
In the counterattack against Vietnam, the captured Vietnamese army agents, what did they say with a smile?

author:History of the Occult Record


Hey, speaking of the counterattack against Vietnam back then, the incident in Vietnam's Old Street was like an old movie, which was screened in my heart over and over again. Lao Cai, right on the edge of our estuary, the gate in and out of Vietnam, the strategic significance, that is not ordinary. The Vietnamese army over there, the cowhide was blowing to the sky, and they let out the words: "Even if the People's Liberation Army comes with 10,000, it will be meat buns and dogs." "Listen, how arrogant! But people don't just talk about it, they have two brushes in their hands.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, the captured Vietnamese army agents, what did they say with a smile?


The pride and hole cards of the Vietnamese army

Earlier, the 254th Infantry Regiment of Hoang Lien Son Province was in Lao Cai, but the scenery was infinite. During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, they not only captured the flag of the US army, but also did a big job, completely wiped out a tank battalion, and even the captain and company commander were captured alive. In this matter, even Ho Chi Minh and Le Duan personally received them, and the scenery was very beautiful.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, the captured Vietnamese army agents, what did they say with a smile?

The old street, the test of the iron bucket

When the counterattack against Vietnam was about to start, the Vietnamese army on Lao Cai was trying hard to strengthen the defensive line, mixing old and new fortifications, like a hedgehog, waiting to give the attackers a dismount. It's not easy for the People's Liberation Army to gnaw on this hard bone, but there is no way, the first battle has to be fought well, and the morale and overall situation are here.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, the captured Vietnamese army agents, what did they say with a smile?

The 118th regiment, a warrior with a heavy responsibility on his shoulders

This burden fell on the shoulders of the 40th Regiment of the 118th Division. The 118th regiment is out of the way, and the elite is exhausted, and they are bent on taking Lao Cai. However, no matter how good the plan is, you have to find out first, so a quiet operation to capture the prisoners began.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, the captured Vietnamese army agents, what did they say with a smile?

Capture captives, an unexpected bonus

The scout of the 118th regiment, who was a top master, easily crossed the Red River and laid an ambush. As soon as it was dawn, the two Vietnamese agents were sent to the door by themselves and became prisoners. Brought back to the camp and asked, good fellow, these two captives are not simple, and happily told a big secret: there is a pile of explosives buried in the old street, waiting for us.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, the captured Vietnamese army agents, what did they say with a smile?

The battalion commander's fire and wit coped

When the battalion commander heard this, his lungs were about to explode, thinking that if this was a hit, then he would have to do it? But when I calmed down and thought about it, this information came just in time, and it was a bad thing turned into a good thing. So, the 118th Regiment rearranged its troops and prepared to give Lao Cai a ruthless blow.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, the captured Vietnamese army agents, what did they say with a smile?

The dawn of victory under artillery fire

In the end, the 118th Regiment used dozens of artillery pieces to bombard Lao Cai to ensure safety before the infantry slowly advanced. In three hours, I took down the old street, although it was hard, but this victory was not easy to come by, and it was also exciting.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, the captured Vietnamese army agents, what did they say with a smile?


This battle began with fear, but ended with a victory with laughter and tears. The Vietnamese agent's casual remarks almost rewrote history, but it was this episode that made the turning point of the battle.

In the counterattack against Vietnam, the captured Vietnamese army agents, what did they say with a smile?

The battle of Lao Cai is not only a contest of force, but also a contest of resourcefulness, telling us that no matter how hard the bones are, with wisdom and courage, we can always find a way to crack it. The stories of those soldiers who laughed at life and death on the battlefield will be told from generation to generation like family heirlooms, and will never fade.