
Didn't expect that, right? Inciting Chinese and Japanese speech will be banned by multiple platforms! The extreme should be rectified!

author:Arsenal off
Didn't expect that, right? Inciting Chinese and Japanese speech will be banned by multiple platforms! The extreme should be rectified!

"The dot-com giants come together!" Internet platforms such as Tencent, NetEase, Douyin, Baidu, and have successively issued announcements to deal with harmful information that incites confrontation between China and Japan and inciting ultra-nationalist sentiments. This series of actions has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions. Some netizens praised its decisive move, while others questioned why it didn't take action early. What is the reason behind this wave of operation of the platform? What will be the impact?

This move quickly aroused great attention from all walks of life.

In their announcements, the platforms said they had recently found that some users had posted a large amount of content that stirred up antagonism between China and Japan, which not only misled the public, but also had a negative impact on social stability and international relations. In order to maintain a healthy and harmonious online environment, the platform will take a series of measures, including but not limited to account banning, content deletion and legal prosecution.

It has been learned that the background of this joint operation is that Sino-Japanese relations have fluctuated from time to time in recent years, and some people with ulterior motives have used online platforms to incite hatred in order to achieve ulterior motives. Such disinformation and extremist remarks not only undermine social order, but also seriously threaten the friendly relations between the two peoples.

Didn't expect that, right? Inciting Chinese and Japanese speech will be banned by multiple platforms! The extreme should be rectified!

Views of all parties

In the face of this wave of operations, netizens had mixed reactions. Proponents believe that online platforms should take on more social responsibilities and actively purify the online environment to prevent the spread of bad information. Mr. Li, a netizen, said: "These platforms have finally acted, and it is long overdue to allow some irresponsible people to spread hatred and rumors at will." ”

However, there are also quite a few people who are skeptical. Opponents argue that the platform's actions may have a certain element of selective enforcement, and some legitimate remarks may also be injured by mistake. Ms. Zhang, a user, questioned: "Is it because of the recent international tensions, so you suddenly took action?" Why don't you usually see such a positive one? ”

Didn't expect that, right? Inciting Chinese and Japanese speech will be banned by multiple platforms! The extreme should be rectified!

The impact of investment attraction

Extreme rhetoric not only has a negative impact on society and international relations, but also has a serious impact on attracting investment. In recent years, China's economy has made great strides in the process of globalization and attracted a large amount of foreign investment. However, ultra-nationalist rhetoric and antagonistic messages on the Internet can influence potential foreign investors to misunderstand and worry about China's business environment, thus influencing their investment decisions.

Foreign-funded enterprises are particularly concerned about social stability and the rule of law, and they want to conduct business in a harmonious and rational social environment. Extreme remarks, on the other hand, will cause social anger and are not conducive to creating a good investment atmosphere, thus affecting the sustained and healthy development of China's economy.

Didn't expect that, right? Inciting Chinese and Japanese speech will be banned by multiple platforms! The extreme should be rectified!

Laws and Regulations

According to the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China and the Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China, internet platforms have the obligation and responsibility to clean up and dispose of harmful information. The Cybersecurity Law clearly stipulates that network operators shall strengthen the management of information published by their users, and if they discover information that is prohibited by laws or administrative regulations from being published or transmitted, they shall immediately stop the transmission of such information, take measures to address it such as erasure, prevent the spread of information, keep relevant records, and report to the relevant competent departments.

According to the Public Security Administration Punishment Law, no one may use the Internet to publish, disseminate, or incite ethnic hatred or ethnic discrimination. Violators will be punished by law, and in serious cases, they will be held criminally responsible.

The voices of ordinary people

From the perspective of ordinary people, the series of actions of the platform is undoubtedly a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it can effectively curb the spread of harmful information and maintain social stability and a healthy online environment. On the other hand, it inevitably brings about a contradiction between "freedom of speech" and "information regulation".

Some netizens said they were concerned that normal speech would be restricted despite supporting the platform's actions. Especially in the Internet age, the speed and breadth of information dissemination are far greater than before, and how to effectively manage harmful information while protecting freedom of speech has become an urgent problem to be solved.

Netizen Uncle Li sighed: "Today's young people will scold people online and engage in confrontation when they disagree, which is not beneficial to the society, and it is right for the platform to strengthen management." But we also have to have a degree, we can't even tell the truth, right? ”

Didn't expect that, right? Inciting Chinese and Japanese speech will be banned by multiple platforms! The extreme should be rectified!

What do you think of this wave of operations on the Internet platform?