
"The Pain of the Land: The Helpless Loss of Farmers' Homesteads


Recently, the Office of the Real Estate Joint Conference of Fengyang County, Anhui Province issued a notice called "Several Measures to Further Promote the Stable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market", which put forward a striking policy: for farmers who voluntarily give up their homesteads and choose to buy houses in the city, they will be given a one-time reward of 50,000 yuan to buy houses.

"The Pain of the Land: The Helpless Loss of Farmers' Homesteads

Other places have followed suit.

For a while, everyone paid attention to it and felt that this was a little inappropriate. Originally, there was not much security in the rural areas, and if the homestead land was also returned, it was completely helpless.

In Xiaoqi's view, we don't care what the purpose of the policies introduced by various places is. With the development of time, these rural homesteads will eventually be unable to be saved.

"The Pain of the Land: The Helpless Loss of Farmers' Homesteads

You may be wondering why? Don't worry, listen to Xiaoqi slowly.

Young people flee homesteads

Young people in rural areas are facing many problems, such as work, marriage, etc., the most common of which is loneliness.

"The Pain of the Land: The Helpless Loss of Farmers' Homesteads

Young people will work hard outside the home, and they rarely have time to return to their hometowns, but over time, they will feel that their hometowns are no longer familiar.

The old people in the family also have their own lives, and when they have to live a lifetime, they will naturally not be in contact with the young people for a while.

Faced with such a situation, many young people choose to leave their homesteads and choose to buy houses outside to settle down.

Although it will be a pity, compared with the friends and family who are busy working and living in reality, this homestead cannot be relied on.

In this case, the status of young people in rural homesteads is gradually declining.

"The Pain of the Land: The Helpless Loss of Farmers' Homesteads

And for young people, the really important homeland is not the homestead, but the land in their parents' house.

The vegetables and fruits grown at the parents' home and the poultry they feed are the homeland of the real young people.

After the death of their parents, even if it is a house left by their parents, many young people will choose to sell it, because keeping it will only add unnecessary burden to themselves.

Such a phenomenon is also becoming more and more common in the rural areas of the eastern countries, and it can even be said that in the future, there may really be only some old houses left, and no one will live in them.

"The Pain of the Land: The Helpless Loss of Farmers' Homesteads

The homestead was repossessed

One of the reasons for this phenomenon is that many farmers choose to give up their homesteads.

In fact, there are reasons why farmers give up their homesteads, and the main reason is the high cost of homestead maintenance.

Many farmers want to have a homestead of their own, but it is not easy to maintain a homestead.

Farmers know that if they can't eat all the fruits and vegetables they grow, they can sell them to make money, but what if they sell their houses?

There are also some farmers who choose to abandon their homesteads because their children are living in the city.

"The Pain of the Land: The Helpless Loss of Farmers' Homesteads

Most of the rural areas now belong to the lifestyle of the left-behind elderly and children, and most farmers know that they will choose to live in the city after their children go to university.

When the time comes, the parents who stay to take care of themselves or move to the city to live with their children will also choose the latter.

If the children are living in the city, then what is the significance of this homestead for the elderly?

Therefore, when the children are married and start a business, many elderly people will choose to sell their homesteads and buy a house of their own in the city.

"The Pain of the Land: The Helpless Loss of Farmers' Homesteads

Although the current policy allows farmers to choose to buy a house in the city and settle down, and will not have their hukou cancelled because of the sale of their homesteads, there are many restrictions on farmers who buy a house in the city.

Although some farmers have already bought houses and settled in the cities, this does not mean that they will give up their homesteads.

In fact, for most of the peasants who live in the cities now, their homesteads are just a spiritual homeland, but in fact they have taken root in the cities.

"The Pain of the Land: The Helpless Loss of Farmers' Homesteads

If we look at the current development model, the vast majority of farmers on the mainland will choose to give up their homesteads in the future, even the elderly.

As a result, many homesteads will be left vacant, and they may become "zombie homesteads" because there is no one to maintain and manage them.

So what should be done with these "zombie homesteads" when the time comes?

"Zombie Homestead"

Although there are also similar treatment methods for "zombie cars" in the big eastern countries, this treatment method is not applicable to "zombie homesteads".

According to the current land system of the eastern countries, land expropriation requires the consent of the land owner before expropriation, and the authorities also have compensation provisions for land expropriation.

Therefore, the authorities are not free to forcibly take back the "zombie cars" as they are with them.

"The Pain of the Land: The Helpless Loss of Farmers' Homesteads

However, the handling of "zombie homesteads" by rural collective organizations is somewhat weak.

In the past, although rural collective organizations tried to collect and clean up "zombie homesteads" by carrying out announcements or listings, they also set up special processing departments to clean up the work.

However, due to the different conditions in different parts of the country, in some areas there may even be illegal construction or occupation by walls, and this makes the clean-up work even more difficult.

Therefore, the "zombie homestead" is indeed a thorny problem for the rural areas of the big eastern countries now.

Although the authorities have not yet issued relevant policies to deal with "zombie homesteads", there are indeed many difficulties and difficulties that need to be resolved.

However, the authorities should introduce relevant policies as soon as possible to solve this problem, and they should really take into account the interests of the vast number of peasants.

"The Pain of the Land: The Helpless Loss of Farmers' Homesteads


To tell the truth, the development speed of the mainland is too fast, time flies, and the changes in the countryside are also embarrassing.

Young people flee homesteads, old people sell homesteads, and homesteads become "zombie homesteads", all of which reflect the challenges facing rural development.

In the face of this situation, Xiaoqi sincerely hopes that the relevant departments can introduce policies to solve this problem as soon as possible and protect the interests of the majority of farmers.

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