
Back then, I asked my two cousins to apply for the teacher's training, but my uncle and aunt looked down on me, and now the situation of the two cousins is embarrassing

author:The day after tomorrow, I walked around

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

Chen Hao stood in front of the window, looking at the scene in the courtyard through the thin curtains. The sun shines on the big camphor tree in the yard, and the shadows of the trees are dappled. Ten years ago, it seemed like it happened yesterday. He was the only one in his family to go to college, and he was full of pride and anticipation. However, he did not expect that this expectation would lead to huge controversy and conflict.

That year, a family reunion was held at Chen Hao's uncle's house. In the courtyard of the old house, round tables were set up, and relatives sat together, chatting and eating. Chen Hao sat on a small wooden bench, next to his two cousins, Chen Jian and Chen Qiang.

Back then, I asked my two cousins to apply for the teacher's training, but my uncle and aunt looked down on me, and now the situation of the two cousins is embarrassing

"Haozi, how are you studying in school?" Uncle Chen Zhiguo walked to Chen Hao's side with a glass of wine.

"Not bad, just got a scholarship." Chen Hao replied with a smile.

"It's a good scholarship, save money." Aunt Li Fengying interjected, but her eyes swept to her two sons, "You two also want to study like your brother, and strive to get a scholarship in the future." ”

Chen Hao looked at his cousins, thinking about their future. He knew that Chen Jian and Chen Qiang were both in high school and had good grades, but they had been wavering on the issue of choosing a major.

Back then, I asked my two cousins to apply for the teacher's training, but my uncle and aunt looked down on me, and now the situation of the two cousins is embarrassing

"Uncle, aunt, I think Jianheqiang can consider applying for the normal major." Chen Hao hesitated for a moment, but still said his thoughts.

"Teacher?" Li Fengying frowned, "What can the teacher do when he comes out?" As a teacher, it is difficult to support a family with a monthly salary. ”

"Yes, Haozi, what is the future of the normal major? We still expect them to get ahead in the future. Chen Zhiguo didn't agree either.

"Uncle and aunt, I think the teaching profession has its advantages. First of all, the employment rate of teacher training majors is high, and they can find a job stably after graduation. Moreover, education is a long-term cause, and the country will definitely pay more attention to the investment in the education industry in the future. Chen Hao tried to convince them.

Back then, I asked my two cousins to apply for the teacher's training, but my uncle and aunt looked down on me, and now the situation of the two cousins is embarrassing

"Stable work? What we want is to be rich and rich, not the kind of poor teacher who gets a dead salary for a lifetime. Li Fengying sneered.

Chen Jian and Chen Qiang lowered their heads and remained silent. They have always obeyed their parents' arrangements since they were young, and they don't have many ideas about their future choices.

"Jian, Qiang, what do you think of yourself?" Chen Hao turned his head and asked.

Chen Jian raised his head, looked at his parents, and then at Chen Hao, "Brother, I actually like to teach." But my parents didn't support it. ”

Back then, I asked my two cousins to apply for the teacher's training, but my uncle and aunt looked down on me, and now the situation of the two cousins is embarrassing

"Me too." Chen Qiang echoed, "The profession of a teacher is very good, but we are also worried that life will be very hard in the future. ”

"You two, say a few words." Li Fengying glared at them.

Chen Hao knew that if he didn't seize this opportunity, the two cousins would most likely choose a major they didn't really like and embark on a path that wasn't right for them.

"Uncle, aunt, think about it again. In fact, it is more important to choose a major that suits you than to choose a major that seems promising. Although the teaching profession may not make them rich, it can at least allow them to live a stable life and do what they like. Chen Hao said earnestly.

Back then, I asked my two cousins to apply for the teacher's training, but my uncle and aunt looked down on me, and now the situation of the two cousins is embarrassing

"Haozi, you don't have a backache when you stand and talk." Chen Zhiguo sighed, "We are also for the good of our children." ”

"Yes, Haozi, you're about to graduate from college, and you haven't a job yet. How do you know how promising the teaching profession will be in the future? Li Fengying still refuses to forgive.

A trace of helplessness rose in Chen Hao's heart, but he didn't give up. He knew that only by using facts could he impress his uncle and aunt.

"Uncle, aunt, you know that I also had a lot of difficulties at school, but I never gave up. I believe that as long as you work hard, you will be able to achieve your dreams. If Jianheqiang chooses his favorite major, he will definitely be able to do well. Chen Hao said firmly.

Back then, I asked my two cousins to apply for the teacher's training, but my uncle and aunt looked down on me, and now the situation of the two cousins is embarrassing

At this time, Chen Jian finally mustered up his courage, "Dad, Mom, I think my brother is right." I want to give it a try, but how do I know if I can't do it if I don't try? ”

"Yes, Mom, Dad, I also want to apply for a teacher. You can let me and Brother Jian try it. Chen Qiang also agreed.

Li Fengying and Chen Zhiguo glanced at each other, although they were still dissatisfied in their hearts, they also saw the determination of the children. Eventually, they reluctantly nodded.

"Well, just do as you say. But don't blame us if you don't have a good time in the future. Li Fengying said reluctantly.

