
The head of Muyang's family was denounced by the school and sentenced to 15 days of detention because they owed 15,308 yuan in tuition and miscellaneous fees for two semesters

author:Little Red Orange 1218 review

It's ridiculous. In Shuyang, the head of the family was sued by the school for owing 15,308 yuan in tuition and miscellaneous fees for two semesters, and the court sentenced him to 15 days of detention. This matter is very troublesome, in my heart, I am not curious about how the court decided, nor do I doubt whether the parents have money and do not pay it back, I just wonder, what kind of famous expenses are these 15,308 yuan? School, you give me a list, we have to spend clearly, spend money clearly, right?

The head of Muyang's family was denounced by the school and sentenced to 15 days of detention because they owed 15,308 yuan in tuition and miscellaneous fees for two semesters

The school, which was supposed to be a holy place for teaching and educating people and cultivating pillars, has it become a place to loot the people's fat and ointment? As soon as this incident came out, the Internet exploded, and there were all kinds of voices. Some say that the parents are wrong, and it is natural to repay debts; Some say that the school is too much, and the tuition fees are ridiculously high. We have to analyze rationally, and we can't kill a boatload of people with a stick.

The head of Muyang's family was denounced by the school and sentenced to 15 days of detention because they owed 15,308 yuan in tuition and miscellaneous fees for two semesters

Having said that, this Wang and Gu, two husband and wife, because their children are studying in a middle school in Shuyang, owe two semesters of tuition and miscellaneous fees. The school had no choice but to go to court, and the court was very efficient, and after the mediation was completed, it was said that it would have to be repaid before April 20, 2024, otherwise it would have to add 3,000 yuan in liquidated damages. As a result, Wang and the others did not declare their assets, and the court was angry and detained Wang for 15 days.

The head of Muyang's family was denounced by the school and sentenced to 15 days of detention because they owed 15,308 yuan in tuition and miscellaneous fees for two semesters

Netizens, what do you think about this? Some say that private schools have high tuition fees, which is normal; Some say that even if it is a public school, the miscellaneous expenses add up to enough choking. Some people are even more worried, what will happen to education equity if this continues? Should the children of poor families be kept out of school by high tuition fees?

The law is impartial and impartial, but sometimes, when it comes to enforcement, it is cold and lacks a little human touch. Some netizens said that the court's trick is too rigid, and the actual situation of other people's families must be considered. But there are also people who support it, saying that rules are rules, and debts must be repaid, and they cannot be connived.

The head of Muyang's family was denounced by the school and sentenced to 15 days of detention because they owed 15,308 yuan in tuition and miscellaneous fees for two semesters

The pressure on education costs, legal and social responsibilities, were all taken out to bask in the sun. Parents are bitter, their children have to empty their pockets when they go to school; The school is also difficult, and the operating costs are there, and they cannot be left uncharged. As for the law, it is necessary not only to maintain order, but also to take into account warmth, which is not easy to balance.

The head of Muyang's family was denounced by the school and sentenced to 15 days of detention because they owed 15,308 yuan in tuition and miscellaneous fees for two semesters

Alas, speaking of which, we still hope that education can return to its essence, so that every child has the opportunity to stand on the same starting line, rather than being determined by the level of tuition fees. After all, the original purpose of education is to cultivate talents, not to create gaps. We have to call for more equitable education and more warm laws, so that we can build a harmonious and beautiful society, right? Building