
When my boyfriend came to withdraw from the marriage, because my father refused to return 20 catties of pork, he reluctantly became my son-in-law

author:The day after tomorrow, I walked around

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

The story takes place in rural China in the 90s of the last century. Li Li is a hard-working and kind rural girl, although her family is poor, she is always optimistic about life. Her father Li Dahai is an honest farmer, working at sunrise and resting at sunset, and her mother Zhang Cuihua is not in good health and is sick in bed all year round.

"Li'er, hurry up and bring the food, your dad is back." Zhang Cuihua said weakly to Li Li. Li Li quickly picked up a plate of simple home-cooked food, put it on the table, and greeted her father warmly.

"Dad, are you tired today?" Li Li asked with concern.

When my boyfriend came to withdraw from the marriage, because my father refused to return 20 catties of pork, he reluctantly became my son-in-law

Li Dahai wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a smile: "I'm not tired, I don't have much work today." Lier, why hasn't your boyfriend Liu Qiang come for the past few days? ”

Speaking of Liu Qiang, Li Li's face changed slightly, but she quickly covered it up: "Dad, he has something to do at home, maybe he's busy." ”

At this moment, there was a hurried knock outside the door, and Li Li opened the door to see that it was Liu Qiang, standing at the door with a solemn face.

"Liu Qiang, you're here, come in and sit." Li Li barely managed to squeeze out a smile.

When my boyfriend came to withdraw from the marriage, because my father refused to return 20 catties of pork, he reluctantly became my son-in-law

Liu Qiang entered the house, looked at Li Li, and then at her parents, took a deep breath, and said, "Li'er, uncle and aunt, I came today because I have something important to say." ”

When Zhang Cuihua heard this, she struggled to sit up: "What's the matter, Liu Qiang?" Say it, you're welcome. ”

Liu Qiang was silent for a while, and finally spoke: "Uncle and aunt, my family does not agree to me and Li'er marrying, so I can only withdraw from the marriage." ”

As soon as the words fell, Li Li and her parents were stunned. Li Dahai stood up suddenly, his face pale: "Divorce? You say retreat, is it such a child's play? ”

When my boyfriend came to withdraw from the marriage, because my father refused to return 20 catties of pork, he reluctantly became my son-in-law

Liu Qiang lowered his head and didn't dare to look directly into Li Dahai's eyes: "Uncle, it's not that I want to do this, my parents said that our family's conditions are not good, and we really can't let your family suffer, so they asked me to return the 20 catties of pork I sent before." ”

"What? Pork? Li Dahai was so angry that his hands were trembling, "The 20 catties of pork sent by your family are part of the bride price, and now that you have withdrawn from the marriage, do you want us to return the pork?" Aren't you humiliating us? ”

Li Li's eyes were moist, and she choked up and said, "Liu Qiang, didn't we say that we would face difficulties together?" How can you give up so easily? ”

Liu Qiang closed his eyes in pain: "Li'er, I'm sorry, I can't help it." ”

When my boyfriend came to withdraw from the marriage, because my father refused to return 20 catties of pork, he reluctantly became my son-in-law

Zhang Cuihua lay on the bed and said weakly: "Children, if the two of you have feelings, you should be together well, what is this pork matter?" ”

Li Dahai snorted coldly: "Liu Qiang, let me tell you, we will never retreat this pork!" If you insist on getting out of the marriage, this matter will not be over! ”

Liu Qiang raised his head, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes: "Uncle, I really can't help it." Otherwise, I'll try to persuade my parents and see if there's any other way. ”

Li Li cried and said, "Liu Qiang, don't you go, okay?" We can figure it out together. ”

When my boyfriend came to withdraw from the marriage, because my father refused to return 20 catties of pork, he reluctantly became my son-in-law

Liu Qiang looked at Li Li's face full of tears, and his heart tingled, but he knew that this matter was not something he could decide alone. He sighed: "Li'er, I really want to be with you, but the pressure at home is too great, and I don't know what to do." ”

Li Dahai waved his hand and said angrily: "Let's go, let's go, since your family looks down on us so much, then don't come again!" ”

Liu Qiang reluctantly left Li Li's house, and Li Li sat on the ground with tears streaming down her face. Zhang Cuihua sighed and patted Li Li's shoulder: "Li'er, don't cry, let's find a way." ”

A few days after Liu Qiang left, a depressing atmosphere permeated Li Li's house. Li Li washed her face with tears every day, and Li Dahai was also so worried about this incident that she smoked. The gossip in the village is even worse, and everyone is talking about Liu Qiang's divorce.

