
Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

author:Starlight Collector
(Disclaimer: This article is purely a fictional story, not my own experience, the names of people and places in the article have nothing to do with reality, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally)

"Brother and sister, your husband is so rich, arrange a house for me and your brother in China."

"Sister-in-law, I can't be the master of this, I have to ask my husband."

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

It turned out that three years ago, Phanoi, who lived in the slums of Laos, met Li Haibo, a Chinese guy.

The two fell in love at first sight, and although Panoy was several years older than Li Haibo, neither of them minded.

After a year of falling in love, they held a wedding in Laos.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

After getting married, in order to give Panoi a better life, the couple decided to go back to China for development.

At that time, Panoy found out that he was in charge of a large amount of money, and his husband not only had three apartments but also a luxury car.

For this reason, Panoy is also happy to share with his mother's family his life as a "rich" person in China.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be a lure of wolves. The Panoi family came to China by train, and bluntly said that Li Haibo is really rich and it is not a problem to support the family.

So, why does Li Haibo like Panoi, who is not only older than himself? And in the face of such a vicious relative, how did Li Haibo deal with it?

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

01 Panoy's growth history

Phanoi was born in the slums of Laos, an environment that is hard to imagine, unlike the poor rural areas of China.

Every house is made of mud and tiles, and it will be possible to live in it.

If it rains, it will be more troublesome, and the road will be full of mud, and even traveling is troublesome.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

Not only that, but the house can also be staged at any time "the house leak coincides with overnight rain", and the leakage is that there is no way to live at all.

When the rain stops, the children run outside and wait for the rain to stop.

According to Panoi's recollection, when she was a child, she never wore new clothes, she only picked up other people's leftovers, and sewed and mended a piece of clothing.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

Fortunately, you can still pick up the leftover clothes, and the shoes are more difficult to encounter.

So as far as the eye can see, the children in the slums are barely wearing shoes, and they are all running around barefoot.

This is such a life that Panoi secretly swore that he must work hard to get out of the slums.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

But children who have a problem even having enough to eat, and their stomachs are growling, so how can they still be in the mood to study hard?

It is this kind of environment that highlights the difficulty of Panoy.

Relying entirely on her strong willpower, she was admitted to one of the best national universities in Laos.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

At that time, the school still had a cooperative relationship with China, and as long as the students were willing to do so, they could apply to the Confucius Institute in China.

In this way, Panoy studied Chinese on the original basis.

It was her choice that finally went to China and met the man who changed his life.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

02 "First Encounter" Love

The man's name is Li Haibo, and although he was also born in the countryside, he has a slightly better background than Panoy.

Under the cultivation of his parents, Li Haibo was also admitted to a 985 university in China.

According to Li Haibo's academic qualifications, when he graduates, he will definitely have a bright future and a good job.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

But the ideal is very plump, the reality is very skinny, in the sophomore year, something happened to Li Haibo's family.

Father, at work, fell from the second floor. Unfortunately, he fell to the back of his head, and although he was taken to the hospital in time, he was still paralyzed.

The IQ is only 8 years old, and he can't take care of himself.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

lost their source of income all of a sudden, and the Li family's life fell to the bottom in an instant.

Li Haibo's mother, a year after his father's accident, also tried her best to take care of her, but Li Haibo's father's life has been like this all his life.

The mother looked at the black future with no end in sight, and finally ran away irresponsibly.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

My father is still paralyzed, my mother has run away from home, and although my grandparents can take care of my father, after all, when I am old, there must always be someone in the family who can make money.

So Li Haibo made a difficult decision at this time, taking a break from school to work in other places to earn money.

When he was in college, Li Haibo was exposed to foreign trade business. He wants to use the economic difference between the two countries to earn the difference in between.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

Because a friend opened a company in Laos before, Li Haibo set his first place in Laos.

Li Haibo, who is smart and capable, set up his own small foreign trade company in Laos in just one year.

It can be regarded as alleviating a little financial burden on the family, and he also hired a nanny to take care of the daily life of his grandparents and father at home.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

In this way, he can also start a business with peace of mind and earn money for his family.

That day, Li Haibo was busy with the work at hand, so he thought about going to a nearby coffee shop to take a break.

That's how he met Panoy.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

03 Missing mother's love

"Hello, sir, may I ask how I can help you?" It turned out that Panoi was a waiter in the store.

In order to help her family share some of the financial pressure, she worked two jobs, working at the company during the day and helping out at a friend's coffee shop when she got off work.

Don't look at Li Haibo has been in Laos for a year and a half, but he usually has no friends to talk to.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

Knowing that Panoi could speak Chinese, the two added contact information to each other.

