
"Rural land is no longer in private possession, and collective ownership is back! Li Changping proposed to surprise everyone"

author:Book from the sky

Recently, Li Changping put forward a remarkable policy proposal at a symposium on rural development, arguing that rural land should be returned to the collective, and emphasizing the importance of subsidizing farmers' pensions. This view has attracted a lot of attention, so let's take a look at his specific recommendations.

"Rural land is no longer in private possession, and collective ownership is back! Li Changping proposed to surprise everyone"

Li Changping said that the return of rural land to the collective is of great significance. Collective ownership can better protect land resources from overexploitation and abuse. At the same time, the development of the collective economy will also lead to the upgrading of the rural economy and achieve the goal of common prosperity for farmers. This is not only conducive to the rational use of land resources, but also can ensure the stability and sustainable development of rural society.

At the same time, Li Changping also stressed the importance of subsidizing farmers for the elderly. He pointed out that at present, the problem of old-age care in rural areas is becoming increasingly prominent, and many farmers are living in difficulty. Therefore, the government should increase support for farmers' pensions, improve pension benefits, and ensure the quality and dignity of farmers' lives in their later years.

"Rural land is no longer in private possession, and collective ownership is back! Li Changping proposed to surprise everyone"

Li Changping believes that instead of only subsidizing agricultural production, it is better to directly use the funds to subsidize farmers' pensions. In this way, it can not only meet the actual needs of farmers, but also improve their sense of happiness and gain, further stimulate their enthusiasm for production, and promote the development of agriculture. Only by ensuring the basic livelihood of peasants can they better devote themselves to agricultural production and make greater contributions to national food security.

In terms of specific measures, Li Changping put forward the following suggestions: First, improve the rural land circulation policy, encourage farmers to transfer land to professional cooperatives or agricultural enterprises, and achieve large-scale operation; The second is to set up a peasant pension insurance system to ensure that peasants enjoy sufficient pensions when they retire; Third, it is necessary to increase investment in rural infrastructure construction and improve the living conditions of rural residents.

"Rural land is no longer in private possession, and collective ownership is back! Li Changping proposed to surprise everyone"

In short, Lee's views have been widely discussed. The return of rural land to collectives and subsidies to farmers for old-age care will help promote rural economic development, increase farmers' income, and ensure farmers' basic living needs. These measures will bring better development opportunities to rural farmers, and at the same time, they will also be conducive to the smooth progress of the rural revitalization strategy.