
It's pathetic! The dog was seriously injured and rescued, and the hospital insisted on paying the fee first and then saving the dog, netizens: People are the same

author:Xiao Xinxi said something


A dog's life is as big as the sky? What I said made my heart beat the drum when I heard it! Recently, there was an incident in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, which caused a lot of uproar. A poor stray dog was rescued by a well-wisher and sent to a pet hospital, but who knew that the doctor said "pay the money first, then see a doctor". It's a good thing now, a little life just slipped away in the dispute. Does this sound like a panic? We ordinary people know that there is a rule of "save people first, pay later", how did it come to the dog, but it became the word "money"?

It's pathetic! The dog was seriously injured and rescued, and the hospital insisted on paying the fee first and then saving the dog, netizens: People are the same

We have to start from the beginning. That night, when it was dark, a good Samaritan and the dog owner rushed into the pet hospital with a bloody dog in their arms. The dog was pitiful, and he knew that the injury was not light. But who knows, the doctor didn't say a word, and first spread his hands: "Pay the money!" "This can make the dog owner anxious, you say that in the middle of the night, who has so much cash on him at any time?

It's pathetic! The dog was seriously injured and rescued, and the hospital insisted on paying the fee first and then saving the dog, netizens: People are the same

The owner of the dog begged the doctor to save the dog first, but the doctor was like a wooden man, just unmoved. Do you think this doctor is too unkind? Seeing that a little life is about to be gone, it is still there to stick to the rules. This can't help but remind people of the old saying: "Saving a life is better than building a seventh-level floating slaughter." "Isn't it worth saving a dog's life?

It's pathetic! The dog was seriously injured and rescued, and the hospital insisted on paying the fee first and then saving the dog, netizens: People are the same

It took more than an hour, and the dog just lay there, watching his life pass by little by little. In the end, the dog still didn't survive and died at the entrance of the hospital. As soon as the news spread, everyone was angry. Some people say that this hospital is too cold-blooded, and some people say that it is disrespectful to life. But some people say that hospitals also have their own difficulties, after all, no one wants to work in vain.

It's pathetic! The dog was seriously injured and rescued, and the hospital insisted on paying the fee first and then saving the dog, netizens: People are the same

This matter is making a lot of noise, isn't it just "one stone stirs up a thousand waves". Everyone, you and I are talking about it, and the argument is hilarious. Someone said: "This doctor is so bad that he refuses to save a dog, what kind of doctor should he be?" Some people also said: "Don't just scold the doctor, what if you save the dog and the owner doesn't give money?" As soon as these words came out, there was another controversy.

It's pathetic! The dog was seriously injured and rescued, and the hospital insisted on paying the fee first and then saving the dog, netizens: People are the same

Speaking of which, this matter is really not well judged. As the old saying goes: "The public says that the public is reasonable, and the mother-in-law says that the mother-in-law is reasonable." "We have to think from both sides' perspectives. For dog owners, seeing their dog dying, their hearts must be as anxious as ants on a hot pot. But for doctors, they also have their own rules to follow, after all, "no rules, no rules".

It's pathetic! The dog was seriously injured and rescued, and the hospital insisted on paying the fee first and then saving the dog, netizens: People are the same

But then again, isn't this doctor's approach too rigid? As the saying goes, "help the emergency does not help the poor", seeing that a life is about to be lost, can't you be accommodating? Besides, when this doctor first studied medicine, wasn't it also to save lives and help the wounded? Why, in the end, do you think money is more important than life?

It's pathetic! The dog was seriously injured and rescued, and the hospital insisted on paying the fee first and then saving the dog, netizens: People are the same

This reminds me of an incident a few years ago. I had a neighbor's child who suddenly had a high fever in the middle of the night, and when he was sent to the hospital, he was almost a fool. But the hospital didn't say a word, and let me pay first. Where do you think this is reasonable? Later, the doctor couldn't stand it anymore, so he first gave the child a fever-reducing injection. In this comparison, which one is more valuable, human life or dog life?

It's pathetic! The dog was seriously injured and rescued, and the hospital insisted on paying the fee first and then saving the dog, netizens: People are the same

Speaking of this, I can't help but think of the old king in our village. He has an old dog at home, and it has been more than ten years. Once the old dog was sick, the old king didn't say a word, and rushed to the county seat with the dog on his back. It was raining heavily that day, and the old king walked dozens of miles in a daze, just to see a doctor for the dog. You said that this dog, in the heart of the old king, isn't that family?

It's pathetic! The dog was seriously injured and rescued, and the hospital insisted on paying the fee first and then saving the dog, netizens: People are the same

Let's talk about this pet hospital. Most of these hospitals are now privately run. They also have to earn money to support their families, and they also have their own difficulties. But can't we find a balance between rules and human nature? As the old saying goes, "Rules are dead, people are alive." "You can't just watch a life die for the sake of a rule, right?

It's pathetic! The dog was seriously injured and rescued, and the hospital insisted on paying the fee first and then saving the dog, netizens: People are the same

In fact, in the final analysis, this matter is still a problem of our society. Now people's hearts are impetuous, and everything is a good word. Even when it comes to saving lives, you have to think about money first, isn't this putting the cart before the horse? We often say "a gesture of effort", but in fact, saving a life, for doctors, isn't it also a gesture?

It's pathetic! The dog was seriously injured and rescued, and the hospital insisted on paying the fee first and then saving the dog, netizens: People are the same

If you want me to say, this hospital should also reflect on it. What are you running a hospital for? Isn't it just to save lives? It's better now, money is more important than life. Isn't this "putting the cart before the horse"? Think about it, what would you do if it was your loved ones lying there?

It's pathetic! The dog was seriously injured and rescued, and the hospital insisted on paying the fee first and then saving the dog, netizens: People are the same

Then again, this incident is also a wake-up call for us. We usually need to prepare some emergency money for ourselves and our families in case of emergency. As the saying goes, "be prepared", and in case of an emergency, you won't be in a hurry.

It's pathetic! The dog was seriously injured and rescued, and the hospital insisted on paying the fee first and then saving the dog, netizens: People are the same

Also, this also brings me to a bigger question. Nowadays, the relationship between humans and animals is becoming more and more complex. Some people treat pets as family, but some people turn a blind eye. This is reminiscent of the old saying: "The degree of civilization of a country depends on how it treats animals." "Shouldn't we also think about how we can live in harmony with animals?

It's pathetic! The dog was seriously injured and rescued, and the hospital insisted on paying the fee first and then saving the dog, netizens: People are the same

In the final analysis, it is up to the government to intervene in this matter. The legislation of the legislation, the norm of the norm. You can't rely on moral kidnapping for everything, you have to have a clear standard. As the old saying goes, "No rules, no rules." "Only by making these things clear can we avoid such regretful things from happening again in the future.

It's pathetic! The dog was seriously injured and rescued, and the hospital insisted on paying the fee first and then saving the dog, netizens: People are the same

Finally, I want to say that whether it is human life or dog life, it is life. We should cherish every life, whether it is a human or an animal. As the old saying goes, "Heaven and earth have great beauty without words." "Life itself is beautiful, so why should we measure it by money?

It's pathetic! The dog was seriously injured and rescued, and the hospital insisted on paying the fee first and then saving the dog, netizens: People are the same

I hope that through this incident, more people will realize the preciousness of life. I also hope that those hospitals can have more humane considerations and don't take the rules too seriously. After all, it is the duty of a doctor to save lives and help the wounded!

It's pathetic! The dog was seriously injured and rescued, and the hospital insisted on paying the fee first and then saving the dog, netizens: People are the same

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