
The non-compliant loan APP will be directly removed from the shelves, and netizens are hotly discussed, and I died of laughter in the comment area!

author:Sport Alpine 8Z6m

Recently, a news that a non-compliant loan app will be directly removed from the shelves has caused an uproar on the Internet. On June 28, major app stores received a "holy decree" requiring a comprehensive investigation of microcredit products. Those loan apps that do not meet the requirements for review qualifications will be mercilessly "kicked out" of the app market.

The non-compliant loan APP will be directly removed from the shelves, and netizens are hotly discussed, and I died of laughter in the comment area!

This action is mainly aimed at those microfinance companies that are under the banner of "legality", but secretly display their positions in the APP, and quietly guide users to unqualified third parties. It seems that the days of these "Li ghosts" are coming to an end.

As soon as the news came out, the comment area instantly boiled. Some netizens tearfully complained about a certain APP called "Puronghua", saying that in just one year, the loan of 15,000 yuan was rolled into 30,000. This growth rate is so fast that even Warren Buffett will be ashamed of himself. Some netizens ridiculed: "This increase is more exaggerated than my weight, it really makes people doubt life!" "

The non-compliant loan APP will be directly removed from the shelves, and netizens are hotly discussed, and I died of laughter in the comment area!

There are also some kind-hearted netizens who bitterly advised everyone to repay the loan quickly in the comment area. A netizen in Hunan arrogantly said that he wanted to "prostitute for nothing" to the end. This kind of "who else can I be" spirit, I have to say, is very "Hunanese" style.

In this spit conference, netizens showed amazing creativity and humor. Some have likened these lending apps to "vampires," saying that they are finally going to turn to ashes in the sun. Someone else joked: "After these apps are taken off the shelves, I can finally see the wallpaper on my phone screen!" "

The non-compliant loan APP will be directly removed from the shelves, and netizens are hotly discussed, and I died of laughter in the comment area!

Some netizens began to miss the names of those APPs that were about to disappear, such as "Daily Loan", "Weekly Flower", and "Monthly Repayment", as if they were reviewing a "loan mini-series" that made people laugh and cry. Some people even spoofed the advertising slogans of these APPs, "no collateral, zero interest, and second arrival" became "no conscience, zero discipline, and become poor in seconds".

In the convivial atmosphere, serious questions were also raised. For example, after these non-compliant apps are taken off the shelves, what will happen to those who really need small loans? Some netizens suggested that the supervision and support of legal small loan platforms should be strengthened, so that ordinary people can obtain safer and more transparent loan services.

The non-compliant loan APP will be directly removed from the shelves, and netizens are hotly discussed, and I died of laughter in the comment area!

Some netizens pointed out that simply removing the APP from the shelves cannot fundamentally solve the problem. They called for greater financial literacy and increased risk awareness and financial literacy among the public. No amount of strict regulation can be worth a wise mind.

In addition to laughter, we must not forget the great significance of this rectification. It is not only a heavy blow to non-performing loans, but also a purification of the entire financial market. We hope that after this rectification, we will be able to see a more standardized and healthy microcredit market.

Welcome to share your "lightning protection" experience in the comment area, and let us contribute to building a good financial environment together!