
Do you know? The most desired physiological needs of women after the age of 50 turned out to be like this!

author:Elegant stream s8ZVs

Aunt Li is 50 years old and her family lives in Suzhou, Jiangsu. She lost her husband early and raised her son Xiao Chen alone. Fortunately, Xiao Chen lived up to her expectations and now works in Shanghai, with his own career and family. Life seems to be safe, but who would have expected that Aunt Li, who was 50 years old, would experience a shock in life.

Do you know? The most desired physiological needs of women after the age of 50 turned out to be like this!

That day, Aunt Li was watering flowers on her small balcony, and her neighbor Zhang's mother came to visit the door. The two chatted about family life while drinking tea, and Zhang's mother suddenly frowned and said, "Xiao Li, your son works in Shanghai, why don't you go to live with them, so you don't have to be alone at home." ”

Aunt Li was stunned for a moment and said: "My son and daughter-in-law are living a good life, and I will make trouble when I go, besides, the pace of life in Shanghai is so fast, I am still used to the slow pace here in Suzhou." ”

Zhang's mother sighed, "But you are alone at home, how can the children rest assured?" Don't you feel lonely? ”

Aunt Li smiled, "I'm used to it, besides, I still have so many flowers and plants to accompany me, looking at them every day, the days go by quickly." ”

However, at that moment, Aunt Li realized that she had indeed been avoiding a problem: the loneliness deep inside.

Do you know? The most desired physiological needs of women after the age of 50 turned out to be like this!

As the days passed, Aunt Li seemed to be poked in her heart by this sentence. Whenever she sat alone at home and the phone rang, she always looked forward to hearing her son's voice. But she soon found that her son was gradually busy with work and life and no longer contacted her as often as before.

One night, Aunt Li received a WeChat message from her son, "Mom, Xiaoli and I are very busy with work, and I feel that I can't take care of you." You have to pay attention to your body during the days at home, don't work too hard. ”

Looking at her son's brief WeChat, Aunt Li had mixed feelings in her heart. She knows that her son has a life of his own and she can't always take up his time.

Just as Aunt Li was deep in thought, her phone rang, and it was WeChat coming. She opened it and saw that it was sent by her childhood classmate Sister Wang. "Xiao Li, are you okay at home alone lately? Ever wanted to get out for a walk? ”

Aunt Li smiled back, "It's okay, there's nothing big at home, and the flowers and plants also need to be taken care of." ”

Sister Wang replied after a while, "A few days ago, I enrolled in a course at the University for the Elderly, and I met a lot of friends. If you're okay, just come and sign up, it's crowded. ”

Aunt Li thought about it for a while and decided to take a look. The next day, she came to the University for the Elderly and enrolled in a calligraphy class. In the first class, she quickly met a lot of peers, and a spirited old man next to her took the initiative to greet her, "Hello, new classmate, what do you call it?" ”

"My surname is Li, just call me Aunt Li."

The old man laughed, "Okay, Aunt Li." My surname is Zhao, call me Uncle Zhao. The two quickly began to talk.

When she returned home, Aunt Li's mood suddenly brightened, and her life seemed to be fresh again. But the inner uneasiness still exists, and it still comes up from time to time in the middle of the night.

Do you know? The most desired physiological needs of women after the age of 50 turned out to be like this!

After some time, Aunt Li and Uncle Zhao became friends. One day between classes, Uncle Zhao talked about his experience. It turned out that he had also been widowed for many years, and his children were all working in other places, although his life was pure, he always felt that something was missing.

