
After Chang'e-6, foreign countries lined up to return Chinese cultural relics! This is an upgraded version of Qian Xuesen's missile!

author:Little Red Orange 1218 review

Chang'e-6's trip to the moon is like a bridge in a science fiction movie, but it is a miracle that really happened in front of our eyes. Those foreign museums and private collectors are now lining up to return our Chinese cultural relics, and the story behind this is not simple!

After Chang'e-6, foreign countries lined up to return Chinese cultural relics! This is an upgraded version of Qian Xuesen's missile!

Let's talk about Chang'e 6 first, outsiders look at the excitement, and insiders look at the doorway. This time, we not only brought back lunar soil, but also showed the upgraded technology of the "Qian Xuesen missile", and it was in space, on the moon! This technology is like transferring the accuracy and speed of missiles to interstellar travel, which is incredible!

After Chang'e-6, foreign countries lined up to return Chinese cultural relics! This is an upgraded version of Qian Xuesen's missile!

Chang'e-6 entered the atmosphere, and the scene was simply a master's move, leaving no trace of the fight. No one knows her exact orbit, and even scientists are speculating about what the principle behind this is. The speed is as high as Mach 31, this speed, so fast that it is suffocating, and finally it can land steadily on the grassland we predetermined, this technology, this precision, it is simply numb, and insiders can see goosebumps falling to the ground!

After Chang'e-6, foreign countries lined up to return Chinese cultural relics! This is an upgraded version of Qian Xuesen's missile!

This is not only a triumph of technology, but also a symbol of national strength. The silky return of Chang'e-6 is like handing a business card to the world, which reads: "China Aerospace, welcome to place an order!" "Our moon landing express business, orders received softly, which is not only a reflection of strength, but also the recognition and respect of the international community.

After Chang'e-6, foreign countries lined up to return Chinese cultural relics! This is an upgraded version of Qian Xuesen's missile!

However, back to the return of those cultural relics, the reason behind this is actually not difficult to understand. The success of Chang'e-6 is like a signal to the world that China is not only capable of making major breakthroughs in the field of science and technology, but also capable of protecting and inheriting its own cultural heritage. Those cultural relics that have been lost are like children who have left home, and now, with the growth of China's national power, they finally have a way home.

This is not only a feast of technology, but also a return to culture. The return of cultural relics not only means that the memory of history has been reawakened, but also represents that China's status and influence on the global stage are constantly improving. It's a sign of cultural self-confidence and a correction to past mistakes.

After Chang'e-6, foreign countries lined up to return Chinese cultural relics! This is an upgraded version of Qian Xuesen's missile!

Of course, we can't ignore the complex political and diplomatic considerations behind this. Foreign museums and collectors may be in awe of China's strength, perhaps to improve relations with China, but in any case, the return of cultural relics is a respect for history and a cherishing of culture.

In the process, China has shown a mature and tolerant attitude, demonstrating both strength and a message of peace and friendship. This is not only a technical victory, but also a diplomatic victory, a cultural victory.

After Chang'e-6, foreign countries lined up to return Chinese cultural relics! This is an upgraded version of Qian Xuesen's missile!

Therefore, when Chang'e-6 returned with lunar soil, and when those cultural relics lost overseas began to line up to go home, what we saw was not only successful space missions again and again, but also the transformation of a country from weak to strong, from humiliation to dignity. This is the reconstruction of national self-confidence, and it is also the responsibility of a major country.

In this era full of challenges and opportunities, the success of Chang'e-6 is like a shot in the arm for all Chinese, telling us that as long as we unite and innovate, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome and no dream that cannot be realized. And the return of those cultural relics reminds us that no matter where we go, we must not forget our roots and souls.

Therefore, let us look forward to more "Chang'e" and "Jade Rabbit" in the future, with our dreams, flying to the sea of stars farther away. At the same time, I also hope that those cultural treasures that have been lost can return to the embrace of the motherland as soon as possible, so that the memory of history can be complete and the blood of culture can be continued. This is the strength of China, and this is the pride of the Chinese nation! And, imagine Chang'e-6 at work on the surface of the moon, a magnificent picture of science fiction and reality.

She was on the moon, carefully collecting lunar soil, as if she were fulfilling a sacred mission. Every operation is so precise and professional. Then, after loading, she set out on her way home, through the vast universe, and finally landed safely on the land of her motherland.

This moment is not only the victory of science and technology, but also the pride of every Chinese. We have not only brought back precious lunar soil, but also infinite hope and hope for the future. And those cultural relics that have been lost have also found their way home in this context.

Therefore, when we see the picture of Chang'e-6's successful completion of its mission, we might as well think about the cultural relics that are about to return, which carry the memory of history and witness the growth of a nation. All this makes us more convinced that China is moving towards a more brilliant future with unstoppable steps.

After Chang'e-6, foreign countries lined up to return Chinese cultural relics! This is an upgraded version of Qian Xuesen's missile!

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