
The anchor defrauded 3 million fans, and his mother's funeral was still broadcast live, and he was sentenced to 12 years

author:Excerpts from the main text
The anchor defrauded 3 million fans, and his mother's funeral was still broadcast live, and he was sentenced to 12 years

The picture comes from the Internet

Humanities and history anchor Liu, who portrays his family background in Kochi and claims to own more than a dozen real estate and corporate yachts in Shanghai, attracted a lot of attention through a Douyin live broadcast in July 2021, including Mr. Chen. Liu often shows his luxurious life in live broadcasts and the fan group "China History Group", sharing huge checks, handing out large red envelopes, and giving fruits, winning the deep trust of fans, including Mr. Chen.

However, the plot took a sharp turn for the worse, and Liu asked fans for help for the first time under the pretext that he needed to buy imported drugs for personal health problems. In the face of doubts, Liu defended that his bank card was frozen due to live broadcast violations and past online gambling experience, emphasizing that the 100 million yuan of real estate that was about to be unfrozen was enough to repay the loan, and successfully persuaded Mr. Chen to give generously and lend a huge sum of millions.

Since then, Liu's reasons for borrowing have become more and more diverse, from paying employees' salaries to dealing with urgent matters, and continuing to reach out to the fan group, until one day when he claimed that "his mother was at the funeral", he still carried out live broadcasts as usual, and the abnormality of his behavior caused widespread doubts.

After the People's Procuratorate of Jinshan District, Shanghai initiated a public prosecution, the court finally sentenced Liu to 12 years in prison and a fine of 250,000 yuan for fraud, revealing the end of this well-planned Internet fraud scam.

The anchor defrauded 3 million fans, and his mother's funeral was still broadcast live, and he was sentenced to 12 years

The picture comes from the Internet

In the days that followed, Mr. Liu frequently sought help from Mr. Chen for reasons such as the pressure of credit card repayment and the payment of employees' salaries. Because of the persuasive character carefully constructed in the early stage, and the occasional small loan repayment further strengthened Mr. Chen's trust, the relationship between the two seemed to become more and more intimate, and Mr. Chen gave generously on many occasions.

Until one day, Liu asked for help on the grounds that "his mother's funeral expenses were urgently needed", and Mr. Chen reached out again out of sympathy and trust. However, dramatically, on the same day that Liu claimed to have held a funeral ceremony for his mother, he continued to broadcast live at home, an unusual behavior that made Mr. Chen suspicious, reminiscent of Liu's repeated reasons for emergency borrowing, and he began to suspect that he might have fallen into a fraud trap.

Mr. Chen immediately communicated with other members of the group and was shocked to find that Liu had borrowed money from many fans in a similar way and had not repaid them, and everyone realized that they had been deceived. In January 2023, Mr. Chen decisively reported the case, and the police quickly intervened, summoned Liu in accordance with the law and carried out an investigation.

After in-depth review by the prosecutor, Liu fabricated personal wealth, including multiple real estate, private jets, etc., in the online live broadcast, creating a rich image, and using this as bait, under the guise of medical treatment, purchasing expensive drugs, etc., to extensively defraud others of their property, with a total amount of more than 3 million yuan, the circumstances are extremely serious, and it conclusively constitutes the crime of fraud.

The anchor defrauded 3 million fans, and his mother's funeral was still broadcast live, and he was sentenced to 12 years

The picture comes from the Internet

In June 2024, as the case progressed to the climax of the judicial process, the People's Procuratorate of Jinshan District, Shanghai formally initiated a public prosecution, and the online anchor Liu was sentenced by the court to bear a 12-year prison sentence and a fine of 250,000 yuan for the fraud he committed.

Recently, as one of the key victims of the case, Mr. Chen was full of gratitude and presented a far-reaching pennant to the prosecutor in charge of the case. The banner is embroidered with the golden words "Impartially enforcing the law against fraud, eliminating harm for the people and warming people's hearts", which is not only a high praise for the procurators' impartial and resolute efforts to crack down on online fraud, but also a sincere thank you to the judicial organs for effectively safeguarding the interests of the people and warming the hearts of the people. This scene is not only a strong defense of the rights and interests of victims, but also a profound interpretation of social fairness and justice.

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