
This year's Futian is not ordinary, the old man said: "Eat less fruits, eat more vegetables", smooth and smooth through the bitter summer

author:Mountain Food Station

As summer progresses, the hottest time of the year, Futian, is quietly approaching. This year's Futian seems to be extraordinary, with temperatures reaching record highs, and people lamenting the unbearable summer heat. In such weather, how to adjust the diet to cope with the challenge of high temperature has become a topic of concern for many people. The old man often says: "Eat less fruits, eat more vegetables", and the wisdom in this may help us get through this bitter summer smoothly.

This year's Futian is not ordinary, the old man said: "Eat less fruits, eat more vegetables", smooth and smooth through the bitter summer

1. Eat less than 2 fruits

1. Eat less chilled watermelon

This year's Futian is not ordinary, the old man said: "Eat less fruits, eat more vegetables", smooth and smooth through the bitter summer

Watermelon is one of the most popular fruits in summer, and its sweet and juicy taste makes people find a hint of coolness in the hot summer heat. However, in Futian, the old man reminds us to eat less chilled watermelon. This is because chilled watermelon can bring temporary coolness, but too low a temperature can irritate the gastrointestinal tract.

This year's Futian is not ordinary, the old man said: "Eat less fruits, eat more vegetables", smooth and smooth through the bitter summer

In addition, the nutrients in chilled watermelon can also be affected by the low temperature, reducing its nutritional value. Therefore, in Futian, we should try to avoid eating chilled watermelon, and choose watermelon at room temperature or slightly refrigerated, which can not only enjoy the deliciousness, but also protect the body.

2. Eat less lychees

This year's Futian is not ordinary, the old man said: "Eat less fruits, eat more vegetables", smooth and smooth through the bitter summer

Lychee is another popular fruit in summer, and it is loved by people for its unique sweet taste. However, lychee is also a fruit that gets caught on fire. In Futian, the human body's metabolism is vigorous and it is easy to have symptoms of fire. At this time, if you eat too much lychee, it will aggravate the degree of fire and cause physical discomfort.

This year's Futian is not ordinary, the old man said: "Eat less fruits, eat more vegetables", smooth and smooth through the bitter summer

Therefore, in Futian, we should control the intake of lychees and not be gluttonous. If you really like to eat lychees, you can choose to eat them with other fruits, such as watermelon, grapes, etc., to reduce the risk of it getting angry.

Eat 3 more dishes

1. Eat more bitter gourd

This year's Futian is not ordinary, the old man said: "Eat less fruits, eat more vegetables", smooth and smooth through the bitter summer

Bitter gourd is a common vegetable in summer, although the taste is bitter, but it has the effect of clearing heat and reducing fire. Eating more bitter gourd can help us clear away heat and detoxify and relieve the discomfort caused by summer heat. Therefore, in Futian, we should eat more bitter gourd, and we can choose to eat it cold, stir-fried or stewed in a variety of ways.

2. Eat more eggplants

This year's Futian is not ordinary, the old man said: "Eat less fruits, eat more vegetables", smooth and smooth through the bitter summer

Eggplant is another common vegetable in summer, and it is loved for its tender flesh and delicious taste. In Futian, due to the high temperature and humidity, the human body is prone to discomfort. Eating more eggplants at this time can help us regulate the discomfort in our body. In addition, eggplant also has the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat, which can help us relieve the discomfort caused by summer heat. Therefore, in Futian, we should eat more eggplant, which can be eaten in a variety of ways, such as steamed, braised or stir-fried.

3. Eat more water spinach

This year's Futian is not ordinary, the old man said: "Eat less fruits, eat more vegetables", smooth and smooth through the bitter summer

Water spinach is a leafy green vegetable in summer, which has a crisp and delicious taste and is a frequent guest on the summer table. In Futian, the human body has a strong metabolism and is prone to fatigue, fatigue and other symptoms, at this time, eating more water spinach can help us relieve fatigue and restore physical strength. Therefore, in Futian, we should eat more water spinach, which can be eaten in a variety of ways such as stir-frying, cold dressing, or making soup.

This year's Futian is not ordinary, the old man said: "Eat less fruits, eat more vegetables", smooth and smooth through the bitter summer

This year's Futian is extraordinary, with high temperatures and hot temperatures that make people feel tormented. However, as long as we pay attention to adjusting our diet, eat less chilled watermelon and lychee, two fruits that are easy to catch fire, and eat more bitter gourd, eggplant and water spinach, which have the effect of clearing heat and removing fire, we can help us get through this bitter summer smoothly. At the same time, we should also pay attention to good lifestyle habits such as drinking more water, maintaining adequate sleep, and exercising appropriately to enhance the body's resistance and meet the challenges of summer.