
Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctors have emphasized many times: people with high blood pressure, remember to sleep 2 don'ts

author:Surgeon Dr. Lee
Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctors have emphasized many times: people with high blood pressure, remember to sleep 2 don'ts

Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only, the storyline is purely fictional, intended to popularize health knowledge, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline.

In the dead of night, the moonlight outside the window was like silver, but Mr. Li was tossing and turning in bed, and he couldn't sleep.

Every now and then he touched his chest, and his heart beat so hard that it seemed to jump out of his throat.

It had been several nights in a row, and he was even beginning to wonder if he was seriously ill.

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctors have emphasized many times: people with high blood pressure, remember to sleep 2 don'ts

"Doctor, I've been sleeping hard lately, and I've often had chest tightness and a strong heartbeat, is it a heart attack?" Mr. Li anxiously described his symptoms to the doctor.

The doctor carefully checked his blood pressure and frowned: "Your blood pressure is a bit high and fluctuates a lot, which may be related to the quality of your sleep." ”

Mr. Li was stunned, he always thought that high blood pressure was a common disease of the elderly, but he didn't expect that he would also be hit, and it was related to sleep?

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctors have emphasized many times: people with high blood pressure, remember to sleep 2 don'ts

"Doctor, can you elaborate? How can I improve sleep and lower blood pressure? Mr. Li was desperate for answers.

The doctor patiently explained: "High blood pressure is closely related to sleep, and lack of sleep and poor sleep quality can lead to an increase in blood pressure.

Moreover, people with high blood pressure are more likely to have sleep disturbances, forming a vicious circle.

Therefore, you must pay attention to sleep and improve the quality of sleep in order to effectively control blood pressure. ”

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctors have emphasized many times: people with high blood pressure, remember to sleep 2 don'ts

It dawned on Mr. Li that sleep and high blood pressure are so closely linked.

He began to seriously study the advice given to him by his doctor and was determined to change his lifestyle.

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctors have emphasized many times: people with high blood pressure, remember to sleep 2 don'ts

High blood pressure and sleep may seem unrelated, but they are inextricably linked.

Lack of sleep and poor sleep quality can lead to sympathetic nerve excitation, vasoconstriction, and increased blood pressure.

Patients with high blood pressure are more likely to have sleep disorders such as sleep apnea syndrome and insomnia, resulting in greater fluctuations in blood pressure and aggravation of the condition.

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctors have emphasized many times: people with high blood pressure, remember to sleep 2 don'ts

Hypertensive patients sleep "2 don'ts":

1. Don't stay up late:

Staying up late causes sympathetic nerve excitation, increased adrenaline secretion, vasoconstriction, and increased blood pressure.

Studies have shown that staying up late for long periods of time increases the risk of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and heart disease.

2. Don't drink alcohol before bed:

Alcohol can depress the central nervous system, affect sleep quality, and can also cause fluctuations in blood pressure and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctors have emphasized many times: people with high blood pressure, remember to sleep 2 don'ts

"3 Essentials" for Sleep Improvement in Patients with High Blood Pressure:

1. Maintain a regular sleep schedule:

Try to fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day, and don't change too much, even on weekends.

2. Create a good sleeping environment:

Keep the bedroom quiet, dark, and cool, and avoid noise and light distractions.

3. Relax before bed:

Before going to bed, you can do some relaxing activities such as taking a hot bath, listening to soothing music, reading books, etc., to help you fall asleep.

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctors have emphasized many times: people with high blood pressure, remember to sleep 2 don'ts

"3 Suggestions" for Sleep Improvement in Patients with High Blood Pressure:

1. Exercise regularly:

Getting at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, etc., can improve sleep quality and lower blood pressure.

2. Eat a reasonable diet:

Eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, and eating less foods high in salt, fat, and sugar can lower blood pressure and improve sleep quality.

3. Regular medical check-ups:

Regular physical examinations, monitoring blood pressure, timely detection and control of hypertension, and prevention of complications.

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctors have emphasized many times: people with high blood pressure, remember to sleep 2 don'ts

Ms. Wang is an ordinary housewife who has suffered from high blood pressure for many years and has been controlled by medication.

However, she often suffers from insomnia, poor sleep quality, large fluctuations in blood pressure, frequent dizziness and headaches, and a poor quality of life.

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctors have emphasized many times: people with high blood pressure, remember to sleep 2 don'ts

Doctors advised her to improve her sleep habits and do some relaxation exercises.

Ms. Wang began to insist on going to bed early and waking up early, taking hot baths before bed, listening to soothing music, and doing some simple yoga exercises every day.

After a while, her sleep quality improved significantly, her blood pressure stabilized a lot, and her dizziness and headaches disappeared.

Is high blood pressure related to sleep? Doctors have emphasized many times: people with high blood pressure, remember to sleep 2 don'ts

High blood pressure and sleep are closely related, and improving sleep quality is an important part of blood pressure control.

Patients with hypertension should pay attention to sleep, develop good living habits, and actively cooperate with doctors for treatment, so as to effectively control blood pressure and improve the quality of life.


[Sleep & High Blood Pressure] (

[Lack of sleep and high blood pressure] (

[Sleep apnea and high blood pressure] (