
The article "The Bottom Line" is so funny, it's really all talent, it's interesting


The article "The Bottom Line" is so funny, it's really all talent, it's interesting

The article "The Bottom Line" is so funny, it's really all talent, it's interesting
The article "The Bottom Line" is so funny, it's really all talent, it's interesting
The article "The Bottom Line" is so funny, it's really all talent, it's interesting
The article "The Bottom Line" is so funny, it's really all talent, it's interesting
The article "The Bottom Line" is so funny, it's really all talent, it's interesting
The article "The Bottom Line" is so funny, it's really all talent, it's interesting
The article "The Bottom Line" is so funny, it's really all talent, it's interesting
The article "The Bottom Line" is so funny, it's really all talent, it's interesting
The article "The Bottom Line" is so funny, it's really all talent, it's interesting
The article "The Bottom Line" is so funny, it's really all talent, it's interesting
The article "The Bottom Line" is so funny, it's really all talent, it's interesting
The article "The Bottom Line" is so funny, it's really all talent, it's interesting
The article "The Bottom Line" is so funny, it's really all talent, it's interesting
The article "The Bottom Line" is so funny, it's really all talent, it's interesting
The article "The Bottom Line" is so funny, it's really all talent, it's interesting
The article "The Bottom Line" is so funny, it's really all talent, it's interesting
The article "The Bottom Line" is so funny, it's really all talent, it's interesting
The article "The Bottom Line" is so funny, it's really all talent, it's interesting

"Lao Zhang, not this time, we have to keep the bottom line!" Xiao Li slapped the table, his eyes widened.

"The bottom line? What's the bottom line? I leaned over curiously and saw Lao Zhang scratching his head with an embarrassed face.

"You don't know, Lao Zhang wants to make a small move again." Xiao Li pouted, "Isn't the lesson from last time enough?" ”

"Hehe, this time is different, this time I have a plan." Lao Zhang said mysteriously.

"What's the plan?" I'm more curious.

"I'm going to sneak a lottery ticket at the conference." Lao Zhang whispered.

"Haha, you're going to make a fortune." I laughed, "But that's the bottom line?" ”

"You don't know, last time Lao Zhang almost lost his job because of this kind of small action." Xiao Li said, "I can't let him mess around this time." ”

"Hey, I was really unlucky last time." Lao Zhang sighed, "However, this time I have thought it through. ”

"What's that for a lot of thought?" I asked.

"I found a goddess to calculate, and she said that I would definitely be able to win this time." Lao Zhang said with a serious face.

"Haha, Lao Zhang, you're too funny." I couldn't help but laugh out loud, "You believe this? ”

"Who's to say it's not, there's anyone these days." Xiao Li shook his head, "Lao Zhang, let's work steadfastly, stop making that mess." ”

"But the goddess is so accurate, how do I know if I don't try?" Lao Zhang said unwillingly.

"It's not a question of accuracy, it's a matter of principle." Xiao Li said seriously, "We have to keep the bottom line, and we can't mess around." ”

"You really don't give me even a little hope." Lao Zhang said helplessly, "Forget it, listen to you, don't do it." ”

"That's right." I patted Lao Zhang's shoulder, "Everyone is talented, interesting is interesting, but the bottom line can't be lost." ”

"yes, we have to keep the bottom line." Xiao Li also smiled.

The office was suddenly filled with laughter, and everyone thought Lao Zhang's idea was both funny and helpless.

"In fact, sometimes sticking to the bottom line is also a kind of protection for yourself." Xiao Li said with emotion.

"That's right, only by keeping the bottom line can we really go long-term." I chimed in.

Lao Zhang sighed: "You're right, I'd better work hard." ”

The conversation that day made me unforgettable, although Lao Zhang's funny plan did not come true, we were all touched by his determination to stick to the bottom line. In this challenging world, keeping the bottom line is something we all need to do.

"It's really talented, and it's very interesting." I thought to myself, such a joke not only makes people laugh, but also makes people think deeply. The humor and principles of life, intertwined, are the most interesting.