
It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

author:Xiao Xinxi said something


Oh, my God! Have you heard? Recently, a little girl named Jiang Ping made big news! This girl is really confusing. Let's say she's a genius, she scored 93 points in Alibaba's math competition, ranking 12th in the world! can be said to be stupid, she only scored 83 points in the school's monthly exam, and she didn't even touch the passing line. What's going on? Could it be that Sister Lin fell from the sky, both smart and confused?

It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

It's a head-scratching thing. Although we ordinary people don't understand those advanced mathematics, we also know that 93 points and 83 points are not the same concept. Such a big gap is strange no matter how you look at it. What kind of person is this Jiang Ping? Is it really capable or is it playing some tricks? We'll have to think about it.

It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

This happened in Lianshui County, Jiangsu, just a few days ago on March 20. Jiang Ping is a student at a local technical secondary school, and she usually doesn't look special. But such an ordinary girl made a splash in the global mathematics competition held by Alibaba, got a high score, and compared those foreign devils. As soon as this news came out, it made the big guys happy. Our Chinese IQ is high, and even a secondary school student can show his skills in the international arena, isn't this a long face?

It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

But the good times didn't last long. Within a few days, Jiang Ping's results in the school's monthly exam were exposed. Only 83 points? Isn't this a slap in the face? The big guys were dumbfounded. Isn't it a joke that such a "mathematical genius" can't even pass a passing grade? Some people say that she did it on purpose, some say that she played it on an improvised basis, and some people suspect that she cheats. This discussion is boiling and making people panic.

It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

What's even more puzzling is that when Jiang Ping participated in the preliminaries, she still used a borrowed computer. This makes it even more suspicious. You say you're a genius and don't even have a decent computer? Isn't this the place where there are three hundred taels of silver? Some people wondered, is there something in this computer that helped her get good results?

It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

This matter is so troublesome that even the county education bureau can't sit still. They hurriedly came out to clarify, saying that Jiang Ping's monthly exam score was indeed 83 points, not fake. This is a good thing, and more people are not happy. You said that it is true that you scored 93 points, and it is true that you scored 83 points, so which is the real level? Isn't this fooling people?

It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

I've heard that some experts have also expressed their views on this matter. Some educationalists say that this reflects the problems in our education system, which cannot only look at test scores. Some psychologists said that it may be that Jiang Ping couldn't bear the pressure and played abnormally during school exams. There are also legal experts who say that if there is really cheating, it is legally responsible.

It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

The online reviews are even more varied. Someone said: "This Jiang Ping must be a genius, but he doesn't bother to do those simple topics." Someone else said, "Isn't this a liar?" Relying on a borrowed computer to cheat, what kind of genius is there. Someone else said: "Don't be harsh on the child, who can stand such a big pressure." "There are all kinds of opinions, and there is a lot of arguing.

It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

Speaking of this, I remembered that a few years ago, there was also a "prodigy" in our village. The child is said to be able to memorize Tang poems at the age of three, and can count as high math at the age of five. But when I went to school, I couldn't even figure out addition and subtraction. Later, I learned that it was his father and mother who forcibly instilled the child in order to become famous. In such a comparison, is Jiang Ping's matter a bit similar?

It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

I think that no matter whether Jiang Ping is really capable or what tricks she played, this matter is worth thinking about. Today's children, the pressure is too much. Parents always want their children to get ahead, schools only focus on test scores, and society is full of all kinds of temptations. In this case, children will inevitably go astray.

It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

Thinking about it from Jiang Ping's point of view, she may also be aggrieved. Maybe she's really smart, but she's just not used to the school set. Or she does have special talents, but she doesn't show them on regular exams. We can't just beat her to death and say she's a liar. After all, he is a child, and he is in a critical period of growth, and he needs our understanding and guidance.

It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

If I were Jiang Ping's teacher, I would talk to her. Find out what she thinks and see what she's struggling with. If she really has special talents, then she should be taught according to her aptitude so that her talents can be fully developed. If she is just confused for a while, then be patient and enlighten and help her find the right direction.

It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

As parents, we must learn to be tolerant and understanding. You can't blindly pursue scores and ignore the all-round development of your child. Each child is different and has their own characteristics and strengths. What we need to do is to help them discover their strengths, not force them to live according to our expectations.

It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

At the end of the day, education doesn't happen overnight. It's like planting crops in the field, and it takes hard work day in and day out. Sometimes, you think it's a small grass, but one day it will grow into a towering tree. Therefore, we need to be patient and give children time and space to grow.

It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

This incident also served as a wake-up call to the school. It's not enough to just look at the test results, you have to evaluate the students holistically. May Jiang Ping is really talented in some aspects, but it is ignored by the existing evaluation system. Schools should establish a more comprehensive evaluation mechanism so that each student's strengths can be discovered and cultivated.

It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

For society, we also need to reflect. Now this society is too impetuous. There is a "prodigy" and "genius" at every turn, which is a great pressure for children. We should create a relaxed environment where children can develop freely and find their own path in life.

It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

Back to Jiang Ping. Whether she is true or false in the end, this is a wake-up call for us. Is something wrong with our education? Are our expectations for our children too high? Are we ignoring the uniqueness of each child? These questions are worthy of our careful consideration.

It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

The ancients said: "Ten years of trees, a hundred years of people." "Education is a long-term project that requires a lot of patience and wisdom. We can't make assumptions about children just because of a momentary achievement, and we can't deny them all because of a single mistake. Every child is a seed, and as long as we nurture it with our hearts, they will eventually bloom into beautiful flowers.

It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

Finally, what I want to say is that no matter what the final truth of Jiang Ping's matter is, we should look at it with a peaceful mind. After all, she is still a child and is on the path of growth. We should give her the time and space to prove herself, rather than rushing to conclusions. At the same time, we need to rethink our education system to see if some changes need to be made.

It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

As the saying goes, "Rome is not built in a day". Reform and progress in education will not happen overnight. However, as long as we work together, I believe that one day, our education will become more perfect, and every child will be able to find their own development path.

It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

Let's cheer for Jiang Ping and all the children! I hope that they can all grow up healthily under the sun and become useful people in society. After all, they are our future and the hope of our country. We should give them the utmost support and encouragement to be brave enough to pursue their dreams.

It's so weird! Lianshui County officially responded to the latest news of secondary school students in the mathematics exam, and the score of 83 in the monthly exam is true

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