
Impulsiveness is the devil! Just because of a trivial matter, two lives were finally killed! Not worthy of sympathy!

author:Passion Dumplings 8I


The incident of a security guard slashing the owner with a knife in a small area of Fangchenggang, Guangxi, has aroused heated discussions in the society.

Impulsiveness is the devil! Just because of a trivial matter, two lives were finally killed! Not worthy of sympathy!

According to the lawyer's analysis, the voluntary surrender of a security guard may be judged to be justified or excessively defensive.

Impulsiveness is the devil! Just because of a trivial matter, two lives were finally killed! Not worthy of sympathy!

During the incident, the owner and the security guard clashed violently over the electric car, which eventually led to the tragedy.

Impulsiveness is the devil! Just because of a trivial matter, two lives were finally killed! Not worthy of sympathy!

When faced with such conflicts, it is crucial to deal with them calmly and avoid escalation. Want to know more details and social repercussions? Hurry up and read down!

Impulsiveness is the devil! Just because of a trivial matter, two lives were finally killed! Not worthy of sympathy!

Lawyer analyzes security behavior

In a small area of Fangchenggang, Guangxi, the security guards came to the door many times to persuade them to leave because the owner's electric car was parked indiscriminately, and finally he couldn't bear to slash the two owners with a knife.

Impulsiveness is the devil! Just because of a trivial matter, two lives were finally killed! Not worthy of sympathy!

It is worth noting that the security guard did not flee after committing the crime, but voluntarily surrendered to the police station. In this regard, a lawyer pointed out that if the security guard turns himself in after slashing and killing the male owner, it may be judged that he is justified or excessively defended, and the punishment will be reduced.

Reflection on social values

Impulsiveness is the devil! Just because of a trivial matter, two lives were finally killed! Not worthy of sympathy!

Whether it is the arrogance of the owner and his wife or the anger of the security guard, it is a tragedy caused by the "competitiveness" of both parties. And such disputes and conflicts ultimately cost a woman her life. No matter what kind of contradictions and disputes, it is not worth the cost of life. When faced with similar situations, we should deal with them calmly, avoid intensifying conflicts, keep a low profile, and take a step back to broaden the sky.

Impulsiveness is the devil! Just because of a trivial matter, two lives were finally killed! Not worthy of sympathy!

The beginning and end of the incident and the social repercussions

Impulsiveness is the devil! Just because of a trivial matter, two lives were finally killed! Not worthy of sympathy!

It is understood that on the night of the incident, a security guard in the community was persuaded to leave and park the car back in the community because the two owners parked the electric car indiscriminately, causing the security guard to be very angry. Subsequently, the security guard brought his colleagues to the door to reason with the owner, and the two sides had a verbal altercation. During this period, because the man suspected misconduct, the two female owners called their husbands to help.

Impulsiveness is the devil! Just because of a trivial matter, two lives were finally killed! Not worthy of sympathy!

It is worth noting that the man had already carried a fruit knife when he arrived and handed it to his wife. In the face of the persuasion of several security guards to leave, the two women did not relent, but shouted "kill us" at several security guards, and also recorded videos with their mobile phones. Because the two women were very emotional at that time and were reluctant to leave, there were more and more onlookers at the scene.

Impulsiveness is the devil! Just because of a trivial matter, two lives were finally killed! Not worthy of sympathy!

Later, when the two women left the gate of the compound and returned to their home, passing through an alley, the man had an emotional outburst, chased after him and slashed one of the female owners with a knife. Faced with this situation, onlookers shouted for help. Several security guards who heard the shouts arrived and stopped the man, who did not notice that the woman was injured.

Impulsiveness is the devil! Just because of a trivial matter, two lives were finally killed! Not worthy of sympathy!

When several security guards were about to step forward to control the man, the woman suddenly took out a kitchen knife wrapped in plastic wrap and slashed at several security guards. At this time, due to the large number of onlookers at the scene, several security guards were agitated and then lost control one after another. One of the security guards snatched a knife from the woman and slashed at the man and the female owner with a kitchen knife. It is understood that the security guard slashed the man 3 times and the female owner 5 times that night.

Impulsiveness is the devil! Just because of a trivial matter, two lives were finally killed! Not worthy of sympathy!


In the face of complex social contradictions, calm communication and rational resolution are the right way. The fierce conflict between the security guard and the owner eventually led to a tragedy, which is deeply regrettable. In life, we should learn to take a step back and open the sky to avoid irreversible consequences caused by small things. Only by staying calm and rational can society be more harmonious and stable.