When my boyfriend came to withdraw from the marriage, because my father refused to return 20 catties of pork, he reluctantly became my son-in-law

"Did you hear that? Liu Qiang is going to withdraw from the marriage, and he wants Li Dahai's family to return pork, isn't this a deliberate slap in the face? ”

"Yes, such a thing has become like this, I really don't know how to meet people in the future."

These gossips reached Li Li's ears, which made her heart cut like a knife. She sat at the door of her house, looking at the fields in the distance, tears silently falling from her eyes.

At this moment, Liu Qiang's mother, Wang Meimei, rushed to Li Li's house in a menacing manner. As soon as she entered the door, she shouted loudly: "Li Dahai, are you trying to force my son to death?" If you don't return the pork, do you have to let my son be your son-in-law? ”

When my boyfriend came to withdraw from the marriage, because my father refused to return 20 catties of pork, he reluctantly became my son-in-law

Li Dahai heard Wang Meimei's voice, walked out of the house, and said coldly: "Wang Meili, our family sincerely wants to marry you, you are good, you have to return pork if you get married, isn't this bullying?" ”

Wang Meili crossed her hands on her hips and glared at Li Dahai: "Li Dahai, don't mess around, our Liu Qiang is promising, and it is impossible for him to suffer in your family." ”

Li Li couldn't help crying and said, "Auntie, Liu Qiang and I really love each other, why do you have to break us up?" ”

Wang Meili snorted coldly: "Can your love be eaten as food?" How can my son have a good life with you? ”

When my boyfriend came to withdraw from the marriage, because my father refused to return 20 catties of pork, he reluctantly became my son-in-law

The quarrel between the two sides became more and more intense, and the people in the village also gathered around, watching the excitement and talking at the same time. Li Li was caught in the middle, feeling extremely helpless.

At this moment, Liu Qiang appeared at the door again. When he saw Li Li's red and swollen eyes, his heart tingled. He stepped forward and took his mother's hand: "Mom, don't be like this, let's sit down and have a good talk." ”

Wang Meili glared at her son: "What are you talking about?" Things have already fallen out like this, what else is there to talk about! ”

Liu Qiang said firmly: "Mom, Li'er and I really love each other, since things are already like this, let's stop tossing." ”

When my boyfriend came to withdraw from the marriage, because my father refused to return 20 catties of pork, he reluctantly became my son-in-law

When Li Dahai heard Liu Qiang's words, his expression softened slightly: "Liu Qiang, are you really willing to be with my daughter?" ”

Liu Qiang nodded: "Yes, uncle, I am willing." Just hope you understand my mom's concerns. ”

Li Dahai sighed: "Young man, I know it's not easy for you. Since you are willing to stay, then stay in our house first and see how it goes. ”

When Wang Meili heard this, she said dissatisfiedly: "Li Dahai, what do you mean by this? Do you still want our Liu Qiang to be your parent worker? ”

When my boyfriend came to withdraw from the marriage, because my father refused to return 20 catties of pork, he reluctantly became my son-in-law

Li Li stepped forward, took Wang Meimei's hand, and said in a choked voice: "Auntie, I will treat Liu Qiang well, please believe me." ”

Wang Meili saw Li Li's sincere eyes, and the anger in her heart calmed down a little. She sighed and said to her son: "Liu Qiang, this is the path you have chosen, don't regret it in the future." ”

Liu Qiang nodded: "Mom, I won't regret it." ”

In the end, Liu Qiang decided not to withdraw from the marriage for the time being, and tried to live in Li Li's house and become a son-in-law. Li Dahai saw that Liu Qiang's attitude had softened, and he also expressed his willingness to give Liu Qiang a chance.

When my boyfriend came to withdraw from the marriage, because my father refused to return 20 catties of pork, he reluctantly became my son-in-law

As time passed, Liu Qiang gradually adapted to the new life in Li Li's house. Although he sometimes felt embarrassed and uncomfortable, he saw Li Li's helpless and strong appearance, and his heart became more and more determined.

Every morning, Liu Qiang and Li Dahai work in the fields together, although it is hard, he gradually feels the joy of this simple life. Li Li takes care of her mother at home, cooks, does laundry, and is not idle for a moment.

