
12 trivia of Taoist priests, take you to understand the real Taoist priests

12 trivia of Taoist priests, take you to understand the real Taoist priests

1. The level of Taoist priests is divided according to the level of practice and duties, including innocence, immortals, secluded, mountain dwellings, monks, at home, sacrificial wine, etc., the highest is innocence, immortals, and immortals in Taoist mythology are divided into five classes, such as immortals and immortals.

2. The Taoist priest is called the "bull's nose" because of the bun, the Taoist crown is like a bull's nose, the legend of Lao Tzu riding a green ox, Zhang Sanfeng's bull's nose characteristics, the practice of breathing is similar, and the Taoist priest's indisputable character is like a cow.

12 trivia of Taoist priests, take you to understand the real Taoist priests

3. The Taoist priest has a beard to symbolize identity cultivation, conform to nature, fulfill filial piety to parents, and maintain health care. Taoism has a variety of internal beard habits, reflecting its diversity and adaptability.

4. The death of a Taoist priest is called "feathering", which refers to the ascension to immortals, which originates from yin and yang, and the cultivation is complete to become an immortal. Different from Buddhism's "death", Taoism pursues feathering away from the world and liberating oneself.

12 trivia of Taoist priests, take you to understand the real Taoist priests

5. There are female Taoist priests in Taoism, called Nuguan or Kun Dao, and famous people in history such as Yang Zhengjian, Xie Tiantian, Wei Huacun, Sun Buer, etc., who have made significant contributions to Taoist teachings and cultural inheritance.

6. The Taoist hairstyle has Tai Chi bun and mixed bun, showing a unique style. Together with the costumes, it forms the image of the Taoist priest, reflecting the respect and inheritance of traditional culture.

12 trivia of Taoist priests, take you to understand the real Taoist priests

7. In Taoism, the Taoist priests of the Zhengyi faction ascended to heaven through the "conferring" ceremony and obtained the Taoist priesthood; The Quanzhen sect became a Taoist priest through the transmission of precepts, focusing on study and practice. The ordination of Taoist priests of the Zhengyi sect must meet strict conditions, including holding a teaching certificate and having a pure faith.

8. There are many precepts to be observed by Taoist priests, such as the three altar precepts, the five precepts of Laojun's return to the roots, etc. The five precepts are the foundation of Taoism, and those who hold the precepts can be blessed and prolong their lives. The Nine True Wonderful Precepts emphasize filial piety, compassion, etc., and those who receive the vows enjoy good fortune and avoid reincarnation. The Jurchen Nine Precepts are specially formulated for women, and they can avoid the suffering of hell and ascend to heaven and attain the Tao.

12 trivia of Taoist priests, take you to understand the real Taoist priests

9. Taoist priests are rich in magic, including Taoism, inner dan, outer dan, etc., as well as scriptures and confessions in religious activities. Quanzhen Taoist priests practice martial arts, and the ritual is called "Zhai Jiao Ritual", and the gods are sacrificed to seek blessings. Taoist spells also include divination, talismans, etc., which can cure diseases and drive away evil spirits. Maoshan Taoism includes the Five Thunder Palm Technique, etc., reflecting the richness of Taoist culture.

10. Taoist priests perform rituals for the deceased, including transcendent pujas and death rituals, with the aim of helping the souls of the deceased to escape their suffering. The transcendence puja includes the sending of the text, the summoning, the reassurance, the blessing, the soothing, and the invitation to the saints, and the ritual of transcending the dead from hell layer by layer. Taoist priests also perform other rituals, such as performing recitations in shifts, beating gongs and drums, and performing performances.

12 trivia of Taoist priests, take you to understand the real Taoist priests

11. Cultivators should avoid eating meat, including garlic, onions, leeks, shallots, and xingqu, because the strong smell of these foods can easily induce desires and damage the body and mind. The Taoist Zhengyi sect also has the taboo of "four don't eat", namely cow, mullet, wild goose, and dog, which represent loyalty, filial piety, festival, and righteousness respectively, to show respect for life.

12. Taoism is divided into two schools: the one and the true. Taoist priests of the Zhengyi sect can get married and have children, but they need to abide by Taoist marriage norms; The Quanzhen sect is abstinent, not allowed to marry and have children, and focuses on cultivating to become immortals. Before marriage, the Zhengyi faction needs to write a marriage book and promise to live up to the beauty.

12 trivia of Taoist priests, take you to understand the real Taoist priests
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