
It's a big deal! The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared in the follow-up, and the bank apologized, but the balance was 0!

author:Lao Zhang Bang

"Deposits will disappear, how can you not see the arrears disappear"!

It's a big deal! The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared in the follow-up, and the bank apologized, but the balance was 0!

For the 130,000 deposits of her deceased husband, she ran for 4 years, and just yesterday, there was finally the latest news, and the Agricultural Bank of China apologized and said that it had expressed a solution to Ms. Deng!

What the hell is going on? Why did the 130,000 that existed in the bank disappear for no reason, and even the accounts were cancelled!

Ms. Deng's husband, who lived in Ankang, Shaanxi Province, died of illness in 2018, and when sorting out her husband's belongings, she found that her husband had deposited a deposit of 130,000 yuan in the local Agricultural Bank while he was alive!

It's a big deal! The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared in the follow-up, and the bank apologized, but the balance was 0!

This deposit can be said to be the last bit of comfort left by her husband to herself, so Ms. Deng went to Ankang Agricultural Bank twice in 2020 to handle business, and the bank at that time also confirmed the existence of this deposit, but due to the death of her husband, it will be more troublesome to take it out!

In December 2021, Ms. Deng, who had been running for a year, saw that the various procedures were almost complete, and went to the bank to inquire about the deposit, and the banking staff at that time, Wang Chao, checked the balance for Ms. Deng, and the balance remained unchanged, still more than 130,000!

It's a big deal! The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared in the follow-up, and the bank apologized, but the balance was 0!

2022 has just passed the New Year, after making sure that there are no omissions in various procedures, Ms. Deng can finally withdraw the money, after arriving at the bank, Ms. Deng's heart instantly cooled, and the bank staff informed Ms. Deng that the deposit had been withdrawn, and the account had also been cancelled!

It's a big deal! The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared in the follow-up, and the bank apologized, but the balance was 0!

Oh, my God! Who took the money, why didn't she know, and the bank's various strange rhetoric made Ms. Deng feel very uneasy!

After finding the leader of the bank, he dragged Ms. Deng for various reasons, and promised to investigate the matter for Ms. Deng, but, however, when Ms. Deng found the bank many times to understand the situation, there was never a result!

It's a big deal! The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared in the follow-up, and the bank apologized, but the balance was 0!

After the deposit disappeared for more than 2 years, on June 27, Ms. Deng decided to expose the matter to the media, and after the media exposure, the incident quickly appeared on the hot search!

It's a big deal! The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared in the follow-up, and the bank apologized, but the balance was 0!

The bank also quickly launched an investigation, just today, the Ankang Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China issued an announcement saying: The incident was due to the staff at that time was not familiar with the business, and the work mistake took Ms. Deng's husband's balance as the available balance of the account, and the staff involved will be dealt with seriously!

It's a big deal! The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared in the follow-up, and the bank apologized, but the balance was 0!

And apologized to Ms. Deng in time, but the current passbook balance is not more than 130,000, and it is inconvenient to disclose the specifics!

It's a big deal! The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared in the follow-up, and the bank apologized, but the balance was 0!

After the bank apologized, it quickly attracted the attention of netizens! Some netizens said: A mistake is over, if there is no reporter to run and break his leg, don't want to get a penny back, and why don't you prove it!

It's a big deal! The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared in the follow-up, and the bank apologized, but the balance was 0!

Some netizens said: If you can fool the past, it will go into your pocket, and if you don't fool the past, it's a big deal if the money returns to its original owner, in fact, we all know that they are lying, and they also know that we know that it is lying, but what can you do!

It's a big deal! The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared in the follow-up, and the bank apologized, but the balance was 0!

最后,对于这起事件,我们不禁要问:银行‬的‬调查‬为什么‬一拖‬再拖‬,在‬事情‬闹大吼后‬,3天‬就‬解决‬此事‬‬‬‬? 13万‬不翼而飞‬给‬邓女士‬带来了多大的伤害? 银行‬方面‬是否‬应该反思一下自己的行为。

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