
Something is wrong! Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureaus in many places have changed their names to Housing and Urban Renewal Bureaus, and 80% of real estate has been affected

author:Little Red Orange 1218 review

The real estate circle exploded, and the housing and urban-rural development bureaus in Guangzhou, Wuhan, and Jinan changed their faces into housing and urban renewal bureaus. Don't look at just changing a few words, the meaning behind it can be deep, the future real estate market, I am afraid that there will be a big reshuffle, 80% of the real estate is estimated to be affected. That's not a small matter!

Something is wrong! Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureaus in many places have changed their names to Housing and Urban Renewal Bureaus, and 80% of real estate has been affected

The expert real estate view has long smelled the rumors, and posted a message on the platform 5 hours ago, and the analysis is straightforward. He said that behind the name change, it indicates that the door to the era of urbanization 2.0 has been opened, and the focus in the future is no longer on drastic urban and rural expansion, but on elaborate urban renewal and old city transformation. New district construction? You have to take it slowly, after all, the silver in your pocket is not infinite, you have to save a little.

Something is wrong! Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureaus in many places have changed their names to Housing and Urban Renewal Bureaus, and 80% of real estate has been affected

What does this mean for us ordinary people? First of all, when buying a house in the future, you have to pay close attention to the real estate in the core area of the main city, which is the sweetheart of maintaining and increasing value. As for those houses far away from the city center, or in newly built areas, the risk factor is rising rapidly, so it is better to be careful.

Something is wrong! Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureaus in many places have changed their names to Housing and Urban Renewal Bureaus, and 80% of real estate has been affected

The new trend of urban renewal is even more eye-catching. Gone are the days of large-scale demolition and reconstruction, replaced by gentle renovations of dilapidated houses. Residents are demolishing or renovating at their own expense, which sounds new, but it also signals that future urban renewal may rely more on market forces than on government packages.

Property scarcity, these four words, now sound more precious than gold. With the gradual tightening of the supply of residential land in the core areas of core cities, houses in first-tier cities, especially those in good locations, have become rare treasures. This scarcity directly determines the trend of housing prices, and if you want to buy a house in a good location, you have to start as soon as possible, and you may only sigh when it is late.

Something is wrong! Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureaus in many places have changed their names to Housing and Urban Renewal Bureaus, and 80% of real estate has been affected

Of course, there is another side to this. Although the development of new areas can bring temporary economic prosperity, the cost of crowding out high-quality agricultural land and destroying the rural culture and cultural environment is really not small. Some people joked that the Housing and Urban Renewal Bureau should be changed to "Tear Down the Construction and Development Committee", which is humorous and helpless, and also expresses the feelings of many people.

But, then again, personal awakening is especially important in this process. We have to understand that the progress of society often needs to be promoted by ourselves, rather than waiting for others to remind us. This 99% social tempering is actually the ups and downs of life, and only after experiencing it can we truly know how to cherish and choose.

Something is wrong! Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureaus in many places have changed their names to Housing and Urban Renewal Bureaus, and 80% of real estate has been affected

Therefore, in the face of this real estate revolution, we must keep a clear head, not only to see the opportunities, but also to be alert to the potential risks. After all, a house is not just bricks and cement, it is a harbor of home and the sustenance of life. In the future, we have to walk steadily, step by step, in order to find our own piece of world in this unpredictable real estate market.