
Wallpaper|Picturesque view

author:Good luck wallpapers
Wallpaper|Picturesque view
Wallpaper|Picturesque view
Wallpaper|Picturesque view
Wallpaper|Picturesque view

When the phone screen lights up, a serene and deep picture comes into view. One person is dressed in a black windbreaker, holding an umbrella, with one hand in his pocket, riding alone in a small boat, and walking leisurely towards the island in the lake.

The surface of the lake is sparkling, and the sky is dripping with light rain, as if the whole world has merged into this clear lake. The boat swayed gently, drifting with the current, leading its owner to his destination - the small building in the middle of the island.

The small building stands quietly on the island, simple and elegant, as if it has gone through vicissitudes, but it is still tough and beautiful. It is surrounded by greenery and the fragrance of flowers makes people feel as if they can breathe and pulse of nature.

The picture is poetic and romantic, making it feel as if you are in a distant and mysterious world. Whenever the mobile phone screen lights up, it can make people temporarily forget the hustle and bustle of the world and immerse themselves in this peace and beauty. May we all be like this boat man, bravely pursue our dreams and arrive at our own small building.

Wallpaper|Picturesque view
Wallpaper|Picturesque view
Wallpaper|Picturesque view
Wallpaper|Picturesque view
Wallpaper|Picturesque view
Wallpaper|Picturesque view
Wallpaper|Picturesque view
Wallpaper|Picturesque view
Wallpaper|Picturesque view
Wallpaper|Picturesque view

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