
The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

author:Nostalgic for those days

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

Time flies, we are already entering middle age, old. It's so emotional to think about the past. I have to cherish my life now. Truth be told, we've been like passers-by for a long period of time. When I was a child, I always looked forward to growing up, and when I really grew up, I missed my childhood. When I don't get a lot of things, I feel very good, but after I have them, I know that there are gains and losses

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

The basketball court and light court near my house often have open-air movies, and I was really happy at that time. Some movies like "Red Lantern" and "Sha Jiabin" or something, I still want to watch them after watching them several times, and I always remember them clearly in my heart. At that time, movies such as "The Eternal Wave" and "Tunnel War" left a deep impression on me. On the playground, I also watched "Red Child" and "Daughter of the Party". Speaking of movies of that era, it is always inseparable from those eight classics, such as "Red Detachment of Women", "White-Haired Girl" and so on. Although life was not rich at that time, and life was very difficult, every time I watched a movie, I felt so happy, and I was so beautiful and carefree in my heart. Looking back now, although I was poor at that time, I was really happy, and the movie also gave me a lot of good memories

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

I was happy when I thought of my childhood, and I was really happy at that time and there was no trouble. Now in my sixties, I am still full of happiness in my heart, all of which was given by childhood. It's a pity that I can't go back! We all have to cherish the present and don't forget the happy times of the past

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

The memories are full of sorrow, and it is not easy to go all the way. Gray hair has been added to the years without mercy. Say goodbye to the past, nostalgia and welcome the new year, all that is left is emotion. What goes with the wind is the sadness that is left to yourself. Tomorrow I can only face it with a smile, and I dare not think that it is just a dream. Life has to go on, and I hope that tomorrow will be better

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

The memories of my childhood are really full, but it's a pity that I can't go back. In the past, although we didn't eat as well as our children now, we were all green food, without pesticides and fertilizers. At that time, japonica rice, commonly known as the world's rice, I could eat two large bowls at a meal, almost a pound of rice! It's a pity that I can't eat it usually, so I have to wait until the New Year

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look
The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

The tuition fee for primary school is 5 yuan, and the tuition fee for secondary school is 2 yuan and 5 yuan, which only includes the cost of books. I had to buy my own stationery homework. We wore floral clothes, plastic sandals, and beautiful big-brimmed shoes, with two ponytails tied on our heads, and flower ayakos tied. During festivals and sports meetings, we wear white clothes, blue pants, and small white shoes. Jumping bands, hopscotch, and dancing between classes. The happiest thing is that the school organizes a movie. We also make sandbags, collect candy wrappers, and go to the farm to pull weeds during the holidays. I was really happy at that time

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

I miss my childhood days. At that time, we didn't eat well and dressed thinly, but we were very happy and innocent. Without the pressure of schoolwork, and our parents didn't care much about us, we grew up with our friends freely, playing together, going down to the river to catch fish, swimming, eating fruits, and having fun. At that time, as long as we had a good meal, put on a new dress, eat a piece of candy for the New Year, or have a little pocket money in our hands, we felt very happy. I really want to thank the days at that time, because we have endured hardships and suffered poverty, we can better understand the hard work of our parents, and cherish the good life now

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

When we were kids, we had a lot of fun and were so naughty that we couldn't be mischievous. At that time, the children didn't have any toys, but everyone had a great time. I remember one time when a group of friends in our compound climbed the fence and roof of the pigsty and smashed bricks and tiles at the pigs, and the pigs were beaten and screamed and jumped everywhere. Once, the pig was so scared that he jumped out of the pigsty and ran away, so scared that we immediately ran home, afraid that the pig would catch up and bite us. Looking back on it now, it was the happiest time we had

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look
The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look
The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

It's not easy to be a person in the 60s! When they grew up, the country was full of difficulties, and the economy, science and technology were almost broken. For the sake of the country, they studied desperately. This generation has undergone earth-shaking social changes, and has caught up with everything: going to the mountains, going to the countryside, going to the sea, and being laid off. When I was a child, there was a lack of materials, which affected my physical development; When I was young, I wanted to go to university, but it was difficult to do so because of my lack of study; After work, I encountered a broken iron rice bowl again, and it was difficult to stabilize; When he was middle-aged, he also became the main force of laid-off. Now that delayed retirement is here again, it feels like a lifetime of ups and downs. Alas, poor people of the 60s! At that time, you had to have a ticket to buy things, you had to pick cheap ones to buy rice, and you had to buy vegetables for a dime. The brothers gathered around a plate of bitter gourd, and said while eating: "One is afraid of bitterness, and the other is not afraid of death!" "Life is hard, but their spirit deserves our respect

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

I really miss the time when the family gathered around to eat a big pot of rice, it was so fragrant! Neighbors help each other and solve difficulties together, how harmonious! What I miss the most is the cucumber and persimmon at that time, and the taste is so good when I eat it every day! The cucumber is crisp and refreshing, and the persimmon is just the right amount of sweetness. It's a pity that I may not be able to find such delicious seeds anymore, and that taste can only remain in my memory, which is really nostalgic