One night, Liu Qiang and Li Li sat in the courtyard, looking at the starry sky. Liu Qiang gently held Li Li's hand and said, "Li'er, I will always accompany you, and I will not let you be wronged again." ”

Li Li was moved to tears: "Liu Qiang, thank you." I believe we will be happy. ”

When my boyfriend came to withdraw from the marriage, because my father refused to return 20 catties of pork, he reluctantly became my son-in-law

After Liu Qiang began to live in Li Li's house, life was not easy. He has changed from a pampered son to a son-in-law of Li Li's family, and the people in the village are constantly talking about him, and Li Li's family's daily life has also posed many challenges to him.

"Liu Qiang, let's go to work in the field today, there is just a piece of land that needs to be turned." Li Dahai woke up Liu Qiang early in the morning. Liu Qiang rubbed his eyes, a little tired, but still nodded: "Okay, Dad, I'll come right away." ”

In the days of working in the field, Liu Qiang felt the hardships that he had never felt before. He watched Li Dahai work hard under the scorching sun, and couldn't help but admire this simple old farmer in his heart.

"Dad, take a break, I'll do it." Liu Qiang picked up the hoe and began to turn over the ground, sweat quickly soaking through his clothes.

When my boyfriend came to withdraw from the marriage, because my father refused to return 20 catties of pork, he reluctantly became my son-in-law

Li Dahai nodded: "Child, don't be reluctant, just take your time." ”

In the evening, Li Li made a simple meal, Liu Qiang devoured it, Li Li smiled and said, "Eat slowly, and no one will rob you." ”

Liu Qiang swallowed a mouthful of food and said with emotion: "Li'er, you work so hard every day, I really didn't realize it before." ”

Li Li smiled: "Life is like this, as long as you are steadfast, you are not afraid of hard work." ”

When my boyfriend came to withdraw from the marriage, because my father refused to return 20 catties of pork, he reluctantly became my son-in-law

As time passed, Liu Qiang gradually adapted to the life of Li Li's family. He worked in the field with Li Dahai, chatted with Zhang Cuihua, and took care of housework with Li Li.

One day, when Liu Qiang came home and saw Li Li busy washing clothes, he stepped forward and said, "Li'er, I'll help you." ”

Li Li smiled and shook her head: "No, you're tired enough from a day's work, so let's rest." ”

Liu Qiang insisted: "Don't be tired, you cook and I do the laundry, let's share it together." ”

When my boyfriend came to withdraw from the marriage, because my father refused to return 20 catties of pork, he reluctantly became my son-in-law

Li Li looked at Liu Qiang with emotion: "You have really changed and become more sensible." ”

Liu Qiang smiled: "Li'er, I used to be too selfish, but now I know what responsibility is and what family is." ”

The relationship between the two gradually warmed up during this time, Liu Qiang loved Li Li more and more, and Li Li became more and more dependent on Liu Qiang. They face the hardships of life together, support each other, and grow together.

When the people in the village saw Liu Qiang's changes, they also praised: "Liu Qiang is really a good guy, and now he is really a good son-in-law." ”

When my boyfriend came to withdraw from the marriage, because my father refused to return 20 catties of pork, he reluctantly became my son-in-law

"Yes, Li Li is really blessed, the two of them love each other so much, it's really enviable."

As the days passed, Liu Qiang and Li Li gradually found a tacit understanding in life. Liu Qiang not only learned farm work, but also opened a small shop in the village to subsidize his family. Li Li took care of her parents at home and took care of the housework, and their lives gradually improved.

A year later, Liu Qiang and Li Li's lives have improved dramatically. Liu Qiang's small shop is prosperous, and Li Li has also set up a small chicken farm in the village, and the days are getting more and more prosperous.

That night, Liu Qiang and Li Li sat in the courtyard, looking at the stars in the sky. Liu Qiang put his arm around Li Li's shoulders and said softly, "Li'er, we really survived." ”

When my boyfriend came to withdraw from the marriage, because my father refused to return 20 catties of pork, he reluctantly became my son-in-law

Li Li leaned on Liu Qiang's arms and smiled sweetly: "Yes, Liu Qiang, thank you for always being with me." ”

Liu Qiang gently kissed Li Li's forehead: "I should thank you, it was you who made me understand what real life is." ”

Although there are still many trivial and hard things in their lives, they know that as long as they love each other, they can overcome all difficulties. Their future is full of hope, and happiness is just around the corner.

In this way, Liu Qiang and Li Li lived a happy life in the village, and their love story became a topic of conversation among the villagers.