
The old man has a daughter, and the piano master thanked his wife who was 36 years younger, and said with a smile that he could have two more sons

author:Xiaozhu Literature
The old man has a daughter, and the piano master thanked his wife who was 36 years younger, and said with a smile that he could have two more sons
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The old man has a daughter, and the piano master thanked his wife who was 36 years younger, and said with a smile that he could have two more sons

In 2020, a jaw-dropping piece of news caused an uproar in the music industry. Liu Shikun, a world-renowned Chinese pianist, won a daughter at the age of 81.

The news was a whirlwind that quickly swept social media. People have speculated: What kind of love magic can make an elderly man glow with such vigorous vitality? Liu Shikun's story not only challenges people's inherent perception of age, but also sparks a heated discussion about the phenomenon of "old husbands and young wives".

Behind this amazing story is a sincere love that spans the age difference of 36 years. The encounter between Liu Shikun and his wife Sun Ying is like a sonata of fate, which began with a casual concert.

At that time, Sun Ying was only a student of Liu Shikun and had a deep love for the art of piano. Over time, the two gradually cultivated an emotion in the world of music that transcended the teacher-student relationship.

The old man has a daughter, and the piano master thanked his wife who was 36 years younger, and said with a smile that he could have two more sons

However, the budding of this relationship was not all smooth sailing. Liu Shikun was hesitant because of the age gap, struggling inwardly whether he should show his emotions.

He knew that he was over the age of six, and Sun Ying was still in the prime of his youth, and this huge age gap made him hesitate.

On the other hand, Sun Ying showed surprising courage and determination. In the face of strong opposition from her family and many doubts from society, she did not flinch. Sun Ying's mother has a hard time accepting her daughter marrying a man who is older than herself, and the people around her are also full of doubts about the relationship.

However, instead of shaking Sun Ying's determination, these obstacles have strengthened her belief in pursuing true love.

The old man has a daughter, and the piano master thanked his wife who was 36 years younger, and said with a smile that he could have two more sons

In an in-depth conversation, Sun Ying firmly told her mother that she was only willing to be with Liu Shikun in this life and was willing to give birth to children for him. Her eyes flashed with firmness and perseverance, and this sincerity finally touched her family and Liu Shikun was deeply moved.

Finally, when Sun Ying was 44 years old, she gave birth to a lovely daughter for 81-year-old Liu Shikun as she wished. This little life is not only the crystallization of their love, but also the best response to all doubts.

When Liu Shikun picked up his little daughter for the first time, his eyes flashed with tears of relief and gratitude. He knows that all this stems from Sun Ying's courage and persistence.

The couple, who are 36 years apart, use their stories to illustrate the power of love. They prove that when two hearts are truly compatible, age is nothing more than a number.

The old man has a daughter, and the piano master thanked his wife who was 36 years younger, and said with a smile that he could have two more sons

The love between Liu Shikun and Sun Ying crossed the boundaries of time, broke the world's vision, and composed a moving hymn to life. Their story is not only a celebration of true love, but also the best interpretation of courage and perseverance.

After rejoicing, Sun Ying and Liu Shikun faced a difficult gestation process. As a 44-year-old pregnant woman, Sun Ying's pregnancy reaction was extremely strong, far beyond ordinary people.

In the early stages of pregnancy, Sun Ying could barely tolerate the smell of any food. Severe morning sickness left her thinner and paler. Whenever she smelled the smell of food, she would involuntarily vomit, which continued for months.

In desperation, the doctor recommended that she be hospitalized for a long time to receive nutrient solution therapy to ensure the health of the mother and baby.

The old man has a daughter, and the piano master thanked his wife who was 36 years younger, and said with a smile that he could have two more sons

Liu Shikun looked at his wife's increasingly haggard face, and his heart was like a knife. He waited by Sun Ying's side day and night, taking care of her every need. Despite being over eighty years old, Liu Shikun still insisted on preparing three meals a day for his wife, hoping to find food that she could accept.

His eyes were full of distress and guilt, and he wanted to bear all this for his wife.

Later in pregnancy, new challenges arise. As the fetus grew, Sun Ying began to have severe sleep problems. The squeezing of the fetus in her womb caused her to have trouble sleeping every night, often tossing and turning all night.

Liu Shikun was distressed and looked for medical advice everywhere, hoping to relieve his wife's discomfort.

The old man has a daughter, and the piano master thanked his wife who was 36 years younger, and said with a smile that he could have two more sons

In the dead of night, Liu Shikun would gently massage Sun Ying's back, hoping to bring her some comfort. Although the effect was minimal, this thoughtfulness and companionship gave Sun Ying great spiritual support.

Sun Ying often looked at her husband's wrinkled but still warm hands with emotion, and her heart was full of gratitude.

In order to ensure the safety of Sun Ying and her children, Liu Shikun made a major decision: he spared no expense to send his wife to the most advanced medical institution in the United States for childbirth. There, they received the most professional care, which made Liu Shikun feel a little relieved.

However, whenever he saw his wife's frown due to labor pains, he felt a pang of heartache and guilt.

The old man has a daughter, and the piano master thanked his wife who was 36 years younger, and said with a smile that he could have two more sons

Finally, in everyone's expectation, a little life came to the world. When Liu Shikun carefully picked up his daughter, tears of excitement swirled in his wrinkled eyes.

He stared at this little pink life, and his heart was full of gratitude to his wife. In order to express this gratitude, he immediately hired five full-time nannies at home to take care of Sun Ying and her newborn daughter wholeheartedly.

