
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal

author:Yu Jin's Food

1. Egg and fish ball noodle soup

My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal

Ingredients: eggs, octopus balls, ramen.

Seasoning: lard, seaweed, chopped green onion, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, chicken essence.

The production steps are as follows:

My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal

1. Put a spoonful of lard, seaweed, chopped green onion, a spoonful of light soy sauce, a spoonful of oyster sauce, and half a spoon of chicken essence in a bowl.

2. Heat the oil, fry the eggs in the oil, add boiling water and boil again, add the octopus to play, add the ramen, and bring to a boil again.

3. After the noodles are cooked, pour the soup into a seasoning bowl together, stir well and serve

2. Home-style fried noodles

My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal

Ingredients: noodles, Shanghai greens, mung bean sprouts, eggs, ham sausage.

Seasoning: light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, cumin powder, chili flakes, salt, chicken essence.

The production steps are as follows:

My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal

1. Heat the oil, fry the eggs in the oil and set aside, slice the ham sausage and set aside.

2. Bring water to a boil, boil the noodles and remove the cold water, drain the water after it has cooled, add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce and cooked oil, and mix evenly for later use.

3. Heat the oil, fry the ham and sausage slices in the hot oil, add 2 tablespoons of cumin powder, 2 tablespoons of chili noodles, half a spoon of salt, half a spoon of chicken essence and stir-fry to make the fragrance, add the bean sprouts, stir-fry over Shanghai green heat until soft, add noodles and eggs, stir-fry evenly over medium heat and you can start eating

3. Sour fragrant noodles

My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal

Ingredients preparation: wonton wrappers.

Seasoning: chopped green onion, coriander, seaweed, light soy sauce, aged vinegar, shrimp skin, salt, black pepper, mustard, sesame oil.

The steps are as follows:

My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal

1. Add chopped green onion, coriander, seaweed, light soy sauce, aged vinegar, shrimp skin, salt, black pepper, mustard, and sesame oil to the bowl.

2. Cut the wonton wrappers you bought with an oblique knife, grab them to prevent them from sticking together, boil the water, boil the wonton wrappers until they float and cook for another minute, then turn off the heat.

3. Add the soup of the boiled wonton wrappers to the bowl, don't add too much, scoop in the boiled wonton wrappers, stir well and serve.

Fourth, zucchini egg reed cake

My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal

Ingredients to prepare: zucchini, eggs.

Seasoning: Salt.

The steps are as follows:

My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal

1. Wash the zucchini and cut the shreds, add some salt and marinate for 5 minutes to remove the water, beat in two eggs and stir evenly for later use.

2. Brush the oil in the pot, pour in an appropriate amount of zucchini egg batter when the oil is hot, fry it slowly over low heat into a golden cake on one side, and then turn over and fry the other side until golden brown can be eaten out of the pot, the omelette is convenient, mainly Tiangong is delicious.

5. Egg bubbles

My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal

Ingredients: eggs, flour, yeast, carrots, ham.

Seasoning: salt, chopped green onion.

The steps are as follows:

My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal
My mother-in-law is so innovative that every day breakfast is like a big meal

1. Beat two eggs into a bowl, add 300 grams of flour, 3 grams of yeast, 3 grams of salt, add 280 grams of warm water, stir well into a particle-free batter, seal and rise to twice the size.

2. After proofing, add the chopped carrots, chopped ham, and chopped green onions, and stir well.

3. Heat the oil in the pot, the oil temperature is 6 into the heat, blanch the spoon first, scoop in half a spoon of batter, first put it in the oil pan and fry the surface until the batter will fall off by itself, fry it in turn, keep turning until it is fried until both sides are golden brown and you can take it out and eat, it is really very soft, the egg is full of fragrance, you must try it if you have not eaten.