
Even save the beautiful fox fairy and achieve a good fate. The beauty said, let me help you make your wish come true

author:Lin Fatzi tells the story

What, in Gada, our northeast, there is a young man named Li Tiezhu, who is a really good person, with a good body and a soft heart like tofu. Just in the south, there is a mountain, called "Xianxialing", misty, looking at the fairy spirit. There is a small village at the foot of this mountain, and the people in the village work at sunrise and rest at sunset, and they live quite comfortably.

One day, when the iron pillar was going up the mountain to chop wood, he suddenly heard a cry for help in his ears. He followed the sound and looked, good fellow, a beautiful girl in white was being chased by a wild wolf. Although the girl stumbled, her figure was as light as floating, and she didn't look like a mortal.

As soon as Tie Zhu saw this situation, the fire in his heart came up, roared, picked up the firewood knife and rushed forward. After some fighting, he finally scared the wolf away and saved the girl's life. The girl's name is Bai Suzhen, looking at the iron pillar, with tears in her eyes, and she thanked her vigorously. She told Tie Zhu that she was actually a fox fairy in the mountains, and she suffered a catastrophe during her cultivation, and her mana was greatly reduced, so she ended up in such a field.

Even save the beautiful fox fairy and achieve a good fate. The beauty said, let me help you make your wish come true

Bai Suzhen also said that in order to repay Tie Zhu's life-saving grace, she was willing to help him fulfill a wish. Tie Zhu listened, stunned, and thought that he didn't have much desire, his parents at home were in good health, and he worked every day, although he was not rich, but he could get by. He thought about it for a while, and then said, "I don't have any special wishes, I just hope that my family is safe and that I can continue to live in peace like this." Bai Suzhen listened, smiled slightly, and said, "The benefactor is really a kind-hearted person. Then I'll give you a baby to keep your family safe, and I can help you practice. After speaking, she took out a crystal clear jade pendant from her sleeve and handed it to the iron pillar.

Tie Zhu took the jade pendant, and the jade pendant was engraved with a lively fox, which looked like it was about to jump out. He was about to ask a few more questions, but when he looked up, Bai Suzhen had already turned into a white light, and with a whoosh, disappeared into the forest.

Tie Zhu came home and told his parents about it, although the second elder didn't know how to practice, but when he saw his son come back safely and bring back such a baby, he couldn't keep his mouth shut. They carefully put away the jade pendant and told the iron pillar to take good care of it.

Even save the beautiful fox fairy and achieve a good fate. The beauty said, let me help you make your wish come true

Since then, the life of the iron pillar has changed dramatically. When he comes back from work every day, he always feels full of energy, as if he has endless energy. Moreover, he always had a thought in his heart to explore the mystery of that practice. One day, Tie Zhu met a Taoist priest in the mountains, and the Taoist priest saw that he had an extraordinary temperament, so he took the initiative to come over and talk. The two chatted, and the Taoist priest was full of praise for Tiezhu's qualifications, saying that he had a fairy fate. The Taoist priest also told him that the jade pendant was actually a magic weapon, which was refined by Bai Suzhen with thousands of years of cultivation, and it was very powerful. Tie Zhu, this kid, if he can cultivate with a solid heart, he will definitely be able to do a great career in the future. No, as soon as he heard this, Tie Zhu was as happy as if he was something, and quickly asked the Taoist priest for advice on the way of cultivation. Seeing that he was so sincere, the Taoist priest accepted him as an apprentice and began to teach him the tricks of cultivation.

Under the guidance of his master, Tie Zhu studied hard every day, and his progress was as fast as anything. His body is getting stronger and stronger, his heart is getting brighter and brighter, and his understanding of the world is getting deeper and deeper. But just when the iron pillar was cultivating smoothly, something suddenly went wrong, it turned out that although Bai Suzhen gave the iron pillar jade pendant, it was regarded as a repayment, but she and the wolf's beam was not finished. The wild wolf guy, a tyrant in the mountains, has been looking for an opportunity to take revenge after being injured by Bai Suzhen. Now that I see that Tiezhu has won the jade pendant, his cultivation has increased greatly, and it is called jealousy and anger in my heart.

One night, the wild wolf took advantage of the moonlight to sneak into Tiezhu's house, wanting to disadvantage Tiezhu. But just as it was about to succeed, the jade pendant suddenly emitted a dazzling light, shocking the wolf and flying out. Tie Zhu saw this situation and hurriedly chased him out. After some fighting, Tie Zhu finally subdued the wild wolf with the power of the jade pendant. But just as he was about to take the life of the wild wolf, Bai Suzhen suddenly appeared. She told Tie Zhu that this wild wolf was a hurdle on her cultivation path, and although she was now subdued, if she killed it, her cultivation would also be affected. She begged Tiezhu to spare the wolf, promising to settle the grievance herself. Although Tie Zhu was a little unwilling in his heart, seeing that Bai Suzhen said so sincerely, and thinking of the kindness of the jade pendant she gave, he nodded and agreed.