This arduous road of gestation not only witnessed Sun Ying's strength as a mother, but also showed Liu Shikun's meticulousness as a husband. Every difficulty they have experienced together has made this love that spans ages more indestructible.

From the difficulties of pregnancy to the torment of childbirth, and then to the arrival of the newborn, Liu Shikun and Sun Ying used mutual support and selfless dedication to compose a moving hymn to life.

The old man has a daughter, and the piano master thanked his wife who was 36 years younger, and said with a smile that he could have two more sons

Their story is not only an interpretation of love, but also a celebration of the tenacity of life.

The birth of his daughter brought unprecedented joy to 81-year-old Liu Shikun, as if injecting new vitality into his life. He affectionately named his daughter Liu Beibei, implying that she bloomed as beautifully as a delicate flower.

Whenever she sees her daughter's innocent smile, Liu Shikun's eyes will flash with a gentle light, as if she has returned to her youth, and her heart is full of love and expectation for life.

In order to create the most superior growth environment for Liu Beibei, Liu Shikun spared no effort. He spent a huge amount of nearly 1 million yuan to build a luxurious baby room.

The old man has a daughter, and the piano master thanked his wife who was 36 years younger, and said with a smile that he could have two more sons

This room is not only elegantly decorated, but also reflects Liu Shikun's expectations for her daughter's future. The most striking feature of the room is the small piano carved from crystal.

This unique instrument embodies Liu Shikun's wish to pass on his lifelong musical talent to his daughter.

However, Liu Shikun's love for her daughter is far more than material luxury. His most shocking move was to set up an education fund worth 500 million yuan for Liu Beibei.

This amount of money has not only attracted wide attention from the media, but also made many people question his intentions. But for Liu Shikun, this fund carries his deep love for his daughter and deep expectations for her future.

The old man has a daughter, and the piano master thanked his wife who was 36 years younger, and said with a smile that he could have two more sons

Liu Shikun is well aware that she is too old to accompany her daughter through her entire formative years. This education fund is the best guarantee he can give to his daughter.

He hopes that even after his death, Liu Beibei can pursue her dreams without worries and live a happy life. Whenever this topic is mentioned, Liu Shikun's eyes will flash with a trace of reluctance and worry, but more of an expectation for his daughter's future.

Despite being over eighty years old, Liu Shikun still insists on accompanying her daughter in person every day. He would sit patiently at the piano and guide Xiao Beibei to touch the keys, hoping to cultivate her interest in music from an early age.

Whenever she sees her daughter curiously pressing the keys and making crisp notes, Liu Shikun always has a relieved smile on her face. He knew that his musical dreams would eventually be carried on in his daughter.

The old man has a daughter, and the piano master thanked his wife who was 36 years younger, and said with a smile that he could have two more sons

This deep father's love has crossed the huge age gap and has become the most precious gift in Liu Shikun's later life. He used his actions to interpret what unconditional love is, and also paved a hopeful life path for his daughter in his own way.

The father-daughter relationship between Liu Shikun and Liu Beibei not only touched the people around them, but also showed the world that the power of love can transcend the boundaries of age.

Although Liu Shikun is immersed in the happiness of getting along with his youngest daughter, there is a trace of unknown worry hidden in his heart. He is acutely aware that the huge age gap between himself and Liu Beibei means that the time they can spend together may be very limited.

This realization made him cherish every moment with his daughter, and it also prompted him to think more positively about how to pave the way for his daughter's future.

The old man has a daughter, and the piano master thanked his wife who was 36 years younger, and said with a smile that he could have two more sons

Liu Shikun's family structure is quite special. His eldest son, Liu Xiaoying, is 56 years older than his youngest daughter, old enough to be her grandfather. This huge age difference inevitably brings with it some complex emotional issues.

Liu Shikun had to face the reality of being estranged from his first two children, which filled his heart with mixed emotions.

It is this strong need for family affection that prompted Liu Shikun to express his desire to have two more sons at the age of 81. This seemingly incredible idea actually stems from his desire for family warmth and beautiful expectations for the continuation of life.

Although this wish has aroused many doubts and discussions from the outside world, for Liu Shikun, it is the most direct expression of his love for life and desire for family.

The old man has a daughter, and the piano master thanked his wife who was 36 years younger, and said with a smile that he could have two more sons

The story of Liu Shikun and Sun Ying is undoubtedly a unique case in the marriage model of "old husband and young wife". They successfully crossed the age gap of 36 years and built a happy family.

The success of this relationship stems from their deep spiritual fit and mutual support and understanding in the face of life's challenges.

Although there are still many doubts and prejudices in society about this kind of marriage with a large age difference, Liu Shikun and Sun Ying have proved with practical actions that sincere feelings can cross age boundaries.

In their lives, they not only have a common music career as a bond, but also have a deep understanding and respect for each other. In their daily lives, they take care of each other and face difficulties together, and this mutual attitude makes their relationship deeper.

The old man has a daughter, and the piano master thanked his wife who was 36 years younger, and said with a smile that he could have two more sons

This controversial yet heartwarming story may offer some inspiration to those who are looking for true love: don't be bound by the eyes of the world and be brave enough to pursue your own happiness.

Because in the face of sincere love, age is really just a number. The examples of Liu Shikun and Sun Ying tell us that as long as two people truly love each other and respect each other, any difficulties can be overcome.

Their story is not only a celebration of love, but also a celebration of vitality. It shows how love can rejuvenate and redefine the meaning of life.

No matter how old you are, as long as you have love in your heart, life will be full of hope and possibility.

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