
At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

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In the Hong Kong entertainment industry in the last century, many stars made their debut by making tertiary films.

And Wen Bixia, who has always been known as "the most beautiful Daji", is also one of them.

The difference is that many actresses are forced to "be stars", but she is voluntary.

Born beautiful, she volunteered to shoot, and for a time became a "sweet spot" in the eyes of many directors.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

But she became popular by making "fashion blockbusters", but she met a man who spoiled her.

Married for 19 years and having no heirs, it did not affect the relationship between the two at all.

How attractive is she? Why did he volunteer to appear as a "star"?

After reading her original family, you may understand.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

The troubles of the family of origin

Looks are the greatest gift from God, but what would you do if you were outstanding in appearance but were limited by your birth?

Wen Bixia is such a woman, she grew up beautiful, because her family poverty limited her development, and she was even "beaten" to the point where she could not survive.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

In 1966, Wen Bixia was born in Tiu Keng Lean, Hong Kong, in a poor family that could not be opened, with a total of ten people in the family, including parents and siblings.

She is the youngest, and when she was a child, Wen Bixia was almost sold by her mother because of the poverty of her family.

She was only five or six years old at the time, but the impact of this incident on her was for the rest of her life.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

Wen Bixia's mother took her to a strange uncle, and she watched her uncle give her mother a sum of money, so she asked her to follow her uncle.

As a young girl, she hugged her mother and began to cry, and finally the good Samaritan could not bear to separate the mother and daughter, so he returned her to her parents and gave them the money together.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

Although this money can relieve their financial pressure for a while, after all, there is always a time when it runs out.

From then on, at a young age, she was determined to work hard to earn money and improve the quality of life for her family when she became an adult.

But her father's strict discipline since she was a child aroused a deep rebellion in her heart.

So she hopes to be able to go out and have her own world.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

In middle school, she began to skip classes during the rebellious period, and was keen on dressing up, not learning skills, and precocious emotional experiences.

became a recognized "problem girl" on campus, but it was also at this time that she encountered a turning point in her life.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

At the age of 15, she was discovered by a talent scout while walking on the street, and she was eager to get rid of the status quo, so she agreed to the invitation of the talent scout without hesitation and entered the entertainment industry.

After becoming financially independent, she immediately moved out of the previous "slum", lived alone outside and started her acting career.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

But in the unpredictable world of the entertainment industry, her outstanding appearance did not bring her any shortcuts, but made her acting career more bumpy.

The information in this paragraph comes from: Dazhong Network Entertainment - Wen Bixia revealed that she was almost sold by her mother when she was a child - published on July 2, 2009

The years when he starred in "star".

Wen Bixia, who was in adolescence at the time, still exuded the immaturity of a girl.

The first work she starred in was also "Pretty Girl", which is quite similar to her age and experience, which mainly tells the love story between a troubled girl and her gangster boyfriend.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

Although it is the first time to appear in a movie, Wen Bixia's performance is remarkable.

As soon as the movie was released, she became popular overnight, and was nominated for Best New Actor at the 2nd Hong Kong Film Awards for the film, which shows Wen Bixia's acting skills.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

At the beginning of the next year, she came to cooperate with Andy Lau, and Andy Lau was also a fledgling at that time.

The two newcomers co-starred in the love movie "Can't Stop Love".

This movie allowed her to make a name for herself in the entertainment industry, but because of this movie, she experienced the audience's verbal criticism.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

Because of the large-scale performance in this drama, the acceptance of this type of movie was not high for people at that time.

Although the movie was a great success after its release, Wen Bixia's image in the play is very different from the youthful image she left to the audience.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

The transformation from a young student to a "degenerate girl" is unacceptable, and it is criticized by the audience.

She couldn't stand such strange eyes and negative remarks, so she chose to retire and rededicate herself to her studies.

Later, while working and studying, she starred in many film works one after another.

But the response was mediocre, so she decided to carry out multi-habitat development and develop into the field of TV dramas.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

In 1992, with her superb acting skills in the TV series "Fire Rose", she became an instant hit again and became famous.

This work also became her masterpiece, and she later released a number of music albums while the iron was hot.

But when she planned to continue to transform and break through, she made a wrong step and made her acting career fall to the bottom for a while.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

In 1996, in order to continue to seek a breakthrough in transformation, she took over the filming of the thriller and suspense film "Shocking Change" with Ren Dahua.

