
Why did I have an autistic child? Autism is said to be decided at the moment when a fertilized egg is formed

author:Little Red Orange 1218 review

Su Suma's words on the Internet, every word and sentence, seem to be dug out from the bottom of my heart, which makes people read it, and their hearts are also pinched.

Why did I have an autistic child? Autism is said to be decided at the moment when a fertilized egg is formed

She said that autism may start when the baby is a small fertilized egg, but as parents, we often have to wait until the child is older to find out that something is wrong. Su Su, this child, when he was eight years old, the family realized that he was different from other children. It's a nerve-wracking thing. Autism, this word, is like a heavy stone, pressing on the hearts of many families.

This thing is sad to say. Su Su's family, he is not the only one with autism, it seems that this matter really has something to do with genetics. But if we think about it deeper, there is still too little understanding of autism in this society. How many parents, like Su Su's mother, hide a bunch of question marks in their hearts, but they can't find answers. How many children, because they found it late, missed the best time to intervene.

Why did I have an autistic child? Autism is said to be decided at the moment when a fertilized egg is formed

In Su Su's mother's circle of friends, those friends also sincerely want to help. They started a topic on the Internet to let more people know about autism, and they also went to schools and communities, organized lectures, and invited experts to give lectures. This momentum is really impressive, and my heart is warm. Slowly, the impact of this event began to be felt. In society, the attitude towards autism has begun to change, and more and more people have begun to pay attention to this special group.

However, in the final analysis, there is still a long way to go. The world of autistic children, as outsiders, is difficult for us outsiders to fully understand. If you want to change their lives, you need not only short-term enthusiasm, but long-term perseverance and hard work. Our goal is to make this society more inclusive, so that every child can grow up freely under the sun.

Why did I have an autistic child? Autism is said to be decided at the moment when a fertilized egg is formed

The words of netizens also made people listen to them, and they had mixed feelings in their hearts. Some people mentioned folic acid, some people said that rural children are not easy to get autism, and some people are worried about the negative impact of electronic products on children. Some of these views are scientific, and some are not, but they can all be seen that everyone is concerned and worried about this issue.

Having a child, this thing, is originally an adventure. Now, I heard that there are more than 20 million autistic people in China, and this number is shocking to hear. How many families, because of this disease, have fallen into endless difficulties. But we also have to understand that life is like this, full of uncertainties. What we can do is to understand, prevent, and face as much as possible. Pregnancy health care, companionship and guidance in the process of children's growth, every step must not be sloppy.

Why did I have an autistic child? Autism is said to be decided at the moment when a fertilized egg is formed

Finally, I would like to say that autism, although this matter is heavy, we must not give up hope. Every autistic child has their own world and their own light. Our task is to help them find that window so that they can breathe freely and bloom freely. Life is not easy, but as long as we work together, one day, this world will become a better and warmer place. We have to believe that every life has its value and meaning. Autism is not the end, but the beginning of a new journey. Let's work together for the sake of the children and for a better tomorrow! Building