
Mao Xiaotong's 30-year-old "really fragrant" scene! Age? Inexistent!

author:Xiao Wang, the captain of Ruru in the melon field

Mao Xiaotong's "Standing at Thirty": Age is not a shackle, but a witness to growth


1. Youth Travel: Be honest about age anxiety

In the latest issue of "Youth Travel", the members of the Youth Circle tour group sit together and share the pressures and confusions in their lives. Among them, Mao Xiaotong's sharing is particularly eye-catching.

Mao Xiaotong's 30-year-old "really fragrant" scene! Age? Inexistent!

She admitted that on her 28th birthday, she couldn't accept the fact that she was about to turn 30, and even couldn't help but shed tears.

Mao Xiaotong's 30-year-old "really fragrant" scene! Age? Inexistent!

This sentiment is not unfamiliar to many young people who are about to enter a new stage of their lives. In the face of the unknown future, we will always be full of illusions and fears, and aging is often seen as a kind of bondage and shackles.

Mao Xiaotong's 30-year-old "really fragrant" scene! Age? Inexistent!

Netizens hotly discussed: "Who doesn't have the anxiety of 'standing at thirty'? But Mao Xiaotong's honesty really touched me, and she let us know that in the face of age, we can choose to accept it calmly. ”

The arrival of the twenties and thirties: from anxiety to calmness


However, when the day of 30 years old really came, Mao Xiaotong felt an unprecedented calmness. She realizes that age is not a shackle, but a witness to growth.

Mao Xiaotong's 30-year-old "really fragrant" scene! Age? Inexistent!

After experiencing the baptism of the years, she cherishes the present time more and loves the world more. She tells us not to be defined by age and to be brave enough to pursue our dreams and goals.

Mao Xiaotong's 30-year-old "really fragrant" scene! Age? Inexistent!

Netizen comments: "Mao Xiaotong's words really made me feel empowered! It turns out that age is not a stumbling block that restricts us from moving forward, but a driving force that pushes us to continue to grow. ”

3. Age is not a shackle: only oneself defines life

Mao Xiaotong's sharing aroused the audience's deep thought. Indeed, everyone's life trajectory is unique, and we cannot be bound by age, let alone let the goal of life be defined by age.

Mao Xiaotong's 30-year-old "really fragrant" scene! Age? Inexistent!

We should give our time to ourselves, to the future, and to our love for the world. Only in this way will we be able to see more beautiful landscapes, both morning and evening.

Mao Xiaotong's 30-year-old "really fragrant" scene! Age? Inexistent!

Netizen interaction: "Let's talk about it, what do you think about age? Was there a moment when you felt that age wasn't an issue? ”

Fourth, life is open: continuous trial and error and looking for an exit

On the road of life, we will always encounter various challenges and difficulties. But it is these challenges and difficulties that allow us to continue to grow and improve.

Mao Xiaotong's 30-year-old "really fragrant" scene! Age? Inexistent!

Mao Xiaotong told us that life is a process of finding an exit in constant trial and error and confusion. Only by bravely facing challenges and constantly trying new things can we find our own path.

Mao Xiaotong's 30-year-old "really fragrant" scene! Age? Inexistent!

Netizens shared: "I remember the first time I tried to start my own business, I was also full of confusion and anxiety. But it was that process of trial and error that allowed me to find my direction and purpose. ”

5. Summary: Age is not a boundary, life has infinite possibilities

Mao Xiaotong's sharing made us understand a truth: age is not the boundary of life, and it should not become a shackle for us to pursue our dreams.

Mao Xiaotong's 30-year-old "really fragrant" scene! Age? Inexistent!

Everyone's life is unique, and we should be brave enough to pursue our dreams and goals and not be defined by age. At the same time, we should also cherish every moment and use our love and efforts to create a better future.

Mao Xiaotong's 30-year-old "really fragrant" scene! Age? Inexistent!

Controversial discussion: "So, how do you think age affects a person's life trajectory and achievement? Is it restraint or motivation? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment area! ”

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