Back then, I asked my two cousins to apply for the teacher's training, but my uncle and aunt looked down on me, and now the situation of the two cousins is embarrassing

Chen Hao breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, looking at the determined eyes of his cousins, he knew that they had already made up their minds. At this moment, he felt that the responsibility on his shoulders was heavier, but he believed that as long as he had faith, he would definitely be able to find a path of his own.

Ten years later, on a summer afternoon, Chen Hao came to the old house again. The sun still shines through the branches and leaves of the camphor tree in the yard, and the shadows of the trees are dappled. Today, it is the annual gathering of the family, Chen Hao looked at the busy relatives in the yard, and his heart was full of emotion.

"Haozi, come over and help serve the food!" Aunt Li Fengying greeted warmly, with a smile on her face. Compared to ten years ago, she seems more cheerful.

Back then, I asked my two cousins to apply for the teacher's training, but my uncle and aunt looked down on me, and now the situation of the two cousins is embarrassing

"Okay, auntie." Chen Hao answered and walked over to help. The courtyard is filled with large round tables filled with a variety of delicacies. Chen Jian and Chen Qiang were also busy, their faces full of smiles and looking satisfied.

"Brother, come and sit down, let's get together today." Chen Jian patted the chair next to him and motioned for Chen Hao to sit down.

"Haozi, we have to thank you today!" Chen Qiang picked up his wine glass and said with a smile, "If it weren't for your persistence back then, we might still be struggling with life now." ”

"Yes, brother, if it weren't for you, I might not know what I really fit into." Chen Jian also raised his glass, "Come, toast to our good brother!" ”

Back then, I asked my two cousins to apply for the teacher's training, but my uncle and aunt looked down on me, and now the situation of the two cousins is embarrassing

"Okay, cheers!" Chen Hao raised his wine glass and touched them, and a warm current surged in his heart.

Everyone sat down and chatted while eating. Chen Hao listened to his cousins talk about their experiences over the years, and his heart was full of relief.

"Haozi, do you remember when you persuaded us to apply for the teacher examination?" Chen Jian said with a smile, "At that time, we all thought you were crazy, and actually let us go to study normal." ”

"yes, the first few years were really hard." Chen Qiang took over, "But then the country paid more and more attention to education, and our conditions became better and better." Looking back now, I really made the right choice at that time. ”

Back then, I asked my two cousins to apply for the teacher's training, but my uncle and aunt looked down on me, and now the situation of the two cousins is embarrassing

"Yes, brother, if it weren't for you, we might not know what we really like." Chen Jian sighed, "Now I feel very fulfilled every day, and I feel that I am doing something very meaningful with the students." ”

"Me too." Chen Qiang nodded, "Although the salary is not high, it is really rewarding to see the growth of the students." ”

"You can be where you are today because of your own efforts." Chen Hao smiled and said, "I just gave you a suggestion, it is you who really take this path." ”

"Haozi, don't be modest." Aunt Li Fengying smiled, "We are now praising you in the village every day." Don't take those words to heart. ”

Back then, I asked my two cousins to apply for the teacher's training, but my uncle and aunt looked down on me, and now the situation of the two cousins is embarrassing

"Yes, Haozi, we didn't understand you back then, and it's a shame to think about it now." Uncle Chen Zhiguo also apologized, "You are a visionary. ”

"Uncle, aunt, don't mention the past." Chen Hao said with a smile, "The most important thing is that everyone is doing well now." ”

The family ate happily and laughed constantly. Chen Hao looked at everything in front of him, and his heart was full of relief and satisfaction.

"Haozi, what are your plans for the future?" Chen Jian asked, "Do you want to come to our school to teach too?" ”

Back then, I asked my two cousins to apply for the teacher's training, but my uncle and aunt looked down on me, and now the situation of the two cousins is embarrassing

"Yes, brother, come on, let's work together." Chen Qiang also invited.

"I've been thinking about this lately, too." Chen Hao smiled, "Actually, I've always liked teaching. If I have the chance, I'm willing to give it a try. ”

"Great!" Chen Jian and Chen Qiang both clapped their hands happily, "Our school is short of excellent teachers, and you will definitely be very welcome when you come." ”

"Then it's decided." Chen Hao nodded and said, "We will work together in the future." ”

Back then, I asked my two cousins to apply for the teacher's training, but my uncle and aunt looked down on me, and now the situation of the two cousins is embarrassing

"Okay, in the future, the three of us brothers will contribute to the cause of education together." Chen Qiang raised his glass, "Here, cheers!" ”

"Cheers!" Everyone raised their glasses together, and laughter echoed in the courtyard.

The family reunion ended with laughter. Chen Hao looked at the smiling faces of his cousins, and his heart was full of relief and satisfaction. He knew that the road was tortuous, but they had finally found their true direction.

"The path of life is often unexpected, but it makes sense." Chen Hao sighed, "As long as you stick to your beliefs, you will definitely be able to find your own bright future." ”

Back then, I asked my two cousins to apply for the teacher's training, but my uncle and aunt looked down on me, and now the situation of the two cousins is embarrassing

As the sun set, the people in the courtyard gradually dispersed. Chen Hao stood in front of the old house, looking at the distant backs of his cousins, and his heart was full of expectations for the future. He knows that there are still many challenges on the road ahead, but he is no longer afraid, because he understands that true happiness is to find what he loves and work hard for it.