Even save the beautiful fox fairy and achieve a good fate. The beauty said, let me help you make your wish come true

Bai Suzhen was overjoyed, gave a big gift to the iron pillar, and then disappeared into the night with the wild wolf. Since then, the path of the iron pillar's cultivation has been smoother. He was no longer an ordinary woodcutter farmer, but a true practitioner. Although Bai Suzhen is gone, her influence has always remained in Tiezhu's heart. Whenever it was quiet in the dead of night, Tie Zhu would sit in the courtyard, looking at the jade pendant in a daze, his heart was full of gratitude and respect for Bai Suzhen, and his determination to practice was firmer.

One day, when Tie Zhu was cultivating in the mountains, he suddenly felt a powerful aura approaching. He looked up and saw a white shadow descending from the sky, it was Bai Suzhen. Bai Suzhen saw the iron pillar, a happy smile appeared on her face, and told him that she had settled the grievance with the wild wolf and came to report the good news. When Tie Zhu heard this, he was so happy that he hurriedly thanked Bai Suzhen. Bai Suzhen waved her hand and said, "Benefactor, you are too polite, if you hadn't saved me at the beginning, how would I be where I am today?" She paused and said, "I have come this time, in addition to the good news, I want to ask you for help." As soon as Tie Zhu heard Bai Suzhen's sigh, his heart was a little up and down, and he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong, Bai Girl?" Bai Suzhen shook her head, with a little helplessness in her tone: "Although I have solved the matter of the wild wolf, my cultivation has also been affected a little, and I have to find a place with enough spiritual energy to retreat and cultivate." I know that the aura over there in Xianxia Ridge is very strong, but there are many demon beasts in the mountain, and I am afraid that it is a little dangerous for me to cultivate alone. I see that Tiezhu, your cultivation is good, and you are a real person, so I want you to help me protect the Fa. When Tie Zhu heard this, his heart was hot, and he agreed without even thinking about it. He knew that this was not only a test of his cultivation, but also a good opportunity to deepen his relationship with Bai Suzhen.

So, Tie Zhu followed Bai Suzhen to a small hidden valley in the depths of Xianxia Ridge. The aura in that place is so full that there seems to be a fairy aura floating. Bai Suzhen told Tie Zhu that she was going to retreat for three months, and there should be no interference during this period. The iron pillar built a hut outside the valley and guarded it day and night to prevent the demon beasts from causing trouble.

Even save the beautiful fox fairy and achieve a good fate. The beauty said, let me help you make your wish come true

Time flies, three months have passed in a blink of an eye, and Bai Suzhen is finally out of the customs. Her cultivation has not only been restored, but also taken to the next level. Looking at Tie Zhu's haggard face and tired figure, Bai Suzhen felt both grateful and guilty. She told Tie Zhu that this retreat not only greatly increased her cultivation, but also comprehended a magical spell - the Wishing Power Technique. This spell can grant wishes, but at a cost.

Tie Zhu's heart moved when he heard this, and he remembered the wish he had always wanted to fulfill - to let his family live a better life. He hesitated, but still told Bai Suzhen. Bai Suzhen pondered for a while, and then said, "I can help you fulfill your wishes, but you have to pay some price." Tiezhu asked, "At what cost?" Bai Suzhen said, "Your path of cultivation will be more difficult, and there will be more challenges and tests. And you've got to give up something. Tie Zhu thought for a moment and said, "I do." He understands that the path of cultivation is not easy to follow, and since he has chosen, he must have the courage to face difficulties. The happiness of the family is much more important than the price.

Bai Suzhen performed the Wish Power Technique and helped Tie Zhu realize his wish. Since then, Tiezhu's family has lived a rich and happy life, and Tiezhu's cultivation path has become broader and deeper. But just as the Iron Pillar was reaching new heights, he received a letter from afar. The letter said: "Brother Tiezhu, I heard that you have achieved the Great Dao, and I am really happy for you. Thinking that we would go up the mountain to chop wood together, who would have thought that you could become a master today? Although I didn't practice, I saved some money. I sent a hundred taels of silver today, which is a little bit of my heart. I hope you can take it, and I hope you can go home often. After reading the letter, Tie Zhu was stunned, but he didn't expect that the brothers who chopped wood together back then still remembered him and sent so much money. Tie Zhu's heart is called a mixed taste, thinking about that little thing back then, his heart is warm, and he is full of hope for the days to come. He knows very well that no matter where he goes or what kind of person he becomes, the warmth and concern of his hometown cannot be changed. said that it was too late, and then it was fast, Tie Zhu carried the jade pendant, held the letter in his hand, and returned to his hometown in a hurry. He used his own skills and ingenuity to help the people in the village live a more nourishing life, and he also used his actions to tell everyone that practicing this matter is not unattainable.

