
Netizens broke the news: It turns out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li have an academic dispute! It's not that simple

author:Little Red Orange 1218 review

The two masters at the head of the village in the city, Lao Li Tou and Lao Wang Tou, began to put up the dragon gate array again. Have you heard? Today's topic is really exciting, the mess of Southern Medical University made the two old men talk hotly, as if flowers exploded in the pot.

Netizens broke the news: It turns out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li have an academic dispute! It's not that simple

"Oh, Lao Litou, tell me, this principal Lao Zhang and Professor Yu, why are the two of them on the bar?" The old king took a puff of his pipe, and his brows twisted.

Netizens broke the news: It turns out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li have an academic dispute! It's not that simple

"These netizens don't think it's a big deal, and what they say is not because of the new trick of new crown treatment, the two disagree." Lao Li shook his head, looking well-informed, "However, whether this matter is true or not, it's a mess on the Internet, who knows if someone made it up." ”

Netizens broke the news: It turns out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li have an academic dispute! It's not that simple
Netizens broke the news: It turns out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li have an academic dispute! It's not that simple

"But as soon as the news spread, even the central media and party media were involved," said the old Wang, who extinguished his pipe and looked solemn, "saying that he was criticizing the school management and demanding that they be fair and impartial." ”

Netizens broke the news: It turns out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li have an academic dispute! It's not that simple

"Southern Medical University, I don't buy it, I'm very angry," Lao Li Tou pouted, "This thing is like the hot oil pot, the more you fry, the more lively it becomes." ”

"Okay now, those young people on the Internet are like being beaten with chicken blood," Lao Wang Tou sighed, "The matter of Lao Zhang and Professor Yu has become a frequent visitor on the hot search list, and everyone is wondering how to balance science and morality." ”

Netizens broke the news: It turns out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li have an academic dispute! It's not that simple

"No, this Professor Yu is late to save people," Lao Li smacked his mouth, "Saving people's lives is better than creating a seventh-level floating slaughter, but as a result, the school fined money and circulated criticism, this matter has made it, and the benevolence of the doctor and the rules and regulations seem to have become enemies." ”

"I heard that the experts in the legal profession can't sit still," Lao Wang patted his thigh, "Isn't it bullying to say that the school is abusing its power and imposing fines indiscriminately?" ”

Netizens broke the news: It turns out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li have an academic dispute! It's not that simple

"What's even more bizarre is that Dr. Yu Li suddenly stopped the clinic, and the school didn't have a letter of approval," Lao Li's eyes glared, "Immediately afterwards, the head of the school's infrastructure construction department was arrested for corruption. ”

Netizens broke the news: It turns out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li have an academic dispute! It's not that simple

"You say the way of the world," the old Wang shook his head, "The public shouted one after another, asking the school to give an explanation, especially the matter of Dr. Yu Li, and the corruption problem, everyone is staring at it." ”

"This matter, old Wangtou," Lao Li Tou leaned closer, "We ordinary people are looking forward to the school to educate these future doctors well, and to grasp both medical skills and medical ethics, both hands must be hard, and those moths must be cleaned up fiercely." ”

"Alas," the old king sighed, "this world is very complicated, I hope these things can sound a wake-up call for everyone, so that our society will be more fair and just, and less smoky miasma." ”

Netizens broke the news: It turns out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li have an academic dispute! It's not that simple

From dawn to sunset, the evening breeze at the head of the urban village has a hint of coolness, but it can't blow away the enthusiasm in their hearts. Although the way of this world is complicated, as long as there are still people who are willing to speak up for justice and insist on the truth, then the seeds of hope will one day break through the ground and grow into towering trees.

This matter is like a conversation between our people after dinner, although it is a little sad and helpless, but it is also full of yearning and pursuit of a better life. After all, no matter how difficult the way of the world is, as long as people's hearts are good, there will always be a day when the clouds will be cleared.

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