
Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and convulsed for more than ten seconds, and no one stepped forward Sister: The first time to rescue is unacceptable

Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and convulsed for more than ten seconds, and no one stepped forward Sister: The first time to rescue is unacceptable

Wei Yumu watched sports

2024-07-01 08:19Creators in the field of sports

On July 1, Beijing time, a sad news came from the badminton arena.

In the mixed team competition of the badminton Asian Youth Championships that ended last night, Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old men's singles player of the national youth, suddenly fainted during the game.

The Asian Badminton Association and the Indonesian Badminton Association also issued statements saying that Zhang Zhijie was taken to hospital after a collision on the court during last night's match. He died at 23:20 local time.

Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and convulsed for more than ten seconds, and no one stepped forward Sister: The first time to rescue is unacceptable

According to the statement, Zhang Zhijie fainted in the third men's singles match against a Japanese player. Cared by the championship doctors and medical team, he was put in a standby ambulance in less than two minutes.

But judging from the video of the game, Zhang Zhijie suddenly felt unwell during the game, fell to the ground unconsciously, and was accompanied by convulsions all over his body. The referee and the relevant staff reacted too slowly, and no rescuers passed for more than ten seconds. The coach once went on the field to see Zhang Zhijie, but because there were regulations that the coach was not allowed to play in the game, it is said that the referee stopped him as soon as possible.

Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and convulsed for more than ten seconds, and no one stepped forward Sister: The first time to rescue is unacceptable

Compared with the on-site reaction of Eriksen's collapse in the European Cup, this kind of first aid without the first time is regrettable.

Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and convulsed for more than ten seconds, and no one stepped forward Sister: The first time to rescue is unacceptable

And the medical equipment in many foreign competitions and many countries is also not advanced, which may also be the reason for Zhang Zhijie's departure.

According to Zhang Zhijie's sister's words on social media, "This is the worst result caused by an untimely medical team and poor medical conditions", "He is only 17 years old, you said that he was rescued as soon as possible, and you said that the local medical conditions are too poor, I still can't accept it." ”

Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and convulsed for more than ten seconds, and no one stepped forward Sister: The first time to rescue is unacceptable

Screenshot of Zhang Zhijie's sister's personal social media

She said that after watching the live broadcast in the afternoon, she fell down after watching him, and after a few convulsions in the middle, there was still a phenomenon of life, and she looked up, and the medical staff arrived after a long wait. I learned that my last hope was to transfer to the hospital, and finally told us that I had passed away.

Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and convulsed for more than ten seconds, and no one stepped forward Sister: The first time to rescue is unacceptable

Zhang Zhijie was born in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province in 2007, and began to contact badminton in kindergarten, and was transferred to the Zhejiang provincial team in the third grade of primary school, and entered the national youth team in 2023.

He has won the men's singles championship of the 15-year-old group of the U15-U17 finals of the 2022 National U-Series Badminton Competition, the men's singles champion and men's team champion of Group B of the 2023 National Youth Badminton Championships, the men's singles champion of the 2024 Dutch Youth Badminton International Championships, and the men's team champion of Group B of the 2024 National Youth Badminton Championships.

The world badminton has lost a talented player, I wish Zhang Zhijie all the best!

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  • Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and convulsed for more than ten seconds, and no one stepped forward Sister: The first time to rescue is unacceptable
  • Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and convulsed for more than ten seconds, and no one stepped forward Sister: The first time to rescue is unacceptable
  • Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and convulsed for more than ten seconds, and no one stepped forward Sister: The first time to rescue is unacceptable
  • Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and convulsed for more than ten seconds, and no one stepped forward Sister: The first time to rescue is unacceptable
  • Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and convulsed for more than ten seconds, and no one stepped forward Sister: The first time to rescue is unacceptable

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