Even save the beautiful fox fairy and achieve a good fate. The beauty said, let me help you make your wish come true

The fate between him and Bai Suzhen has continued like this, and it has become a legend that has been passed down as a good story. Tie Zhu returned to his hometown with a full harvest and emotion, and was about to use his strength to bring some benefits to the villagers, when suddenly, an unexpected news spread in the village. It turned out that the brother who sent the silver, Zhao Ergou, not only wanted to pay respect, but also brought about a big event related to the fate of the whole village. Zhao Ergou, this kid, although he has not practiced, but he wanders outside, has a wide range of knowledge, and heard that there is a mysterious place called "Dragon Vein Source" in the northeast of the village, which hides countless treasures and opportunities. However, the place is also full of dangers, and someone has to lead the group to get the treasure safely and make the village prosperous from then on. Zhao Ergou felt that Tiezhu was now successful in his cultivation, and he would definitely be able to lead everyone through the difficulties, get the treasure, and make the village prosperous. So, he specially wrote a letter and attached silver to show the sincerity of the invitation.

When Tie Zhu heard the news, his heart was also excited. He knows that this is not only an opportunity to hunt for treasures, but also a responsibility and responsibility to the villagers. So, he gathered the young people in the village and prepared to go on an expedition to the "Source of the Dragon Vein" together. Before leaving, Tie Zhu found Bai Suzhen and told her the purpose and plan of the trip. Bai Suzhen listened, pondered for a while, and then said to Tie Zhu: "Although there are opportunities on this trip, it is also full of unknowns and dangers. I'm willing to go with you and give you a boost. When Tie Zhu heard this, his heart blossomed, and with Bai Suzhen's joining, their chances of winning this trip were greatly improved. So, they took the villagers and embarked on the road to the "source of the dragon vein".

Even save the beautiful fox fairy and achieve a good fate. The beauty said, let me help you make your wish come true

Those monsters were frighteningly big, so strong that they could move the mountains away, and they looked like they were going to swallow us all. When everyone in the village saw this situation, they were so frightened that their legs were weak, and they hurriedly looked for Tie Zhu and Bai Suzhen for help. Tie Zhu and Bai Suzhen looked at each other, didn't say anything, and went straight on. The two of them used all their skills, spells and supernatural powers, and did it with those demon beasts. At that moment, the entire secret realm was tightly wrapped in their mana, just like a battlefield. After a lot of hard fighting, they finally drove the monsters away. However, Tie Zhu and Bai Suzhen were also not lightly injured.

But at this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from the secret realm, and a golden light rushed out from the ground, straight into the sky. Tie Zhu and Bai Suzhen's hearts moved, knowing that this must be a treasure in the secret realm who is about to show up. The two of them held on to their injuries and led the villagers to the other side of the golden light. At last they came to the mouth of a big man's cave, which was glittering with gold, and there were so many treasures that it looked like something. As soon as the villagers saw these treasures, their eyes straightened, and they rushed up. But at this moment, there was a sudden eerie laughter in the cave, and a strange man in a black robe came out of the cave, still holding a sword with a cold light in his hand. The strange man sneered and said, "Do you think these treasures are so easy to get hold of?" I'll tell you, I made these treasures with spells, and if you want them, you have to pay the price! ”

When everyone heard this, they were frightened, and hurriedly looked for Tie Zhu and Bai Suzhen for help. Tie Zhu and Bai Suzhen looked at each other again, and without saying a word, they rushed up to do it with the strange man. After a fierce battle, they beat the stranger away. But when they were about to bring the treasures back to the village, they found that the treasures were all gone! Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, they are all stunned. At this moment, Tie Zhu suddenly smiled, he said: "In fact, these treasures are not real wealth, the real wealth is our unity and cooperation along the way, the difficulties and challenges we have experienced, and our growth and progress." When the villagers heard this, they suddenly realized that they thanked Tie Zhu and Bai Suzhen, and said that they would keep this experience in their hearts and pass it on to future generations.

Even save the beautiful fox fairy and achieve a good fate. The beauty said, let me help you make your wish come true

Tie Zhu and Bai Suzhen have a stronger relationship because of this experience, and they have become indispensable people in each other's lives. Since then, the two of them have guarded the land and the villagers, using their strength and wisdom to make it more prosperous and beautiful. Their story has also become a good story in the village that will be remembered forever.

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