
In today's society, there are 10 types of people who are relatively stupid. See how many you occupy

author:Affection between the mountains and rivers
In today's society, there are 10 types of people who are relatively stupid. See how many you occupy
In today's society, there are 10 types of people who are relatively stupid. See how many you occupy
In today's society, there are 10 types of people who are relatively stupid. See how many you occupy
In today's society, there are 10 types of people who are relatively stupid. See how many you occupy
In today's society, there are 10 types of people who are relatively stupid. See how many you occupy
In today's society, there are 10 types of people who are relatively stupid. See how many you occupy
In today's society, there are 10 types of people who are relatively stupid. See how many you occupy
In today's society, there are 10 types of people who are relatively stupid. See how many you occupy
In today's society, there are 10 types of people who are relatively stupid. See how many you occupy
In today's society, there are 10 types of people who are relatively stupid. See how many you occupy
In today's society, there are 10 types of people who are relatively stupid. See how many you occupy
In today's society, there are 10 types of people who are relatively stupid. See how many you occupy
In today's society, there are 10 types of people who are relatively stupid. See how many you occupy
In today's society, there are 10 types of people who are relatively stupid. See how many you occupy
In today's society, there are 10 types of people who are relatively stupid. See how many you occupy
In today's society, there are 10 types of people who are relatively stupid. See how many you occupy
In today's society, there are 10 types of people who are relatively stupid. See how many you occupy
In today's society, there are 10 types of people who are relatively stupid. See how many you occupy

In a bustling metropolis, there is a company called "Chi Heng Group", which is known for its efficient working environment and innovative corporate culture. However, even in such a seemingly intelligent place, there will inevitably be "fools".

One day, the company held a unique team building activity aimed at enhancing team cohesion and understanding among employees. There is a session in the activity called "Truth or Dare", where participants are asked to answer some questions honestly and have the opportunity to see how others answer.

At the event, the atmosphere was warm and tense. The first person to be pointed out was Xiao Liu, a young marketing director. He was asked, "Who do you think are considered 'stupid' in today's society?" ”

Xiao Liu hesitated for a moment, then smiled and said, "I think the so-called 'stupid' is actually a relative concept. But if I had to list them, I could try to say what I thought. ”

He cleared his throat and began his enumeration:

"The first type of people are those who blindly follow the trend and do not have the ability to think independently. They always go with the flow, what others say is what they say, and they have no opinions and judgments of their own. ”

The second type of people are those who are too opinionated and do not listen to other people's opinions. They are convinced that their ideas are perfect, and they are reluctant to admit and change even when the facts are in front of them. ”

"The third type of people are those who are too lazy and unwilling to learn and improve. They are content with the status quo, do not want to forge ahead, and are eventually eliminated by society. ”

"The fourth type of people are those who are easily swayed by emotions and act impulsively. They often make irrational decisions out of a moment of anger or joy. ”

"The fifth type of people are those who lack a sense of responsibility and always shirk their responsibilities. They are unwilling to accept the consequences and will only blame others for their problems. ”

"The sixth type of people are those who are too greedy and never satisfied. They always want more and ignore the true value in life. ”

"The seventh type of people are those who lack empathy and are indifferent to the plight of others. They only care about their own interests and lack understanding and care for others. ”

"The eighth type of people are those who are too conceited and look down on others. They think they are the smartest and everyone else is stupid, and this arrogance deprives them of the opportunity to learn. ”

"The ninth type of people are those who are overly dependent on others and have no autonomy. They always want others to make decisions for themselves and lack the ability to think independently and solve problems. ”

"The last type of people are those who lack a sense of self-reflection and growth. They never examine their actions and thoughts, are unable to learn from their mistakes, and therefore struggle to grow. ”

Xiao Liu's enumeration caused everyone present to think deeply. Everyone began to compare their own behavior to see if they also had these "stupid" qualities.

At this time, the company's CEO, Mr. Li, stood up, and he smiled and said, "Xiao Liu's list is very meaningful. Each of us has some of these qualities to a greater or lesser extent, but the key is how to change and overcome them. We should always keep a clear head, think independently, have the courage to face our own shortcomings, and strive to improve. Only in this way can we become truly wise people. ”

Mr. Li's words won the applause of everyone present. After the event, everyone said that they would re-examine their actions and thoughts, and strive to become a smarter and wiser person.

This little story makes us understand a truth: in today's society, the real "stupid" is not only low IQ or lack of knowledge, but also refers to those who lack independent thinking, lack of responsibility, lack of empathy, lack of self-reflection and sense of growth. We should always keep a clear head, have the courage to face our shortcomings, and strive to become a smarter and wiser person.