
What is the difference between a woman's love and non-love?

author:Affection between the mountains and rivers
What is the difference between a woman's love and non-love?
What is the difference between a woman's love and non-love?
What is the difference between a woman's love and non-love?
What is the difference between a woman's love and non-love?
What is the difference between a woman's love and non-love?
What is the difference between a woman's love and non-love?
What is the difference between a woman's love and non-love?
What is the difference between a woman's love and non-love?
What is the difference between a woman's love and non-love?
What is the difference between a woman's love and non-love?
What is the difference between a woman's love and non-love?
What is the difference between a woman's love and non-love?
What is the difference between a woman's love and non-love?
What is the difference between a woman's love and non-love?
What is the difference between a woman's love and non-love?
What is the difference between a woman's love and non-love?
What is the difference between a woman's love and non-love?
What is the difference between a woman's love and non-love?
What is the difference between a woman's love and non-love?

In the bustling city, there is a couple, Li Qing and Zhao Lei. They met in college, when their young love was like the rising sun, warm and warm. However, as time passed, the relationship between the two gradually changed, and their love and dislove were also revealed in subtleties.

One night, Li Qing and Zhao Lei had dinner together in a restaurant. The atmosphere of the restaurant is warm and romantic, and the shadows of the two are intertwined under the soft lighting. However, at the moment, they seemed a little silent.

"Zhao Lei, what's wrong with you lately? It feels like you're a little absent-minded. Li Qing broke the silence and asked softly.

Zhao Lei raised his head, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, and then he took a deep breath and said, "Qingqing, I'm ...... I don't know what to say. ”

Li Qing's heart tightened, and she felt a little uneasy. She looked at Zhao Lei, trying to find the answer in his eyes.

"Is there something wrong between us?" Li Qing asked tentatively.

Zhao Lei was silent for a while, and then slowly spoke: "I think...... The relationship between us seems to have faded a little. ”

Li Qing's heart instantly sank to the bottom. She didn't expect Zhao Lei to express his feelings so directly. She used to think that their love would be like a fairy tale, happy forever. But now, she discovers that the reality is far more cruel than she imagined.

"Is it because there's something I'm not doing well?" Li Qing's voice trembled a little.

Zhao Lei shook his head: "No, you have always been good." It's just that...... I feel like we're all running for life and we're losing sight of each other's feelings. ”

Li Qing was silent, she thought back to the days they had been. At that time, no matter how busy they were, they would find time to spend with each other and share each other's joys, sorrows, and sorrows. But now, they have little time to sit down and have a good chat, and even a hug has become a luxury.

"I see." Li Qing said softly, "Then we'...... Can you go back in time? ”

Zhao Lei looked at Li Qing, and a trace of complicated emotions flashed in his eyes. He was silent for a moment, then slowly spoke: "I don't know. But I'm willing to try. ”

From that day on, Li Qing began to reflect on her performance in this relationship. She realizes that when she loves someone deeply, she will give everything and care about every detail of the person. She will remember the other person's preferences and will give support and encouragement when the other person needs it. Her love is selfless and unrequited.

However, when she no longer loves someone, she begins to become cold and detached. She no longer cares about the other person's feelings, and even begins to dislike the other person's shortcomings. Her love fades away, replaced by endless complaints and accusations.

Li Qing realized that the reason why the relationship between her and Zhao Lei had weakened was because they didn't cherish each other well. They are all running for life, but they forget about each other's existence. She decided to change herself and regain that lost love.

She began to take the initiative to communicate with Zhao Lei and share each other's lives and feelings. She will give Zhao Lei care and support when he is busy, and will also give him comfort and encouragement when he needs it. She no longer complains and blames Zhao Lei's shortcomings, but learns to appreciate and tolerate his differences.

As time passed, the relationship between Li Qing and Zhao Lei gradually warmed up. They regained the sense of understanding and intimacy that had been lost. They began to plan for the future together and work together to create a happy life that belonged to them.

In this story, we see the difference between loving and not loving. Love is selfless dedication and care, and it is a dedication that does not ask for anything in return. To be unloving is indifference and detachment, endless complaints and accusations. When we love someone deeply, we are willing to give everything for him; And when we no longer love someone, we only see his shortcomings and inadequacies. Therefore, in love, we need to learn to cherish and be grateful, and use our love to warm each other's hearts.