
Gong Xue and Zhu Lin, who is the first beauty in the 80s? When you look at them together, the difference comes out

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Editor: cjm

"Gong Xue in the South, Zhu Lin in the North".

One fascinated thousands of southerners, and the other fascinated thousands of northerners!

It is said that the two of them are like "Tianshan Snow Lotus", and it is always appropriate to wear heavy makeup, but which one is better in comparison?

Gong Xue and Zhu Lin, who is the first beauty in the 80s? When you look at them together, the difference comes out

Gong Xue

Gong Xue, she has always given people a quiet bookish atmosphere.

This kind of bookish feeling in the bones can only be felt in Gong Xue.

Gong Xue and Zhu Lin, who is the first beauty in the 80s? When you look at them together, the difference comes out

And such a bookish atmosphere is all caused by Gong Xue's family environment since childhood......

Gong Xue's background was a very good background in that era, she was born in a family of intellectuals.

His father is an artist, his mother is a photographer, and more importantly, Gong Xue's grandfather was an old acquaintance of Mr. Lu Xun.

Therefore, Gong Xue has grown up in such a literary atmosphere since she was a child.

When she grew up, Gong Xue was slim, very beautiful and full of literary atmosphere.

Gong Xue and Zhu Lin, who is the first beauty in the 80s? When you look at them together, the difference comes out

In the early days, when Gong Xue was still in junior high school, she was very interested in film art, so she also embarked on the road of acting when she grew up.

Coupled with Gong Xue's "unbelievably beautiful" appearance, she was particularly popular in the showbiz in the 80s.

The film and television drama "Under the Bridge" played by Gong Xue made her widely known after winning the "Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Best Film" in one fell swoop.

But just when this career was booming, Gong Xue was involved in a "hooligan case".

Gong Xue and Zhu Lin, who is the first beauty in the 80s? When you look at them together, the difference comes out

Involved in a "hooligan case"

The older generation must have heard that in 1986, there was a large-scale "hooligan case" that caused a sensation across the country.

At that time, several children of high-ranking cadres used things such as job promotions as bait.

He has deceived dozens of women, violated them, and also took private photos, which is extremely vile in nature.

Gong Xue and Zhu Lin, who is the first beauty in the 80s? When you look at them together, the difference comes out

After the incident, three of the main culprits were sentenced to death, and the others were sentenced to prison terms of different years.

This is also the first case in which a child of a high-ranking cadre has been sentenced to death.

I thought that the matter would end like this, but I didn't expect that because of the confession of a criminal, Gong Xue was directly involved.

Gong Xue and Zhu Lin, who is the first beauty in the 80s? When you look at them together, the difference comes out

At that time, one of the criminals mentioned a woman surnamed Gong when he confessed.

After the confession came out, everyone pointed the finger at Gong Xue.

People have speculated that the actress surnamed Gong is Gong Xue.

Suddenly, public opinion spread all over the country, saying that Gong Xue was also one of the women who were "violated" at that time.

As soon as this news came out, it coincided with the time when Gong Xue's popularity was hot, so this sudden "yellow rumor" had a great impact on Gong Xue.

Gong Xue and Zhu Lin, who is the first beauty in the 80s? When you look at them together, the difference comes out

All of a sudden, his career plummeted.

and also had to endure people's pointing and foul language at that time, and rumors were flying all over the sky, so that Gong Xue had nowhere to escape.

Although Gong Xue had already come forward to clarify that this incident had nothing to do with her, she was not a victim.

But the people at that time didn't listen to the explanation at all, and blindly believed the rumors, even if Gong Xue came forward to clarify many times, it was to no avail.

Gong Xue and Zhu Lin, who is the first beauty in the 80s? When you look at them together, the difference comes out

In the end, she was unable to control the rumors, so Gong Xue could only go to the United States to avoid the limelight.

At that time, she was just the right age, and she was a good age for an actor, but in the end, she had no choice but to cut off her acting career, and she lived abroad for decades and did not return to China.

It is also a pity that such a prime, pure and moving actress has fallen because of this.

But on the other hand, Zhu Lin, who was also the hottest actress in the 80s, is in a very different situation......

The source of this paragraph comes from Baidu Encyclopedia - Gong Xue's basic information

Zhu Lin

When it comes to her, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is the king of the daughter country in "Journey to the West".

When Director Yang Jie was filming Journey to the West, he had very high requirements for each role, especially the actor of the role of the king of the daughter country, who didn't like it for a long time.

It was also by chance that someone recommended Zhu Lin as an actor to Director Yang Jie.

Director Yang Jie didn't know Zhu Lin at that time, but after seeing the photos, he directly decided to let Zhu Lin play this role.

Gong Xue and Zhu Lin, who is the first beauty in the 80s? When you look at them together, the difference comes out

Director Yang Jie believes that Zhu Lin is the king of her daughter's country, gentle and tactful, charming and moving.

After the film was broadcast, Zhu Lin really did not disappoint everyone, and her role as the king of the daughter country won many praises from everyone.

Everyone said that this was Tang Zeng's saddest level, and Zhu Lin also became famous through this role and became the "first beauty" of that era.

Gong Xue and Zhu Lin, who is the first beauty in the 80s? When you look at them together, the difference comes out

Speaking of which, Zhu Lin's acting career is relatively smooth compared with Gong Xue.

But all this is also inseparable from her family.

Zhu Lin's experience

Zhu Lin's background is not ordinary at all, she was born in Beijing in 1952.

In fact, Zhu Lin's ancestral home is Jinan, Shandong, but her parents both work in Beijing, so Zhu Lin was born in Beijing.

Zhu Lin's parents are "not simple", her father graduated from Tsinghua University, her mother is a doctor who saves lives, and the family is a Kochi.

Gong Xue and Zhu Lin, who is the first beauty in the 80s? When you look at them together, the difference comes out

Zhu Linyin grew up in a Kochi family since she was a child, and she was exposed to it.

So he has been very good since he was a child, both in terms of appearance and grades.

After growing up, Zhu Lin was admitted to the Beijing Communication Corps Art Troupe, where Zhu Lin often practiced dance performances.

Therefore, this experience also laid a solid foundation for her future acting career.

And Zhu Lin was also admitted to the Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, which also proves that Zhu Lin is not only good-looking.

is still a beautiful woman with both IQ and appearance.

The source of this paragraph comes from Baidu Encyclopedia - Zhu Lin's basic information

But he may have been born to eat the bowl of rice of actors, so in the end, he still entered the road of acting by chance.


Although Zhu Lin and Gong Xue are now old, they have faded out of the entertainment industry.

But their demeanor back then is not comparable to any actress today.

However, there is also a saying that "Bentley is also a Bentley when he is old", and Zhu Lin and Gong Xue are exactly like this.

Even though he has reached the age of sixties, his posture still looks very energetic, and he can still see the beauty and generosity of the year, dignified and elegant.

Gong Xue and Zhu Lin, who is the first beauty in the 80s? When you look at them together, the difference comes out

This may be the old saying "beauty is in the bones, not in the skin".

Although both of them were beauties back then, they had completely different life paths, but as long as the result was happy, then this path was the best.

Does anyone miss when Gong Xue starred in "Under the Bridge" and Zhu Lin played the "King of the Daughter Country"? #长文创作激励计划#

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