
"Netizens are furious! The antagonistic rhetoric between China and Japan has been hit, and this report has sparked heated discussions"

author:Book from the sky

Recently, domestic Internet giant Tencent and a number of other platforms have issued announcements announcing that they will take severe measures against speech that "inciting confrontation between China and Japan". This news instantly aroused heated discussions among netizens, and various voices came one after another. Let's take a look at what's going on behind this amazing incident today!

"Netizens are furious! The antagonistic rhetoric between China and Japan has been hit, and this report has sparked heated discussions"

Summary of Tencent's announcement:

Dear users, in order to maintain social harmony and stability and strengthen the spread of positive energy in the Internet space, Tencent has decided to strengthen its crackdown on speech that incites confrontation between China and Japan. From now on, any user who publishes or disseminates such remarks will face severe penalties, including but not limited to account bans, deletion of related content, etc. Thank you for your understanding and support!

As soon as Tencent's announcement was released, it immediately set off huge waves on the Internet. Netizens have expressed their opinions and opinions, and these remarks are varied and cover a variety of different voices.

"Netizens are furious! The antagonistic rhetoric between China and Japan has been hit, and this report has sparked heated discussions"

Some people see this as a serious violation of freedom of speech, arguing that the internet should be an open platform where everyone has the right to express their opinions. They accused Tencent and other internet companies of losing impartiality and objectivity in this matter, as well as respecting the rights of users.

However, more netizens expressed appreciation and support for Tencent's decision. They believe that rhetoric that incites confrontation between China and Japan will bring further tensions to the relationship between the two countries, and may even trigger irreversible consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to restrict such speech, as well as to maintain social stability and the healthy development of the Internet space.

"Netizens are furious! The antagonistic rhetoric between China and Japan has been hit, and this report has sparked heated discussions"

Tencent's announcement has also triggered reflections on corporate social responsibility on the Internet. As one of the largest Internet companies in China, Tencent's decision will have a demonstration effect on other Internet companies. In the future, we may see more internet platforms join the crackdown on speech and jointly maintain a positive and healthy online environment.

In short, in this era of information explosion, we need to assume more social responsibility. Freedom of expression and social harmony are not opposites, but need to be balanced. We expect Tencent and other Internet companies to be fair and objective in their crackdowns on speech, and to show sufficient respect for the rights and interests of users. Only in this way can we jointly build a civilized and progressive cyberspace.