
The more you care, the more painful it is, everything follows fate, and things are slow and round

author:Affection between the mountains and rivers
The more you care, the more painful it is, everything follows fate, and things are slow and round
The more you care, the more painful it is, everything follows fate, and things are slow and round
The more you care, the more painful it is, everything follows fate, and things are slow and round
The more you care, the more painful it is, everything follows fate, and things are slow and round
The more you care, the more painful it is, everything follows fate, and things are slow and round
The more you care, the more painful it is, everything follows fate, and things are slow and round
The more you care, the more painful it is, everything follows fate, and things are slow and round
The more you care, the more painful it is, everything follows fate, and things are slow and round
The more you care, the more painful it is, everything follows fate, and things are slow and round
The more you care, the more painful it is, everything follows fate, and things are slow and round
The more you care, the more painful it is, everything follows fate, and things are slow and round
The more you care, the more painful it is, everything follows fate, and things are slow and round
The more you care, the more painful it is, everything follows fate, and things are slow and round
The more you care, the more painful it is, everything follows fate, and things are slow and round
The more you care, the more painful it is, everything follows fate, and things are slow and round
The more you care, the more painful it is, everything follows fate, and things are slow and round
The more you care, the more painful it is, everything follows fate, and things are slow and round

In a quiet town, there lives an old man named Uncle Zhang. When he was young, Uncle Zhang was a shrewd and capable businessman, and with his wisdom and diligence, he broke through in the business world. However, as the years passed, he gradually found that the scheming and persistence of the past brought him endless pain and trouble.

One day, Uncle Zhang met a young man named Xiao Li in a teahouse. Xiao Li is haunted by a trivial matter, his face full of displeasure and anxiety. He complained to Uncle Zhang: "Uncle Zhang, do you know? I rented a house, but the landlord was always looking for all sorts of reasons to raise the rent, and I was worried about it every month. ”

Uncle Zhang smiled and listened to Xiao Li's complaints, and then said softly: "Xiao Li, have you ever thought about why you are always bothered about this little thing? ”

Xiao Li was stunned for a moment and looked at Uncle Zhang suspiciously. Zhang Bo continued: "I used to be like you, always thinking about all kinds of small things, but in the end I found that the more I calculated, the more painful it became. Life is like a journey, we are all passers-by, why let ourselves be in endless troubles for the sake of short-term gain? ”

Xiao Li nodded thoughtfully, but he was still a little unwilling in his heart: "But Uncle Zhang, I really think it's very unfair, why do I always have to suffer this kind of grievance?" ”

Uncle Zhang smiled, picked up a teacup from the coffee table, and turned it gently: "Xiao Li, look at this teacup, it was originally used to hold tea, but if we are always entangled in the material, shape or price of the teatea, then we can't really enjoy the fun of tasting tea." In the same way, if we are always thinking about the trivial things, we will lose the true meaning of life. ”

Xiao Li listened to Uncle Zhang's words, and his heart suddenly brightened. He took a deep breath, as if he had unloaded all his baggage: "Uncle Zhang, I understand. Thank you for these words to me today. ”

From that day on, Xiao Li began to learn to let go of those meaningless calculations and attachments. He no longer bothered about small things, but is more focused on his life and work. He found himself more relaxed and happier, and easier to get along with.

Time flies, and years have passed in the blink of an eye. Xiao Li has made great achievements in his career and has become a respected entrepreneur. He met Uncle Zhang again by chance. The two sat in the teahouse, sipping fragrant tea and chatting about the past.

Xiao Li said with emotion: "Uncle Zhang, I really appreciate what you said to me back then. If it weren't for you, I might still be struggling with those little things. ”

Uncle Zhang smiled and shook his head: "Xiao Li, in fact, you have comprehended the true meaning of life yourself. I'm just a guide. Remember, the more you care, the more painful it becomes; Everything follows fate, and things are slow and round. This is an experience I have summed up on the road of life, and I hope it will be helpful to you. ”

Xiao Li nodded solemnly: "I will remember." Uncle Zhang, thank you for your continued guidance and concern. ”

The two looked at each other and smiled, continuing to enjoy this rare leisure time. They know that life is like this cup of fragrant tea, and only by letting go of scheming and attachment can they truly taste the sweetness and beauty in it. And all this comprehension and growth are inseparable from Uncle Zhang's careful teaching and selfless help.