
Boxing champion Tyson supports Trump: Who dares to disagree? Let's go heads-up!

author:Nanshan Fengyun

Friends, are you ready? Today I'm going to break the news for you, and I'm sure to make you smile from ear to ear!

Our "Twitter maniac" Trump has a new backer! This time it's not an ordinary person, but boxing champion Tyson! That's right, it's the "Iron Fist" Mike Tyson who can beat you to the next life with one punch! Imagine that the "golden boy" in politics and the "iron man" in boxing join forces, this combination is simply going to heaven!

Boxing champion Tyson supports Trump: Who dares to disagree? Let's go heads-up!

Recently, someone picked up a video of Tyson's support for Trump, which is a joke! In the video, both of them are wearing black suits and look young and handsome. Tyson looked fierce and shouted, "Trump is my brother!" Trump laughed and said nothing, as if to say, "With Tyson covered, who dares to mess with me?" "Isn't it interesting that this picture looks like a clip from a gangster movie?

Boxing champion Tyson supports Trump: Who dares to disagree? Let's go heads-up!

Tyson also repeatedly emphasized that Trump is smart, and I wondered, is this a hint that he is not very smart? But then again, with such a brother who can fight, who needs to use their brains! Think about it, if Trump participates in the debate in the future, can he bring Tyson to the stage with him? "If you disagree with me, my brother is ready to educate you!" This scene is exciting just by imagining!

Boxing champion Tyson supports Trump: Who dares to disagree? Let's go heads-up!

The funniest thing is that Tyson finally said: "If you are not convinced, you can come to me to fight alone!" "Oh my God, is this going to turn the presidential election into a boxing match? Imagine that the debate scene suddenly turned into a ring, and Tyson played for Trump, and the picture was so beautiful that I didn't dare to watch it! If that were the case, I would expect a record turnout in the election, after all, who wouldn't want to see a presidential candidate in action?

Boxing champion Tyson supports Trump: Who dares to disagree? Let's go heads-up!

Trump actually looks younger than Tyson in the video, and this maintenance secret must be worth a lot of money, right? But for Trump, who is worth $1 billion, this may be a small matter. After all, people are the masters who spend all their money on the "blade", and every time they appear, they are carefully dressed. I wondered, does Trump soak in golden soup every day? Otherwise, how can it be maintained so well?

Boxing champion Tyson supports Trump: Who dares to disagree? Let's go heads-up!

Then again, Trump's move to find Tyson as a backer is really high! Do you think, who in the political circle would dare to provoke him? If you don't agree with each other, you can ask Tyson to come out and "reason", this negotiation skill is simply full! I think that when other candidates see this video, they will probably have to weigh their own weight.

Boxing champion Tyson supports Trump: Who dares to disagree? Let's go heads-up!

Dear viewers and friends, do you think Trump is very smart to find Tyson as a backer? If you had the chance, which celebrity would you choose as your "personal bodyguard"? Is kung fu superstar Jackie Chan? Or "Terminator" Schwarzenegger? Or the "Fast and Furious" Vin Diesel? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let's imagine it together!

Boxing champion Tyson supports Trump: Who dares to disagree? Let's go heads-up!

To be honest, I was a little moved when I saw this video. If I can find such a powerful brother, then I won't go sideways in the future? Late for work? "My brother said I wouldn't use it today!" Didn't pass the exam? "My brother said I passed this time!" Haha, it feels beautiful when you think about it!

Let's look at the election rationally. While Tyson's support is amusing, real politics is not by force, but by wit and ability. It is hoped that every candidate can show real skills and win the support of voters with practical actions. The president's duty is to serve the people, not to fight boxing in the ring!

Boxing champion Tyson supports Trump: Who dares to disagree? Let's go heads-up!

Wouldn't it be unfair to turn the election into a boxing match? After all, not every candidate has a brother like Tyson! Imagine the other candidates hurrying to the gym to get their irons, that picture is too funny, right?

That's all for today's revelations. Although this video makes people laugh, we still have to remember that the essence of elections is to choose a leader who can do real things for the country and the people. I hope everyone can think rationally and make wise choices.

I still have to say, this video is really funny! The duo of Trump and Tyson is a comedic genius! If the two of them can start a talk show, I will definitely chase it every day!

Dear viewers, what do you think? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let's talk together! Remember to like and follow, and we'll talk about something exciting next time!

Boxing champion Tyson supports Trump: Who dares to disagree? Let's go heads-up!