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

In the sixties and seventies, after the autumn harvest every year, the production team had to send the dried high-quality grain to the state grain depot in accordance with the government's tasks. The grain should be good and the quantity should be right. After delivery, the grain depot will inspect and weigh it, and then give money to the production team. This process is what everyone calls "paying public grain"

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look
The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look
The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

There were few things, but we had a lot of fun and didn't have any troubles. I can't go back to my childhood now, I can only think about it. We played games such as pushing hoops, jumping into the sea, cockfighting, throwing sandbags, and catching stones

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

I miss the 70s, when we were children, innocent and blue. The innocent friendship with my friends is endlessly memorable. I miss that era, carefree and everything was so beautiful

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

In the past, people didn't know much about the outside world, and relatives and friends had to tell them a long time in advance. Messaging is slow and urgent, and it's too late to know. Everyone is closed to information, but they live a simple and happy life. Because there is no gap between rich and poor, people have no complaints

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

When I was a child, we started rehearsing the program a month before Juneteenth, some singing and some playing waist drums. On June 1st, the whole school went to the street parade to perform, and people from the county came to see it. At that time, I felt so proud to be able to perform, and happiness was written on every face

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look
The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

Post-60s college students are the lucky generation, enjoying a worry-free childhood and the freedom to grow up with their parents. Reading is free, including going home to college, having less homework, and going to bed early and getting up early in high school. The school is like a big family, and there are many activities. After graduation, it is easy to find a job, and the unit is divided. Colleagues get along well and work happily. They have made a great contribution to the country's economic reform. A small piece of advice to education supervisors: simplify this passage to make it easier to understand. Rewrite as follows: post-60s college students are the lucky ones, with a happy childhood, not many free homework, and many school activities. After graduation, it is easy to find a job, and the unit has made a great contribution to the country for the harmony of colleagues and colleagues

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

Every generation has its own regrets, worries, and happiness. Times are changing, and we can all feel it deeply. Although the tribulation has made us lose a lot, it also makes us know how to cherish and understand that happiness is not easy to come by. These experiences are invaluable assets that allow us to continue to grow. Look forward and believe in yourself, we will find our own happiness

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

In the past, the public grain was paid by the production team, but later the public grain was also paid by the households. At that time, there was only a production brigade, and it became a major event for every household without the village to pay public grain

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

Cockfighting and hoop rolling were all things that children loved to play in the 60s and 70s. Now that more than 50 years have passed, I think about how happy it was then. At that time, every penny was precious, and everyone would hand over every penny they picked up to the police, and no one picked up anything lost on the road

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

Back then, heroes loved to speak loudly, and if they didn't say it, they weren't heroes enough. In that passionate era, people fought with high morale

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

Although the conditions were not as good as they are now, the children lived an easy life. At that time, parents did not force their children to study, and there were many fish in the river to catch fish and play with friends after school. The post-50s and 60s generations really had a lot of fun when they were young, and their bodies were also playing. I remember how interesting the spring and summer school sports meetings were, everyone ate grains and drank tap water, and they were very happy and in good spirits. The classmates are sincerely united, and they can be reconciled soon after the quarrel. It's a pity that those good times can't be returned

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look
The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

Born in a certain era, growing up in the 80s, I will sing old songs of the Cultural Revolution, and I also like Teresa Teng. I have had passion, I have been confused, I have been an angry youth, and I have also had the confusion of adolescence. Although he didn't make a lot of money, he was always full of dreams. After experiencing reform and opening up, I still remember the old tradition in my heart. Now that he is entering middle age, he is beginning to retreat into the background. I remember that the most popular song at that time was "Young Friends Come to Meet", every time I sang "In another twenty years, we will meet and the motherland will be more beautiful." "I was excited. At that time, through loudspeakers in the village and at school, I listened to them repeatedly and slowly learned. Now that I'm old, when I look at the bustling cities and deserted countryside, I really have mixed feelings. When I was a teenager, I listened to that song and felt that the future was full of hope, and now I look at the reality of the song, which is really beautiful

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

The post-60s generation is the last generation to honor their parents, but they may be ignored by their children. We had an innocent childhood, and now time flies and we are old. But we are still simple, filial, family-oriented, affectionate and grateful. We are the generation that has endured hardships, and we are also the last generation to respect the elderly

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

The goods with the word double happiness sold by the supply and marketing cooperatives are prepared for the married person, and they can be placed on the bed sheet or quilt

The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look
The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look
The Dusty 60s: Dedicated to those born in 1960-1969, and those over 50 years old, please take a look

Our generation has witnessed the whole process of reform and opening up over the past 40 years and has dedicated their lives to the construction of the motherland. We have experienced great changes in Chinese history and received a systematic and modern education. We have tasted the ups and downs of life, and we will face unprecedented loneliness and challenges