
Now, think about it, what's left?


Now, think about it, what's left?

Now, think about it, what's left?
Now, think about it, what's left?
Now, think about it, what's left?
Now, think about it, what's left?
Now, think about it, what's left?
Now, think about it, what's left?
Now, think about it, what's left?
Now, think about it, what's left?
Now, think about it, what's left?
Now, think about it, what's left?
Now, think about it, what's left?
Now, think about it, what's left?
Now, think about it, what's left?
Now, think about it, what's left?
Now, think about it, what's left?
Now, think about it, what's left?
Now, think about it, what's left?
Now, think about it, what's left?

Note it out and go straight to writing


"Now, think about it, what's left?" Lao Zhang suddenly came up with such a sentence, which made me speechless for a while.

We were sitting in a teahouse, the drizzle was drizzling outside the window, and the air was filled with the faint smell of tea. I was stunned for a moment, looking at Lao Zhang's deep eyes, and involuntarily fell into deep thought.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

Lao Zhang put down the teacup and sighed lightly: "Look, the years are flying, time flies, how many dreams and passions are left of our young dreams, passions?" ”

I was stunned, and my heart was sour. Lao Zhang's words touched the long-hidden string in my heart.

"The dreams and passions we used to have, now it seems that there are really not many left." I smiled wryly, "Every day is busy, and life is so stressful that people can't breathe. ”

"yes." Lao Zhang nodded, "Do you remember those dreams from our college days?" You say you're going to travel the world, I say I'm going to write a novel, but now? ”

"Now......" I shook my head helplessly, "traveling the world has become being in front of a computer screen in the office, and writing a novel has become writing a work report." ”

Lao Zhang smiled lightly: "Life is always full of variables, but perhaps, our busy life over the years is not meaningless. ”

I looked at Lao Zhang, I don't know why.

"We may not have been able to achieve those big dreams, but we have built a family, we have our own small family, and we have accumulated experience and wisdom in our work." Lao Zhang continued, "Aren't these also our gains? ”

I nodded, and a warm feeling filled my heart: "Yes, family and career are also an important part of our lives. ”

"At the moment, we still have family affection, friendship, and some unfinished dreams." A hint of firmness flashed in Lao Zhang's eyes, "We can re-examine our lives and find those things that really matter." ”

"Re-examine your life......" I muttered to myself, suddenly feeling a sudden light in front of me.

"Yes," said Zhang, "the essence of life is not what we have lost, but what we still have." ”

I took a deep breath and looked out the window at the drizzle, as if I saw the neglected beauty of life.

"Lao Zhang, thank you." I said gratefully, "Your words have re-tracked me." ”

"It's nothing," Lao Zhang smiled, "We are all travelers who are constantly groping their way forward on this road." ”

The conversation that day stuck in my mind. In our busy lives, we often forget about what really matters. We may not have been able to achieve our original dream, but we have more to cherish.

"Now, what do we have left?" Lao Zhang's words will always be with me, reminding me to cherish everything in front of me and find the true meaning of life.

"Perhaps, the answer to life lies in how we discover and cherish the beauty of these moments." I thought silently, feeling a sense of peace and satisfaction that I had never felt before.