
The new rules will come into effect today! Prohibit big data killing, and standardize automatic renewal


As the news broke, many customers now frequently fall into the trap of auto-renewal, and it is not uncommon to complain about auto-renewal.

Starting today, the "Regulations on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Regulations") was officially put into effect.

The new rules will come into effect today! Prohibit big data killing, and standardize automatic renewal

According to the Implementing Regulations, if a business operator provides services by means of automatic extension or automatic renewal, it must remind consumers to pay attention in a conspicuous manner before they accept the service and before the date of automatic extension or automatic renewal.

The new rules will come into effect today! Prohibit big data killing, and standardize automatic renewal

It is reported that as early as 2021, the State Administration for Market Regulation put forward relevant requirements in the "Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Online Transactions" announced, but there are still some apps that set various restrictions on the cancellation of services, and the "Implementation Regulations" further standardize the automatic renewal mechanism at the regulatory level.

In response to the problems of "big data discrimination" and "differential treatment", the Implementing Regulations specifically point out that business operators shall provide consumers with true and comprehensive information on goods or services in an easy-to-understand manner, and shall not fabricate transaction and business data, and shall not use means such as tampering, forging or concealing user evaluations to deceive or mislead consumers.

The new rules will come into effect today! Prohibit big data killing, and standardize automatic renewal

Business operators must not, without the knowledge of consumers, set different prices or charging standards for the same goods or services under the same transaction conditions.

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