Since then, when Li Haibo is fine, he will go to the coffee shop and sit down, waiting for Panoi to talk to himself when he is done.

In fact, Panoi is not the only one who can speak Chinese in Laos, but her unique temperament is very attractive to Li Haibo.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

Since Li Haibo's mother ran away from home, he has been very sensitive to this relationship.

And in Panoy's body, he saw the shadow of his former mother.

As long as it is harmful to the body, Panoy will take the trouble to remind Li Haibo and tell him what is the right thing.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

Li Haibo has not experienced such a restrained day for a long time.

"Who did you drink with yesterday, so drunk. Is it uncomfortable? The yogurt you were given, don't drink coffee today. Panoy took the yogurt and handed it to Li Haibo.

Li Haibo looked at the yogurt and smiled: "Accompany the customer, can you not drink it?" ”

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

Panoy had never seen a dinner negotiated by a customer, so he didn't quite understand: "Then you can't make a show and drink less?" ”

Li Haibo looked at the way Panoy accused himself, didn't say anything, and looked at her quietly.

"There's something on my face, you've been looking? Did you hear me say yours? Panoi angrily pointed at Li Haibo's head.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

"I know, but I always forget, can you keep reminding me?" Li Haibo looked at Panoy.

These days, in fact, the two of them have some feelings for each other, but Panoy is a few years older than Li Haibo after all, which has always been a hurdle that Panoi can't overcome.

Li Haibo took Panoy's hand and said, "I'm really tired, I really need you to be with me all the time." ”

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

Who can stand up to such an affectionate confession by Li Haibo, Panoy was also melted by him, and that night, they lived together.

04 Married life

After lingering all night, Li Haibo also slept peacefully.

When he got up in the morning, he found that Panoy had already made breakfast on the table, and left him a note: I went to work, remember to eat.

Isn't this Li Haibo's ideal life? So not long after the two talked together, Li Haibo proposed to Panoi, and the two held a wedding in Laos.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

Panoy's parents were very relieved to know that their girl had found a Chinese boss.

During this period, Li Haibo was also very good to the Panoy family, often sent some things over, and also helped the family renovate the house.

Business in Laos is getting bigger and bigger, and there is almost no need for Li Haibo to stay in the company every day.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

So Li Haibo, who was homesick, said to Panoi: "How about I take you back to China, I want to expand my business in China as well." ”

In this way, Panoy followed Li Haibo to the country of his heart for the first time, China.

As soon as he arrived in Li Haibo's hometown, Panoy was stunned, it turned out that his husband turned out to be a "big rich man". The family not only has three single-family houses, but also a luxury car that is rarely seen in Laos.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

Panoy lives the life of a rich wife, she voluntarily stops the job of taking care of her paralyzed father, and her grandparents are also very fond of this granddaughter-in-law.

In his spare time, he makes video calls to his parents and shares with them his current life in China.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be a lure of wolves.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

"Yo, Panoy is really a broad wife, now, a rich boss." Panoy's sister-in-law said.

Panoi is actually a little angry, she married Li Haibo, not because of his money, but now she is being said so by her sister-in-law.

"Brother and sister, you ask your husband to arrange it, let us also go to China for a trip, see and know."

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

This is naturally not a difficult matter, after Panoy asked her husband, she arranged for her mother and brother and sister-in-law to come to China.

Just like when Panoy first came, the sister-in-law had just made up her mind when she saw the three houses in Li Haibo's family.

"Your husband is so rich, you ask him to arrange a room for me and your brother." Sister-in-law said.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

Seeing that Panoi didn't respond, the sister-in-law looked at Panoi's mother very familiarly: "Mom, what do you say, we all live in China." ”

After seeing that her daughter was doing well, Panoy's mother finally relieved herself.

She waited for a while and said to her girl: "Just see that you are doing well, you don't have to worry about your sister-in-law's words, she is just too lazy to struggle, and looks at your good eyes." ”

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

Why didn't Panoy want to bring his family to China to enjoy happiness?

But she knew how hard her husband worked every day, and she couldn't bear to trouble her husband anymore, so she didn't speak for a long time.

In the following time, Li Haibo specially gave Panoi 30,000 yuan and asked her to take her mother and sister-in-law around the area.

Laotian beauty married far away in rural China, 3 suites at home drove Mercedes-Benz, mother-in-law: Chinese are really rich

Panoy said to his mother: "Mom, I am really happy in China, and when I have the ability in the future, I will definitely take you to live in China." ”

The mother was moved to hug Panoi.

(Disclaimer: This article is purely a fictional story, not my own experience, the names of people and places in the article have nothing to do with reality, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally)

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