
Does a man have special feelings for his ex-wife? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

Does a man have special feelings for his ex-wife? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

The ex should be like dead. You can burn two at the door of the house during the Qingming Festival

Does a man have special feelings for his ex-wife? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

He wants to have two wives. Isn't it beautiful to hug left and right? But wouldn't you?

Does a man have special feelings for his ex-wife? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

Just kidding, how many men are looking for a mistress and still have feelings for their ex-wives?

Does a man have special feelings for his ex-wife? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

If I change me, I can't afford to mess with me, and I'm far away from this man.

Does a man have special feelings for his ex-wife? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

Yes, time has already given the answer. And my answers will get more and more beautiful.

Xin time. Maybe it's the good dish made by his ex-wife, or maybe it's her gentle smile. But there are also some men who divorce because of irreconcilable contradictions, but even so, when they occasionally see familiar scenes, they still think of their ex-wives. For example, when you pass by a park that you used to frequent, memories come flooding back to you. There are also some men, who are frustrated in a new relationship, and will unconsciously compare their current wife with their ex-wife, and the advantages of their ex-wife are even more obvious. But no matter what, a man's feelings for his ex-wife are always a little special, and this specialness is like a little secret in his heart, which comes out from time to time to scratch his heart.

Does a man have special feelings for his ex-wife? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

Well, he still loves his ex-wife, and his ex-wife doesn't let go, even if I exist, it won't help. Fiancée is not as good as ex-wife... Fulfill them

Does a man have special feelings for his ex-wife? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

Some things are in the past, and there is no turning back, and there is no turning back, let alone turning back.

Does a man have special feelings for his ex-wife? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

When you are in love, you are complementary to each other, and after you get married, you find that these two personalities are simply tortured together.

Does a man have special feelings for his ex-wife? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

Time can dilute everything, and people have to look forward.

Does a man have special feelings for his ex-wife? Looking at the comments of netizens, it resonated with thousands of people

I'm an ex-wife character, and I'm telling you, I don't can't let go, what kind of feelings do we talk about when everyone is divorced

With the flowing river, there is no return. We should not always be immersed in the emotional whirlpool of the past, but should bravely welcome the new sunshine and compose a new music of our own. Just like the butterfly that broke out of its cocoon, it could break free from the shackles of the past and dance among the flowers. Let's turn our special feelings for our ex-wife into nutrients for growth, nourish our future lives, and embrace the beauty of tomorrow with optimism and positivity!

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