Aunt Li thought thoughtfully, "Uncle Zhao, I also have the feeling you said." Since my wife is gone, I always feel empty in my heart. ”

Uncle Zhao nodded, "Yes, many people think that when we are our age, we should get used to being alone, but in fact, everyone has their own feelings and needs. You say, don't you? ”

Aunt Li sighed, "Yes." In fact, I have always been at home by myself, and I always feel lonely. Although his son will come back when he is free, after all, the distance is far away, and he also has his own life. ”

Uncle Zhao smiled, "Aunt Li, why don't we have a partner!" You see, we both live alone, so it's better to get together, take care of each other, and be able to accompany each other. ”

Aunt Li was stunned, "This ...... Isn't that good? ”

Uncle Zhao patted her hand, "There's nothing wrong with it, you think about it, don't worry." ”

When she got home, Aunt Li kept thinking about Uncle Zhao's words. In fact, she also longs to have someone by her side and be able to chat and talk daily, but what society and her family think is another question.

After a few days of ideological struggle, Aunt Li finally made a decision. She called Uncle Zhao, "Uncle Zhao, I thought about it for a while, if you don't dislike it, I'm willing to give it a try." ”

Uncle Zhao blossomed over there, "Okay, okay, then let's decide!" ”

So, Uncle Zhao moved into Aunt Li's house, and the two lonely hearts started a new life. They share the chores and joys of each day, watch TV together every night, go to class and go for a walk together during the day. Gradually, Aunt Li found that this mutual dependence and companionship gradually cured her loneliness.

Do you know? The most desired physiological needs of women after the age of 50 turned out to be like this!

However, as the days progressed, problems began to emerge. Uncle Zhao usually spends a lot of money, but the living expenses for Aunt Li are very small, and Aunt Li is responsible for the water and electricity bills that should be paid for the groceries. After a long time, Aunt Li's heart began to feel a little unbalanced.

One night, Aunt Li couldn't help but have a showdown with Uncle Zhao.

"Uncle Zhao, it's a good thing for us to live together and take care of each other, but this daily expense can't be all mine."

Uncle Zhao looked a little embarrassed and said in a low voice: "Aunt Li, thanks to you during this time, I really don't have much financial wealth. ”

Aunt Li sighed, "I understand you, but in the long run, it's not a way." ”

After a moment of silence, Uncle Zhao said sincerely: "Aunt Li, I will find a way to solve this problem and not let you bear everything alone." When we live together, we have to face it together, and we can't just rely on you. ”

Aunt Li nodded, and finally breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

In the end, Uncle Zhao found some part-time jobs, although the income is not much, but it can also reduce the burden a little. The two continued to support each other in life, and gradually reached more understanding and tacit understanding.

Do you know? The most desired physiological needs of women after the age of 50 turned out to be like this!

Now, Aunt Li and Uncle Zhao have been living together for almost a year, and although they are not rich, they are full of warmth and laughter. Every Friday, their son Xiao Chen and his daughter-in-law return to Suzhou to visit them, and the house is always full of laughter.

Xiao Chen once whispered to Aunt Li: "Mom, Uncle Zhao is really good, with him with you, I have a lot less to worry about." ”

Aunt Li smiled and patted his hands, "Child, don't worry, Mom knows what she's doing." ”

Back at home, Aunt Li and Uncle Zhao sat on the balcony, overlooking the city of Suzhou at night. Uncle Zhao took Aunt Li's hand and sighed, "Aunt Li, with you by your side, life is really much more fulfilling." ”

Aunt Li smiled and said, "Uncle Zhao, we accompany each other, and life will always get better and better." ”

Do you know? The most desired physiological needs of women after the age of 50 turned out to be like this!

After going through so much, Aunt Li and Uncle Zhao deeply understand that after the age of 50, there are still endless possibilities in life. For adults, especially in the middle-aged and elderly stage, what they most desire is not only material satisfaction, but also emotional resonance and dependence.

There are challenges and problems in life, but as long as two people can be honest with each other and understand each other, they will definitely find solutions. When people reach middle age, they can still pursue their own happiness and warmth.

Through this story, we also hope that everyone can find their own emotional sustenance, no matter age, no matter what experience, as long as there is hope, life will always be full of sunshine. I wish all those who are looking for warmth in the struggle day and night can find their own peace and companionship as soon as possible.