
Chuanxiong can not only practice qi but also invigorate blood, and can be used for all problems of qi and blood

author:Great cure

The authentic Chuanxiong is very powerful, even if it is half-paralyzed, it can be recovered by using Chuanxiong.

Now many people can see that the two tendons at the bottom of the tongue are black, and everyone knows that this is a manifestation of heavy blood stasis, but many people don't know what to do, so I will introduce you to Chuanxiong today.

Chuanxiong can not only practice qi but also invigorate blood, and can be used for all problems of qi and blood

Chuanxiong is generally used for more serious problems, for example, many people now have numb fingers, thumb and index finger numbness, and then numb to the shoulder, a question on the Internet, this is the cervical spine compression to the blood vessels.

In fact, this is the problem of meridian qi and blood blockage, at this time, use Chuanxiong, the next day will be fine, the power of Chuanxiong is so strong, not exaggerated at all. However, because the medicinal properties of single herbs are particularly strong, regular use of Chuanxiong will hurt the liver, so everyone should use it according to the situation.

Chuanxiong can not only practice qi but also invigorate blood, and can be used for all problems of qi and blood

Under what circumstances can I use it? We say that Chuanxiong can practice qi and invigorate blood, and what can practice qi is liver qi. Many times, we feel emotionally depressed, irritable, irritable, or chest and flank swelling and pain, which is the manifestation of liver qi stagnation, and then we can use Chuanxiong.

Many people are worried that the qi will not hurt the blood, in fact, Chuanxiong is bitter and hard, more bitter than angelica, so it can produce blood, and we don't have to worry about the problem of hurting blood when we use Chuanxiong.

Chuanxiong can not only practice qi but also invigorate blood, and can be used for all problems of qi and blood

Some friends have fallen and injured, and then there is a situation where the meridians and blood vessels are blocked, or there are nodules, pus and blood, phlegm and stasis on the body, and other things, you can also use Chuanxiong.

Someone asked, I have had hemorrhoids for many years, and I often have to apply hemorrhoid cream, can Chuanxiong cut off the hemorrhoids? Of course, you can, but you need to match other things, and if you are interested, you can learn about it privately.

(The views in this article are not intended as medical advice, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline)