
The follow-up is coming! The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, the bank has apologized, but the comment area is one-sided!

author:Enthusiastic drops yH

The late husband's 130,000 deposits "disappeared" in the bank?

Recently, when Ms. Deng was sorting out her late husband's belongings, she found a passbook that had not been used for many years, showing a balance of 133,900 yuan.

However, when she went to the Pingli County branch of the Agricultural Bank of China to inquire, she was told that the money in this account had "disappeared" and the account balance was zero!


Mr. Chen, Ms. Deng's husband, opened an account in 2005 at the Pingli County Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China. He had always been accustomed to using a bank card to deposit and withdraw money during his lifetime, and the passbook had been lying quietly at home.

It wasn't until Mr. Chen's death in April 2018 that the account was never used again.

The follow-up is coming! The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, the bank has apologized, but the comment area is one-sided!

Two years later, in December 2020, Ms. Deng decided to go to the bank to check the status of the account because she had to deal with some inheritance issues. When she saw the considerable deposit on the passbook, her heart couldn't help but be full of anticipation. But who knows, the bank teller told her that there was not a penny in the account.

After some investigation, it turned out that this passbook was useless for too long, and the access records in it were not updated in time. Therefore, although the balance of 133,900 yuan is shown on the passbook, the account was actually emptied before June 2018.

What made Ms. Deng even more speechless was that when the bank teller was handling business, he mistook the balance on the passbook for the actual balance of the account, and also issued her an inquiry notice with the balance of the passbook.

The follow-up is coming! The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, the bank has apologized, but the comment area is one-sided!

At the moment, the bank has apologized! They admitted that it was a small mistake made by the staff in their business, which caused Ms. Deng to misunderstand. They also said that the person responsible would be dealt with seriously! However, do you think this punishment is too light?

See what netizens have to say

Some netizens broke the news and said: "The Agricultural Bank of China actually closed the comments this time, are you afraid that everyone will tell the truth?" ”

The follow-up is coming! The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, the bank has apologized, but the comment area is one-sided!

Another netizen sighed: "If the bank hadn't found out about this problem, wouldn't Ms. Deng's 130,000 yuan be gone?" It's scary to think about! ”

The follow-up is coming! The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, the bank has apologized, but the comment area is one-sided!

Some netizens asked angrily: "Isn't this kind of behavior really not sentenced?" Do people in the bank have any privileges? ”

The follow-up is coming! The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, the bank has apologized, but the comment area is one-sided!

However, some netizens disagreed: "This should be a simple mistake, and it should be proved by checking the flow records."

The follow-up is coming! The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared, the bank has apologized, but the comment area is one-sided!

To be honest, that card folded account is really a bit of a headache! The bank card has withdrawn money, and the passbook is not updated, but the previous number is still displayed.

But this Ms. Deng went to the bank to check, and the staff issued a certificate, and later said that there was no money in the account. This gap is too big, it's like you have a treasure map in your hand, and suddenly tell you that there is nothing in that place, who can stand it!

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