The scale of this drama can be described as quite bold, and there are even many nude scenes.

After the release of the film, Wen Bixia was once again pushed to the top of public opinion, even though she was "dedicated" to her artistic career, her acting career was still hit hard.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

It is said that "blessings are unparalleled and disasters are not one-way".

When Wen Bixia's career fell into a low period, there was also unacceptable bad news.

When she was anxious, her father passed away due to illness at this time, and she had no intention of filming, so she put her career on hold and chose to go out for a break to release the pressure in her heart.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

And it was this trip that allowed her to meet the love of her life.

The information in this paragraph comes from: Baidu Encyclopedia - Wen Bixia - acting experience

Meet Love, Loyal Couple

fell in love at first sight, and his sincerity finally touched her who was "unmarried"!

On a vacation in Hawaii, she unexpectedly met He Zuguang, his lifelong soulmate.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

As a wealthy businessman, he fell in love with Wen Bixia at first sight and immediately launched a passionate pursuit.

In the face of He Zuguang's fierce show of love, no matter how moved she was in her heart, she still had doubts about the durability of this relationship about the future of the two and the disparity in their identities.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

And at that time, Wen Bixia was also under the dual pressure of public opinion and life, and the public's evaluation of her was also very poor.

This also led to He Zuguang's family and friends always disapproving of their relationship, and even Wen Bixia personally persuaded him to give up.

But He Zuguang is not afraid of the gossip of others, and always maintains his unswerving heart.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

Finally, Wen Bixia was moved by He Zuguang's sincere pursuit, opened her heart, and walked into a new journey hand in hand with He Zuguang.

In 2000, they held a grand wedding at the Bodhi Tree Hotel in Phuket, Thailand, starting a new happy life for the two.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

But after marriage, perhaps because of the influence of her family since she was a child, coupled with Wen Bixia's extreme requirements for her own manners, she put forward a very "unreasonable" request for men: don't have children!

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

In order to maintain a perfect figure, Wen Bixia put forward a "harsh" requirement for her husband: she was unwilling to affect her figure for the sake of childbirth.

This is unacceptable to most men, let alone He Zuguang, who is a wealthy family, after all, who doesn't want to have a lover's happy crystallization.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

But He Zuguang did not refute against her wishes, but unexpectedly accepted her decision,

His endless tolerance and pampering have not changed because of the child, but he has been extremely caring and caring for ten years.

This kind of love has also ushered in countless envious eyes.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

Although she did not feel pregnant herself, the two adopted an orphan in 2010, and Wen Bixia also experienced the happiness and joy of motherhood.

Wen Bixia, who is now 58 years old, still maintains a perfect figure and charming appearance in the company of her son and husband.

She used her life to vividly embody what life it is like to marry the right person, which has deeply touched countless netizens.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

Today's Wen Bixia not only has fruitful acting achievements in the entertainment industry, but she also insists on supporting public welfare undertakings outside the circle.

She uses her influence to contribute to charity to a greater or lesser extent.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

As his husband, He Zuguang also did his best to support her decision, and his unconditional support and understanding were also a solid backing for Wen Bixia to let go of her courage.

The information in this paragraph comes from: Overseas Network - married into a wealthy family for 16 years and did not have children, but was spoiled by her husband


At all times, Wen Bixia keeps a clear head, and she always knows what she wants.

Whether it was stepping into the entertainment industry when he was young, or "dedicating" himself to art and starring in "Shocking Change".

Or in the face of He Zuguang's sudden feelings and insistence on not having children, he continued to devote himself to his career.

At the age of 17, she volunteered to act in a "third-level film", and at the age of 34, she married a wealthy family and was still spoiled by God after 19 years without giving birth to children, why should she

These reflect her responsible attitude towards her own life and her firm belief in her own choices, and the facts have proved that her choice is not wrong.

She showed another wonderful life in her own way, and I hope that she can be happy and happy in her future life.

Bibliography: - Wen Bixia: Sacrifice for art does not work in Chinese society (photo) - Wen Bixia is a mother who adopts a baby boy and adopts an orphan chick at a glance

Sina Entertainment - 49-year-old Wen Bixia took a 45-degree selfie and was praised as the "goddess of immortality"

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