
Laughing, this is how Marshal Tianpeng became a pig, one word difference, he mistook himself!


Laughing, this is how Marshal Tianpeng became a pig, one word difference, he mistook himself!

Laughing, this is how Marshal Tianpeng became a pig, one word difference, he mistook himself!
Laughing, this is how Marshal Tianpeng became a pig, one word difference, he mistook himself!
Laughing, this is how Marshal Tianpeng became a pig, one word difference, he mistook himself!
Laughing, this is how Marshal Tianpeng became a pig, one word difference, he mistook himself!
Laughing, this is how Marshal Tianpeng became a pig, one word difference, he mistook himself!
Laughing, this is how Marshal Tianpeng became a pig, one word difference, he mistook himself!
Laughing, this is how Marshal Tianpeng became a pig, one word difference, he mistook himself!
Laughing, this is how Marshal Tianpeng became a pig, one word difference, he mistook himself!
Laughing, this is how Marshal Tianpeng became a pig, one word difference, he mistook himself!
Laughing, this is how Marshal Tianpeng became a pig, one word difference, he mistook himself!
Laughing, this is how Marshal Tianpeng became a pig, one word difference, he mistook himself!
Laughing, this is how Marshal Tianpeng became a pig, one word difference, he mistook himself!
Laughing, this is how Marshal Tianpeng became a pig, one word difference, he mistook himself!
Laughing, this is how Marshal Tianpeng became a pig, one word difference, he mistook himself!
Laughing, this is how Marshal Tianpeng became a pig, one word difference, he mistook himself!
Laughing, this is how Marshal Tianpeng became a pig, one word difference, he mistook himself!
Laughing, this is how Marshal Tianpeng became a pig, one word difference, he mistook himself!
Laughing, this is how Marshal Tianpeng became a pig, one word difference, he mistook himself!

"Do you know why Marshal Tianpeng became Zhu Bajie?" Xiao Li asked mysteriously.

"Wasn't he demoted to the mortal world for molesting Chang'e?" I replied casually while drinking tea.

"Haha, that's just a legend, the real reason is that he himself said the wrong thing." Xiao Li couldn't hold back a laugh, and pretended to say profoundly.

"Said the wrong word?" I put down my teacup and became interested, "Tell me, what's going on?" ”

Xiao Li cleared his throat and began to speak: "It is said that back then, Marshal Tianpeng had infinite scenery in the Heavenly Palace. One day, he got drunk and ran to the Jade Emperor in a daze, saying that he was going to the mortal world to practice. ”

"When the Jade Emperor heard this, he felt that Marshal Tianpeng was self-motivated, so he asked him: 'What do you want to become?' ”

"Marshal Tencang replied in a daze: 'I want to become a great general.' As a result, he knotted his tongue and said that the 'general' was a 'pig'. ”

"The Jade Emperor was stunned for a moment after hearing this, but still according to Marshal Tianpeng's request, he turned him into a pig and sent him to Gao Laozhuang."

"Haha, I see." I couldn't help laughing out loud, "Marshal Tianpeng mistook himself because of the difference of one word. ”

"But no, this also tells us that we must speak clearly and clearly, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable." Xiao Li said while laughing.

"It's a laugh." I wiped the tears from my laughter, "Marshal Tianpeng doesn't know how depressed he would be if he knew that his change was because he said the wrong thing. ”

"So, we should be cautious in what we say in the future, especially on important occasions." Xiao Li said with emotion.

"Indeed, no one wants to ruin themselves with a word." I nodded, thinking back to my own experience of saying the wrong thing.

"I remember one time, when I was in a meeting in the company, I wanted to praise the leader, but when I was nervous, I said 'wise' as 'stupid'." I said with a wry smile.

"Haha, what is the leader's reaction?" Xiao Li asked curiously.

"The leader's face changed suddenly, but he still forgave me very generously." I shook my head, "But after that, I didn't dare to talk casually anymore." ”

"So, the story of Marshal Tianpeng is really educational." Xiao Li said with a smile.

I learned a lot from the conversation that day. Marshal Tianpeng became Zhu Bajie because of the difference of one word, although this story is funny, it contains a profound truth. In our daily life and work, we must pay attention to our words and avoid unnecessary trouble caused by saying the wrong thing.

"It's really worth reflecting on." I thought to myself that I must pay more attention to my words in the future.

Speaking is not only an art, but also a wisdom. Through this story, I deeply realized the importance of being cautious in words and deeds. Hopefully, each of us can learn from the story of Marshal Tenpeng and express our thoughts more carefully in life.