry, but also made fans excited. Guo Jinan has established a good image in the film and television industry with his superb acting skills and unique personal charm, and his cross-border involvement in the health care products industry shows his deep concern for health and wellness.

The health care product company founded by Hong Kong star Guo Jinan is about to go public

As a health care product company founded by Guo Jinan, Cao Ji Group Holdings Co., Ltd. (Cao Ji Group) has been committed to providing consumers with high-quality health care products and beauty care products since its establishment. With its unique product concept and advanced R&D technology, the company has quickly emerged in the market. Caoji Group's product line covers many fields such as immune system health supplements, men's and women's health supplements, anti-aging products, etc., aiming to meet the health needs of different consumers.

The health care product company founded by Hong Kong star Guo Jinan is about to go public

On the occasion of the imminent listing of Caoji Group, the company's performance also showed a strong growth momentum. According to public information, Caoji Group's revenue and net profit have maintained stable growth in recent years, and its market share has increased year by year. This achievement is inseparable from the company's keen insight and accurate grasp of market trends, and it is inseparable from Guo Jinan's careful guidance and strong support as the founder.

The health care product company founded by Hong Kong star Guo Jinan is about to go public

As one of the founders of Caoji Group, Guo Jin'an's joining not only brought a star-studded effect to the company, but also injected strong brand influence and market appeal into the company. With his popularity and influence in the entertainment industry, he actively promoted the brand of Caoji Group, helping the company win the recognition and trust of more consumers.

The health care product company founded by Hong Kong star Guo Jinan is about to go public

In short, the listing of Caoji Group Holdings Co., Ltd. not only marks the company's entry into a new stage of development, but also affirms Guo Jinan's in-depth cultivation in the health care products industry. We expect Caoji Group to continue to uphold the concept of "health, innovation and quality" in the future development, and bring more high-quality health care products and beauty products to consumers.

The health care product company founded by Hong Kong star Guo Jinan is about to go public

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