
Follow-up to the Li Yifei incident at Xi'an Jiaotong University: A number of high-definition uncensored photos were exposed, giving a glimpse of academic Daji's demeanor

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Follow-up to the Li Yifei incident at Xi'an Jiaotong University: A number of high-definition uncensored photos were exposed, giving a glimpse of academic Daji's demeanor

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Follow-up to the Li Yifei incident at Xi'an Jiaotong University: A number of high-definition uncensored photos were exposed, giving a glimpse of academic Daji's demeanor

In this year's graduation season, a storm from Xi'an Jiaotong University caused waves on the Internet. The video of Li Yifei's excellent speech at the graduation ceremony has been widely circulated on the Internet, and her ambition to contribute to the motherland's nuclear industry is moving. But soon, some skeptical voices surfaced, pointing out that there were doubts about her academic background and scientific research achievements, and even referred to her as an "academic Daji", which sparked a wide discussion.

Follow-up to the Li Yifei incident at Xi'an Jiaotong University: A number of high-definition uncensored photos were exposed, giving a glimpse of academic Daji's demeanor

Li Yifei's admission experience has raised questions about the college admissions system. As an art student, she was originally admitted to Xi'an Jiaotong University through art or other art specialty programs. However, she later transferred to the university's School of Dynamics to pursue a master's degree in nuclear engineering.

There is a clear disciplinary difference between art and nuclear engineering. Art majors focus on aesthetic appreciation and creative thinking, while nuclear engineering requires a solid foundation in mathematics and physics and scientific research ability. Li Yifei's journey from an artistic specialty to a master's degree in nuclear engineering is incredible.

Follow-up to the Li Yifei incident at Xi'an Jiaotong University: A number of high-definition uncensored photos were exposed, giving a glimpse of academic Daji's demeanor

When colleges and universities recruit students, the requirements for special students are relatively relaxed. As long as you have a skill in a specific field such as art or sports, you can get extra points or direct admission status. However, if this kind of specialty bonus policy is abused, there may be a serious disconnection between students and their majors, which will affect the learning atmosphere and training quality of the entire university.

Therefore, there is a view that when colleges and universities recruit special students, they should strictly control the scope of their admission and avoid too large differences in professional backgrounds. It is best for students with special talents to be related to the major they are applying for, or at least not to seriously deviate from the nature of the major they are studying. Otherwise, just like Li Yifei, it is really far-fetched to be admitted all the way from an art specialty student to a nuclear engineering major.

Follow-up to the Li Yifei incident at Xi'an Jiaotong University: A number of high-definition uncensored photos were exposed, giving a glimpse of academic Daji's demeanor

In view of this situation, colleges and universities may need to improve the enrollment system for specialty students, and make clear limits on the categories of specialties and majors that can be admitted, so as to avoid the embarrassing situation of students "opening the door but going backwards". Only by reasonably matching students' strengths with their majors can we truly play a role in promoting the policy of students with special talents and avoid the lack of learning accumulation that affects students' professional development.

In addition, the academic level of 2 national invention patents and 1 international conference paper applied by Li Yifei during his time at the university was also questioned. Some voices pointed out that the gold content of these achievements is not high, and they should not be rated as outstanding graduates.

Follow-up to the Li Yifei incident at Xi'an Jiaotong University: A number of high-definition uncensored photos were exposed, giving a glimpse of academic Daji's demeanor

The most shocking thing is that Li Yifei generously stated in his speech that he was "determined to take root in the difficult areas of northwest China and contribute to the motherland's nuclear industry", but after graduation, he chose to work in a public institution in Xi'an, which had an obvious contradiction with the content of the speech.

This has raised questions from netizens about its integrity. Some people believe that her so-called patriotic feelings and determination to take root in the northwest are just a "perfect score speech" and too formalistic. As young students in the new era, they should match their words with deeds and contribute to the country and society with practical actions.

Follow-up to the Li Yifei incident at Xi'an Jiaotong University: A number of high-definition uncensored photos were exposed, giving a glimpse of academic Daji's demeanor

It was even revealed that Li Yifei had a too close relationship with his tutor and suspected of "academic misconduct". If this accusation is true, it will further weaken her image in the public eye.

In the face of months of skepticism, Xi'an Jiaotong University said it was investigating the matter, but there was no conclusive answer. As a national key university, the outstanding graduates it cultivates often represent the academic standards and educational philosophy of the school. Therefore, the society will pay close attention to the results of the investigation of Li Yifei's case.

Follow-up to the Li Yifei incident at Xi'an Jiaotong University: A number of high-definition uncensored photos were exposed, giving a glimpse of academic Daji's demeanor

In addition to the Li Yifei incident, since the beginning of this year, there have also been a series of campus turmoil, such as students from Huazhong Agricultural University jointly reporting academic misconduct, and graduate students of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications reporting their tutors, which have raised questions about the academic environment and teacher-student relationship of colleges and universities.

For example, a university of aeronautics and astronautics spent 140 million yuan to build luxury apartments for international students, while local students still live in old dormitories with four-room rooms, which will undoubtedly further exacerbate the distrust of teachers and students.

Follow-up to the Li Yifei incident at Xi'an Jiaotong University: A number of high-definition uncensored photos were exposed, giving a glimpse of academic Daji's demeanor

A series of events has not only cast a shadow over the reputation of universities, but also shaken public trust in the academic community. Analysts pointed out that in the era of short videos, any news has the risk of being rapidly amplified, and colleges and universities urgently need to pay attention to the construction of their own credibility and establish an authoritative image, so as to always stand on the commanding heights of guiding the direction of society.

In general, the Li Yifei incident reveals that there are still certain problems in academic integrity and education concepts in colleges and universities. As the inheritors of human civilization, higher education institutions shoulder the important responsibility of promoting the academic spirit and cultivating outstanding talents, and need to awaken and continuously improve themselves in the new era. We expect universities to draw strength from these doubts and reflections, and demonstrate true scholarship and credibility.


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