
's mother posted "the first in the class in the sixth grade", which attracted tens of thousands of complaints, and she was honest when she took the junior high school exam once a month

author:Broken Thoughts of the King


There are always people who have their own fears when there is a happy event in the family, some people have nothing to do and shout "Hey, I see that you are a little rich", and some people will burst out a sentence of resentment about the past in an unrelated place.

But in fact, a happy event that was originally normal was mixed with a lot of displeasure because of this, which undoubtedly embarrassed people who behaved out of place.

A mother celebrates her daughter's excellent results in a high-profile manner, but in the eyes of everyone, her elated behavior is somewhat "arrogant"?

After looking at the child's report card over and over again, she just posted her baby's results, why did it attract thousands of complaints?

This is because she posted not only her grades, but also the words "No. 1 in the class in the sixth grade".

There are two main aspects of people's complaints, the first is negativity, thinking that excessive show-off is not good; On the other hand, there is the fear that this passage on the Internet will attract bad people.

The mother's performance caused controversy.

It doesn't matter if an ordinary person posts his daughter's grades to comfort himself and feels uplifted, but the mother's behavior was posted on social media, so she became a public figure, and people's evaluation of her naturally became more harsh.

However, when evaluating her performance, it is difficult not to be affected by the current Internet social environment, so everyone's position is divided into two factions.

The heroine's mother said: "The heroine is the first in the class in the sixth grade!"

The main character: the heroine

Supporting characters: The heroine Mother's friend

The story begins with: The heroine goes to junior high school.

Entering junior high school is one of the many challenges for primary school students, and the academic requirements are greatly improved.

's mother posted "the first in the class in the sixth grade", which attracted tens of thousands of complaints, and she was honest when she took the junior high school exam once a month

In elementary school, exams are usually taken four times a month, while in junior high school, teachers usually don't give results until the following month.

The results of this monthly exam are based on the fact that we primary school students still need to continue to work hard, and our academic performance is not perfect!

Under normal circumstances, the room for improvement in grades should be for most people with good math scores.

However, at this time, the heroine's mother still did one thing for her daughter because of her excellent grades.

's mother posted "the first in the class in the sixth grade", which attracted tens of thousands of complaints, and she was honest when she took the junior high school exam once a month

The mother celebrates on a high note.

The conditions of the heroine's family are not good, and the family background is not good, in the eyes of the whole class, it is not "hard", but there will be some deficiencies more or less.

coincided with her daughter being able to emerge in a dry environment, and the heroine's mother was a little incredulous.

For this reason, not only did she show off the heroine at home, but also spread the heroine's achievements in front of her friends at a gathering of friends, which detonated the celebratory atmosphere.

Among the friends, except for a friend whose gap between the rich and the poor is very small, the others are all friends from relatively wealthy families.

After seeing the heroine's mother show her daughter's grades, the mother, who was still imprisoned because of her family environment, was also excited after learning that her child had done all this.

He said three times in a row: "Look at how good my daughter's grades are!"

A word woke up the dreamer, and when her friend was told by the heroine's mother, she found that she was a little too excited to lose her restraint.

Realizing this, they quickly finished their meal and went home.

But the heroine's mother's show-off did not stop, and he also wrote about his daughter's glorious achievements in the Weibo social group: "The first in the class in the sixth grade!"

In social groups, his circle of friends covers all walks of life, and there are also many teachers.

's mother posted "the first in the class in the sixth grade", which attracted tens of thousands of complaints, and she was honest when she took the junior high school exam once a month

After seeing this sentence, several teachers will also misunderstand the common saying "my baby" because of the "my daughter" in it, and they are showing off their children.

Whether it is the tone of this sentence or the words, it is a little inexplicable.

was originally an ordinary show off of her achievements, but because of such a sentence, people ignored the original intention of the heroine's mother to be happy for her children, and instead felt that she loved to show off her wealth a little.

Netizens have the main negative views.

There are two main negative views of netizens, one is that they are worried that this matter will attract bad people.

After some netizens saw this sentence, they were worried that the heroine's family would show off the heroine's achievements too much, and there would still be criminals who would find the heroine's footprints from it, and kidnap the heroine for this purpose.

After all, this is not a conjecture made out of nothing, many criminals are stupid watching feature films, mistakenly thinking that they can also commit murder like a movie and will not be caught by the police at all.

But in reality, the arrest of a crime is not as good as the general trend in the movie, and after the criminals who have been arrested by the police for a probation offender, the rest of the criminals will naturally be found.

They rely on the "gentle methods" of the police in the movie and expect to be taught a lesson by the police, but it is generally difficult for the police to maintain a gentle attitude in the face of such criminals.

Usually during the interrogation process, the police will give a certain "punishment" for their bad behavior, which makes them think that the police will not do the wrong thing, and then constantly exposing it.

's mother posted "the first in the class in the sixth grade", which attracted tens of thousands of complaints, and she was honest when she took the junior high school exam once a month

Even if a member of a criminal gang is caught, the police will try to maintain a certain amount of "gentleness" during interrogation.

But it makes sense for netizens to worry that the heroine will be involved in this turmoil, but the reason why they blindly accuse the heroine's family is really a bit inappropriate.

Because the heroine's family originally just wanted to bask in the festive season, but they were not qualified to celebrate their children because of the evil of the real society, which is really hurtful.

's mother posted "the first in the class in the sixth grade", which attracted tens of thousands of complaints, and she was honest when she took the junior high school exam once a month

On the other hand, I am worried that my past experiences will affect the future of the heroine.

In reply to a comment, the heroine's mother mentioned the heroine's past unbearable experience, thinking that the heroine's achievement proved that everyone was wrong at the beginning.

After seeing the twists and turns of the heroine's experience, many people's positions changed.

's mother posted "the first in the class in the sixth grade", which attracted tens of thousands of complaints, and she was honest when she took the junior high school exam once a month


thinks that the behavior of the heroine's mother is very correct and necessary, and some people are even moved by the heroine's mother's responsibility.

No matter which opinion it is, everyone's heart is for the good of the heroine, but there is an error in the position, which makes their words fierce.

There is nothing wrong with good grades, but the same is true for poor grades, as parents, they should spend more time on their children's grades instead of arguing with netizens.

For netizens, no matter what your position is, you should respect the joy of others, whether his children are all Mingban or not, it's his business.

's mother posted "the first in the class in the sixth grade", which attracted tens of thousands of complaints, and she was honest when she took the junior high school exam once a month